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Old friends from school/college?


Oct 23, 2017
Red Lily
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
I'm curious. Are you still friends with people you were friends with in school and/or college?

Ever since graduating, I've felt disconnected from everyone. All of my friends either regressed (failed college and refuse to get a job, instead live in their parents' basements) or excelled in their life (became doctors, judges...), but either way, I feel like there's no common ground between any of us anymore. All of our conversations have degraded into awkward exchanges of pleasantries that just kind of... peter out.
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Not really. I had this old friend that I got to know in 6th grade that I kept contact with until recent years, for some reasons she turned into the worst ***** ever and ranted at me whenever we talked for no reason and just kept going on about random **** and indirectly admitted I was "bad" just because I don't know everything about being trans etc. Like I never told her(back then him I should say to avoid confusion) anything that could offend her or were rude etc. but yeah she basically went *****mode after she started evrything with this so yeah...
well i'm still in highschool so the only school i've left was my primary school (4-12years)
i still have their numbers and i talk to a few occasionally but other than that no.
Only two people, and I'm so lucky to have them. :blush: Everyone else got spread out all over the country when school finished. Also, many of those were only my "class buddies", so I don't really think about it.
Well from primary a few are my bestest friends but everyone else were total *****es lol
Only two people for the most part, but one of them I only ever talk to through text or Snapchat, so I’m not sure how much of a friendship that is.

There’s a third that the second one and I hang out with sometimes, but he’s not the best at maintaining friendships so it’s kind of a come and go thing haha.

There are people that I thought I’d stay friends with longer, so it was pretty sad when we stopped hanging out. :( But over senior year a bunch of us started drifting away from each other, so it wasn’t a huge surprise.
And yeah I had one girl from high school who had borderline more or less and she couldn't control herself for most parts and started stalking like everyone from my class after that as well so had to cut the ties and ignore her, for better or worse you couldn't try talk or support her for life.
I'm not out of school yet, but i had a good group of friends when I was about 8 or 9, but most of them ending up moving to different schools. One of them actually goes to my school this year (about 5 years later), but he doesn't recognize me ;-; Lol I saw him in the hall once, and I waved at him, but he looked at me like this o.0? One of the people from that group that I've known since I was 5, however, I'm still friends with, although we don't see each other much :]
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Not really. I had this old friend that I got to know in 6th grade that I kept contact with until recent years, for some reasons she turned into the worst ***** ever and ranted at me whenever we talked for no reason and just kept going on about random **** and indirectly admitted I was "bad" just because I don't know everything about being trans etc. Like I never told her(back then him I should say to avoid confusion) anything that could offend her or were rude etc. but yeah she basically went *****mode after she started evrything with this so yeah...

Oh man, I feel like we know the exact same person, haha. She was offended because I didn’t use the right pronouns - even though I knew her all my life (as a dude) and she honestly never even once told me to address her otherwise. She just overnight decided to be female, expected me to read her mind and then flipped her ***** when I didn’t. It was bizarre.
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Oh man, I feel like we know the exact same person, haha. She was offended because I didn’t use the right pronouns - even though I knew her all my life (as a dude) and she honestly never even once told me to address her otherwise. She just overnight decided to be female, expected me to read her mind and then flipped her ***** when I didn’t. It was bizarre.

Nah, my case she actually told me about it before and it was fine, I actually asked what pronoun she wanted without being rude and she went like "OMG IMA GIRL NOW OBV I WANT SHE".. uh chill you could have wanted they, it or just any other out there. Also it's like she wanted like really special shrink treatment for me just because we've been friend for years.

1. Treat me with respect and I will do the same to you. Don't expect me to know everything, nor start ranting because I don't or misinterpret stuff related or unrelated to that
2. Yeah we can't read minds nor do we interpret everything the same so yeah chill peeps and stop demanding special treatment on your high horse.

I mean, not to offend her or anyone but she was actually perfectly fine to be around as a dude but yeah whenever she started transitioning something weird happened for sure, yeah.
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I'm still in highschool but I'm not exactly friends with someone from my old school; we still say hi to each other sometimes though because we've known each other since we were 4 :)
I've sort of kept 1 or 2 friends from each stage and lost touch with the rest for similar reasons. I'd say I have 4 close friends. 2 are from high school, 1 from undergrad and 1 from med school. Basically the friends I kept are people who also pursued education into their mid-twenties so I relate to them the most.
i've stayed friends with most of my friends from 9th grade but i've kind of fallen out of touch with two of them. we're a group of friends and they don't really reply in our group chat or meet up with us very often. we've barely talked to one girl since we started in gymnasium (kind of like swedish high school except you're like 16 when you start and it's 3 years instead of 4), she sent us an image of a guy in one of her classes who brought a giant watermelon and knife to school to eat during a lesson but that's about it. :/
Nope, I don't talk to anyone I used to go to school with. Most of them weren't good people and the ones that were just didn't have all that much in common with me. I'm fine having my boyfriend and 5 pets xD
I wouldn't have a clue where most of them are, but I've remained friends with one that I've known since I was twelve.
Haven't heard from him in about 5 years, but we often have a few years in between contact.