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How tall are you? Does your height bother you?


Try to accomplish at least one thing a day.
May 26, 2020
Pink Summer Shell
I was pacing around my little inlaw apartment, and started thinking that this place was definitely made for those close to five feet in height. Like, I'm 5'4" and the fridge is shorter than me, the counters are at hip level, and I only have to get on my tippy toes to reach the top shelf in the cabinets. It is a pretty good setup. This got me thinking: how comfortable are you when it comes to you and your living surroundings? In other words, does your height make your life more difficult? Do you have to bend down to get into doorways? Do you have to climb onto the counter to reach for something in a cabinet? Does your height bring other problems?
I’m 6’4” or 1.9304 meters tall. The only thing that is difficult sometimes is fitting into some cars. Otherwise I don’t have too many issues. Doesn’t matter to me whether I would grow up to be tall or short to be honest. Every height has its advantages and disadvantages.
I’m 6’4” or 1.9304 meters tall. The only thing that is difficult sometimes is fitting into some cars. Otherwise I don’t have too many issues. Doesn’t matter to me whether I would grow up to be tall or short to be honest. Every height has its advantages and disadvantages.
Wow, 6'4". That's a pretty good height you've got there. I think you'd might actually touch the top of my doorframe if you stood on your tippy toes under it. Oh, yeah, sitting in cars like a 1998 camaro would probably be super uncomfortable with your long legs. What advantages do you think you have? One I can think of is that you can reach the top shelves in stores easily. Is it only cars that seem inconveniencing?
I’m about 5’8”, but I still get called short sometimes! The only disadvantage is that I’m taller than my parents, so that makes it a little awkward to hug them sometimes.
Wow, 6'4". That's a pretty good height you've got there. I think you'd might actually touch the top of my doorframe if you stood on your tippy toes under it. Oh, yeah, sitting in cars like a 1998 camaro would probably be super uncomfortable with your long legs. What advantages do you think you have? One I can think of is that you can reach the top shelves in stores easily. Is it only cars that seem inconveniencing?

Reaching things that are high up is an advantage and I help others with that too. I don’t see myself having to bend down a lot to get to places since wherever I go I can usually walk through just fine. It’s pretty much just cars, lol
I'm 5'6'', which isn't terribly tall, although it is above average for women I think

But growing up I was the tallest kid I knew, definitely the tallest in my class, and I was super insecure about it. I had those awkward teen proportions with long arms and legs and was super skinny. I was so shy so it killed me how I always stood out among my friends who were all a lot shorter than me.

Eventually when I got to high school I realized that I had stopped growing as everyone started getting taller than me, so I slowly started feeling more ''normal''. I'm still taller than a lot of my friends but now I kinda like it
I'm 5 feet and I wish I was taller. I hate how my all the jeans/pants I buy are all scrunched on my ankles it looks so ugly I refuse to buy tennis shoes that my shoe collection are just boots boots boots to cover it but then again I love boots since they make me taller. Also my height makes it look like I'm in middle/high school with my baby face.
I'm like 6'6". My height is fine, it doesn't bother me, but it's an absolute nightmare trying to find clothes that fit and look nice :(
I'm 5'1" and I've gotten used to being short over the years but there are definitely things I struggle with. I keep a stepladder handy in the kitchen for reaching things on the higher shelves. When we go grocery shopping, I have to get my husband to get things off the top shelves. Buying pants that fit is a nightmare because I'm short but have large hips so everything is either too long or too skinny. And yes, I wear boots all the time because they help with the long pants issue. I've also had my aunt hem my work pants for me because she can sew, but she can't do anything about my jeans.

Finding a car that I can sit in and see over the steering wheel is also a concern. It's the first thing I check for when I'm car shopping because I don't want to have to sit on a pillow like I did in high school. My current car is a perfect fit for me, but my husband complains every time he rides in it that it was made for an oompa loompa. He's 6'0".
haven't found any problems with it other than not being able to reach things on high shelves or w/e but wish i was taller so my weight distribution looked better :~)
I'm 4'9 ;_; I don't mind being short but people like to use me as someone to lean on and It hurts. XDDD Also climbing up to get stuff is a pain in the booty. X3
I'm 4'9 ;_; I don't mind being short but people like to use me as someone to lean on and It hurts. XDDD Also climbing up to get stuff is a pain in the booty. X3
I'm taller standing but I've had people use me as a leaning rest when I'm in a wheelchair and I'm always like ;3; friend.. please.. am no chair.
I’m 4 11’, and I used to be extremely uncomfortable with it. It can be a little annoying not being able to reach the top shelf, buying pants etc. I think the world was definitely made for taller people. I would say I am ok with my height now.
I'm 5 feet and I wish I was taller. I hate how my all the jeans/pants I buy are all scrunched on my ankles it looks so ugly
^ This. I'm 5 foot and my main problem is when I buy jeans as well. I ordered jeans that came in yesterday and they fit great- but when i look at my ankle its all scrunched around that area. I hate it soooo much and I hate rolling up my jeans because it never looks right with the outfit.

Other than that, I'm pretty satisfied with my height. I used to be pretty insecure about it back in middle school, but now I've just come to terms with the fact that I'm not growing anymore looool.
165 cm or 5'5" and it's fine for me since most of my friends have the same height as me. Not too tall, not too short
I'm 5'6" and I'm pretty happy with my height, but a lot of clothes I own are too short for me?? I see some people shorter than me having the problem with clothes being too long, so I guess girl's clothes are expecting you to be like 5'4" exactly, or smth lol