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Least Favorite Movie Trope/Cliches?


🔥The Spicy Prince🔥
Oct 14, 2020
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Movies all have repetive moments or ideas that appear im movies, all kinds.

But their repetive moments that are played way too much, or just make the movie too predictable for words,

Such as seeing the hottest male characters glancing at the shy girl who looks away, or tells him not to. Well they will probably end up being together. Happens alot in anime, in my opinion.

Finale girl in horror movies. Usually the main character, shes got a final dramatic chase with the killers, and escapes.

Make over: When the main character goes under a transformation, usually female. To make them selves more appealing for the movies standards. A girl who wasnt attractive enough, even though she was quite cute and didnt need to change themselves for the sake of others. Sad thing is, its usually a girl with glasses, whi looses them to make herself more appeaping for the movie's standards.

Gay best friend. A random character who says their gay and leaves. Or you see them again and their so over the top and remind you again their gay. Also has no purpose to the movie, and are just there.. You see this one alot in newer movies.

Black character, gay character, annoyed/stand offish girl, annoying guy in a hprror movie group always die. Usually a big group of friends contain this lot. But remember to only get attached to the pretty blonde. She'll live. Her boyfriend will probably sacrifice himself too. But typical group, kinda got a predictable line of death. Im a hprror movie junkie of seen alot of them.
All friends of the main character who lives. Some how. Happens alot in slashers (thus the name). Kinda gotta branch out, and try out new trains of thought.

Im also really tired of how many block buster gay movies end in tradgidy, and the couple never get together or die. If you type in *happy gay movies* in google, you'll get very few. Some not even avalible to stream. I like Call Me By Your Name, but like Brock Back Mountain, Boy Erased. The ending the couple never gets together.

Which cliches get on your nerves in movies? Some dont nessesarly make the movie bad, but there are still those reused points. Which do you not like, or get bored of seeing?
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This is a cliché with fiction in general, but I really hate the "all people who wear glasses are ugly and weird" trope. It's insulting to people who actually wear them and it's bland character writing. The trope is even worse when there's a "makeover" where the glasses are removed and other characters start to find them more attractive.
I don’t really like any cliches. I’m not a movie person myself. The endings are sometimes to predictable. I like unpredictability.
Second-Act Breakup, where the two supposedly unbreakable best friends get into a petty argument, split up, then inevitably reunite to defeat the bad guy. It happens a lot in animated movies, and it never gets any less annoying.

Also, when someone (usually the main character) dies but comes back to life. Again, animated movies love this one because “kids can’t handle death unless it’s a minor character or a villain”.
I hate the "defeat means friendship" trope in manga/anime. Its when an antagonist is pretty much the scum of the earth, but after they get beaten by the protagonist they become allies, and even in the worst cases, friends.
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one thing I absolutely despiseee is miscommunication!!! i don’t know if that’s strictly a trope but I cannot stand it when the entire dilemma of a film could’ve been solved if the two characters just talked to each other instead of hearing things second hand and making assumptions.
admittedly I am a sucker for a lot of movie tropes, esp romcoms, so this is the main one that comes to mind
A main character with nothing but likeable and idealized physical traits and personality traits who has like one flaw and it's overcome by the end of the movie. I want to watch stories about super problematic lifestyle choices not a boring Mary Sue sculpture with perfect teeth.
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Oh, and when it comes to TV, I will automatically disregard any show with a laugh track/studio audience. With MadTV as an exception because it was actually funny.
Pretty much any trope is annoying, but there are a few that I consider worse than the others.

- Characters coming back after death. I really hate this one because it nullifies all the gut-wrenching emotions I may have felt and sets a precedent for this to happen in the future so I no longer feel emotionally invested. I know that if a character dies, they're more than likely going to come back. Comic books and superhero stories are famous for this, but cartoons and anime do it too.

- Good guys don't kill. I prefer anti-heroes more often than not because it really frustrates me when a villain kills dozens or even hundreds of people and all the hero does is send them off to jail where they'll just escape and kill again. I know they do this to create that intense rivalry and reuse popular villains, plus we must set a good example for the children, but I just want to scream. You're sparing the villain's life and condemning countless innocent people to death. Honestly, I really just prefer complex heroes and villains that aren't all good or all bad.

