Most popular/most despised villagerson the forums?

Love: Sydney, such a cute loveable Koala.
Hate: Julian, why does everyone love him so much? He's just weird looking unicorn who lives with his eyes shut all the time!
I love Vladimir.
I don't really hate any of them, but I would rather not have Klaus move into any of my towns again. He seems to like me, and I'm not too fond of him.
Love: Curt
Hate: Skye
Curt was my best friend since WW.
The day I started my town, I knew where I wanted to build the cafe. The day before I got the request, Skye moved there. She didn't move out for months.
Love: Lolly, Bluebear, Rosie,Flurry... and all my dreamies xD
Dislike: Hate is a pretty strong word, haha... I don't like a LOT of villagers- Beardo ,Gorillas, Chickens... xD Too many to name ^^