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NaNoWriMo 2017


Resident Night Mare
Jun 11, 2013
Deilf Isle
Baby Chick Easter Egg
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Strawberry Doll
Shadow Kitty Plush
Rosewater Potion
Blue Rosewater Potion
Rose Crystal
Lily of the Valley
Pavé Pink Feather
October 1st means a lot of things to different people, but to those who Answer the Call of NaNo, it means one month left to get ready!

This will be my 12th year competing (started in '05, but I skipped a year, so yeah). Some have been decent stories, others were symbolically 'buried at midnight at a crossroads, the ground salted'. There was that year I wrote about plot bunnies running an agency to provide story ideas to authors, but they got into a fight with Santa's elves and sent in an elite team of Ninja Bunnies to get a device before the Easter Bunny did (he wanted to take over the world). It devolved into a cheesy romance between one of the bunny editors and a ninja bunny. I've left instructions for my best friend to burn it, upon my death, so it never falls into the wrong hands.

Anyway, this year, I'm returning to the world I've worked on for the last few years. Trying to narrow down which character/region to focus on - either dwarves or some new characters looking into the connection between their world and ours - still waiting for my Muses to chime in.

Anyone else going to be participating?

ETA: NaNo profile link - https://nanowrimo.org/participants/squirrelly
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Yes! I had planned to make this thread myself after the board reset but you beat me to it!

This is my twelfth year participating as well! And it's my first year as a municipal liaison. :blush:

I have no clue yet as to what I'm writing this year. 10/11 of my novels have focused on LGBT characters, so that trend will probably continue. In the run-up to NaNo I've been working on a romance tentatively titled The Elusive Mr Gardner to try and get back into the swing of things. I may end up rebelling this year and just continuing on with that as it's a fun piece to work on.

Linking my profile in case anyone wants to buddy up!
I really want to participate again, but I need to go through my ideas and figure out what I could evolve into a full novel, maybe if I get inspired by one of my old ideas... Time to take a 3 hour long shower! (best thinking place ever, like the bathroom in general, I hope that's not weird to anyone...)
I always want to participate in this, but there’s literally no time when you are a full time student and work 2 jobs.
I'd give it a shot, always had an interest in the idea of writing but lack the patience to make a good-flowing story with meaningful themes etc. Still, I think it would be pretty fulfilling to finish something for this.
Tina - That's awesome about being an ML! I was looking at some of your past novels, and they sound amazing. If you ever publish any of them, let me know, because I'd definitely be interested in reading them.

oath2order & Sheila - Yes, it can be a lot of work, but it depends on how you look at it. I love reading and also telling stories, but it's hard to carve out the time throughout the year. This gives me a month to just pour the ideas onto the page and let them go where they want. I usually write 2,000 words a day, which takes 60-90 minutes, more or less.

Kaydee - Yes! You should do it again! And no, story plotting in the shower is not weird, at all. :D

Soigne - They have CampNaNo in the spring and summer, which might fit into your schedule better. I didn't start participating until I was out of school, but I can definitely see how it would be tough. Some of the members of my writing group are in college, and they really have to plan everything out.

Farobi - My stories usually start out that way; definitely what they call a 'pantser' (as opposed to a planner), but you'd be surprised how things can grow when you just start writing. Characters can take control of things and you sometimes (or a lot of the time) go off on tangents that end up being great sub-plots.

I finally heard from my Muses and decided on my story for this year. I'm going to write about my dwarves, and also introduce dragons to the world. I have a fun idea on how that will happen, but it's still a little nebulous, so we'll see.
I really think I should continue and finish my zombie story, but it's lost in my dead computer... I need to finish it because I plan on doing a sequel to it as well, or well, not so much a sequel as a simultaneous story from another character? Idk what you'd call that. But in total I'm going to do three stories all together. First one(the one I've started) is a point of view from a young adult girl trying to find survivors. Second story is going to be point of view of her boyfriend, trying to find her. Third will be her father, and him trying to find the cure. Each will go a little past where the last book left off and the father's story will bring all three together and conclude everything.
oh gosh, i remember NaNoWriMo! there was an option to write a story in my English class for extra credit a few years ago and we used NaNo. i attempted a story, but never finished it and i totally forgot what it was about.

i wrote a lot as a kid, writing my own stories and turning them into paper books. i dont do that anymore though unfortunately. i just dont have the time or motivation to make a good novel, plus i also lack creativity now-'n-days.
I got my idea! Revisiting the dwarves, and I'm focusing on a minor character from an earlier story, so I've gone back and refreshed my memory about his details. I'm also introducing dragons to the world, which should be fun.

And, in keeping with that, I picked out some dragon figurines and put them in my wishlist on Amazon, for a reward for crossing the finish line.
i'd love to participate one day, but i'm still in hs and also i've been struggling with original ideas these days, along with motivation to write in general. i love writing so i think i'd be a good thing for me to try sometime, i just don't know when. maybe the young writers program, if i decide to next year.
I've always wanted to do NaNoWriMo but it's intimidating, I always wind up giving up before November even starts lmao
I've always wanted to do NaNoWriMo but it's intimidating, I always wind up giving up before November even starts lmao

Same here! I don't know how exactly to start my novel. And to add the fact that I have lots of other college load to work on, I don't know if I can make it. I need some inspiration!
Same here! I don't know how exactly to start my novel. And to add the fact that I have lots of other college load to work on, I don't know if I can make it. I need some inspiration!

You don't have to write chronologically. I wrote out my begining and ending to one of my stories before I even got into the middle bits.
So I just tried doing a writing prompt and I exhausted myself for 30 minutes for just a little less than 700 words. Man, if we were to do this every day for one month at a rate of more than double that value I'd be burnt out real quick. I was already burnt out 500 words through my own writing prompt lol.
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it'll be my fifth year actively attempting and my third year as an ML. I'm writing a sequel to a story I finished back in january and am doing novel writing workshops for my area twice a week @_@

Oct-Nov are a little busy for me lol sobs.

Also yeah farobi you can get burnt out right quick but it's part of it, you just have to work through that and keep the words going even if they're rather trash. One of the wrimos in my area wrote nonsense songs and poetry as part of his project two years back and ended up editing them into an album later to go with the memoir he wrote that year too. Part of it is just the repetition of writing and allowing yourself to do it. If you write every day it becomes easier to write in general.
I've been meaning to join for years but always got caught up in something or another.

I guess maybe this'll be the year I try to get it done? Maybe if I actually schedule it out on my calendar, I won't have much of an excuse to ignore it this year.
NaNoWriMo is one of those events that if you really want to participate you will find the time to do it. I tend to give up an hour or so of sleep each night in November and most of my other hobbies tend to go on hold.

There are only a few days left to go! I'm so torn on what to write. I had started planning a YA novel but now I've other ideas invading.
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