- When the entire story revolves around an issue that could have been solved in one sentence. If two characters had just talked to each other, there wouldn't have been a problem and then there wouldn't have been a need for a pointless story.
- Romance that doesn't need to be there.
- The strip club scene where the main characters go to get drunk and high and party.
- Enemies to lovers.
- Oh no, I somehow ended up groping this beautiful girl! How embarrassing!!
- Tsunderes
- The shy/nerdy girl who has a crush on this hot guy who is 'out of her league' and usually has a rude super model type girlfriend. The guy dumps his girlfriend and they end up together, just cut the crap and get it over with. Nobody is shocked by that outcome.
- Middle school level sexual humour.
- Weak, whiny, and dweeby male MC randomly gets good and is OP.
- Harems.
Love triangles -___- (mostly they are not even triangles, because an actual love triangle would require at least one lgbtq+ person). I’m so so SO tired of them.

As well as stupid miscommunication that carries on an entire SEASON even though the couple has been clearly interested in one another since episode one. And then it takes them literally forever just to talk to one another/hold HANDS ffs.
Oh, this made me realize I hate the "dweeb girl who will never get the guy" trope. Like Corrie said usually the guy has a super popular/hot gf but the nerdy girl has one or two best friends who keep cheering her on and she embarrassed herself Infront of the cool guy she has a crush on

It's really unrealistic and insanely overplayed in children's/tween media lol and I even hated it when I was younger
I really dislike the whole "change yourself if you want this amazingly hot popular dude." It's not healthy for young people to get that message. It teaches kids that they aren't good enough when that's not true.
the “it was all just a dream” trope makes me irrationally angry no matter what media it’s in (not just movies). there was this fanfic series i was really into when i was a kid, and at the time it was one of my favourite stories i’ve ever read. i invested over a year of my life into it, patiently waiting for updates and loving every new chapter. i loved the characters, the storylines, all of it... only for it to end with the main character waking up from a coma. the events of all 3 stories had never happened. the characters i had grown to love and root for were just part of the main character’s coma-induced dream; they were never real. i was so pissed LOL. the author uploaded a 4th story that ig was supposed to be the main character’s actual life after waking up, but i never read it. was too peeved. 🤣

i know above sounds like a stupid reason to dislike a trope 💀, but i honestly just don’t like it regardless. it’s always felt like a cop out imo? like, the creator doesn’t know how to conclude a story or tie the next story into the current, so they just... essentially erase it. idk, i’m just not a fan.

also, i’m sorry if anyone here likes this trope or has created something with it, last thing i wanna do is offend anyone i just... i can’t stand it lol.
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I usually love reading and writing, but here are a few things I can’t stand.
  • “It was all a dream”-all it does is make me mad and if its used I will not associate with the story ever again.
  • Character dies and then comes back at the end with no good reason or explanation
  • Wears glasses/nerdy/doesn’t like latest trends = bad and you need to change- this gives off a horrible message! Please stop!
  • Enemies to lovers- this can work but only if it’s done right. There has to be some sort of SOMETHING between the characters from the start.
  • Romance where it either isn’t believable or isn’t needed
  • For TV shows and franchises: new material is created that contradicts what was previously established (not a trope per say but I still don’t like it) (cough, cough, Cursed Child)
  • Also, on that note, creating a sequel for no reason other than wanting more money.
  • Villain with very bad/evil morals joins the good side just because, without any sort of character arc, and we’re supposed to accept it because of a throwaway line about a bad childhood.
  • Giving a character a mental illness with little knowledge about said illness or making the illness the only part of the character’s personality
  • Killing off a character in a way that doesn’t fit their character at all (ex: Voldemort’s dramatic Thanos-snap-esque death in Deathly Hallows Part 2 movie)
I'll try not to list what others already said, but here are a few that I hate:
  • The sidekick that adds literally nothing to a story except comedic relief (usually toilet jokes or repetitive stuff) and/or That One Time that saves the characters from a initially inescapable situation near the end.
  • Usually children that stand and stare at danger coming RIGHT TOWARDS THEM and need someone to pull them off last second.
  • Fake death on main characters suck, but what about casual death on villans? Like ones that are banished or die in a dramatic scene only for characters to not care or celebrate
  • Plots that start with or all based with the main character trying to impress some boy/girl and end up with them at the end.
  • The adult scene that adds nothing other than making the audience uncomfortable.
I have a few that really get to me.
-A whole season of romantic confusion, on and off, then becoming the otp at the end of the season, UNTIL season 2 when they grow apart and break up on good terms. WHAT WAS THE POINT LOL.
-When a woman's big/small boobs are brought up often as a gag or are her entire personality. Its annoying and happens commonly in anime
-When the dog dies. Unless the movie was about a dog, why you gotta add this sad part to it fr😭
-The little sister in anime. Please just stop with this one.
-When the dog dies. Unless the movie was about a dog, why you gotta add this sad part to it fr😭
Wholeheartedly agree with this, especially with how overused it is in horror/thriller movies. Don't add an animal just to have them be the first victim. It always makes me mad.