How old were you when you started drawing?


✨ girlboss era ✨
Aug 31, 2024
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
White Hyacinth
Red Rose
Night Sky Scenery
Tasty Cake
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
It's okay if you don't remember the exact age you were when you first started, btw.

I started getting into art at a relatively young age I was about 4 years old, according to my mother. One of my favorite things to draw were comics, and iirc I was about 8 or 9 when I started making them. Young me dreamt about becoming a cartoonist someday, and I would constantly make new comic series.

As I got older, my interest in drawing started to kinda die down a bit. I began comparing myself to other artists I saw on social media and irl and thinking they were "better" than me. I would even feel like I was a terrible artist whenever I posted a drawing that got little to no likes or comments. Now that I'm in my early twenties, I want to get back into drawing again like I used to, but considering the fact that I work 4 days a week, getting back into drawing again is probably gonna be difficult for me.
I started drawing when I was around like 5 or 6 I think? Most of my old drawings are probably either thrown away or put in some storage closet so I don't really remember, but I was drawing since I was very young. I remember I would always draw on my schoolwork when I was done with it, usually something simple but my teachers were very supportive about my art and I do still appreciate it a ton.

When I was around 7 or 8 I began reading the Captain Underpants books a lot, my favorite parts of those books were the sections where you got to see the comics the main two characters would make, it lead me to wanting to make my own comics and stories. I made a ton of random stories as a kid, I even had a couple of series. I would always share them around with my classes and would constantly be writing dumb stuff and sharing it around with my class.

When I was like 11 and going into middle school I kinda stopped making art and comics entirely, the only time I ever did anything art related was for school and that was kind of it. I'm not sure what made me temporarily quit but I'm guessing with how crappy I felt during that time and me being insecure about a lot of things it just led me to quit entirely.

About a year ago I think my mom bought me a sketchbook and while I didn't touch it for a little while I decided to draw a couple of things one day because I was extremely bored and didn't have anything to do, I eventually just began drawing a lot more again, mostly for fun though, I don't have any interest in doing art for a career as an adult.
oh goodness, it's probably whatever age I was able to pick up a pencil and write things with it haha. and I've been drawing pretty consistently for my entire life, it's definitely one of my most favourite things to do 🥰
Maybe 4 or 5? I think I drew a picture of my mom before then, though. I don't draw as much as I write, but I still enjoy it from time to time.

What I REALLY liked to do as a toddler was ask my mom or dad to draw something for me on my coloring page. I remember saying "Draw Barney's feet!"...small things like that lol.
I've been drawing my entire life, I've always loved drawing. I think I switched to digital at around 13..? I have a sketchbook I used to use, though, but it's very filled up now
As soon as I could hold a crayon/marker probably. But when it came to actually trying/putting in effort to really draw, I was maybe around 6 or 7.. I loved drawing Pokémon, Powerpuff Girls, Neopets.. I remember trying to draw a Neopets Fire Faerie and getting really pissed off that I couldn't do it lmao
As young as I cold hold a pen. I seemed to like drawing with pens a lot as a kid. When I was around 3 I first drew recognizable characters: Squidward and Tweety. Otherwise, I drew a ton of birds, which were blobs with arms, legs, eyes, and mouths. Had some crazy characters called Tockatellery and Bunna Bunna Beat.
I honestly don't remember. I drew a lot of things at a young age that I definitely don't have anymore. I don't even know what the first drawing was. I vaguely remember drawing Pikachu while looking at a giant Pikachu I owned. (I don't have him anymore, my mom threw him away because he had a giant hole.)
I actually didn't know anything about Pokemon at the time. That was a random gift from someone.
I technically started when I was a toddler maybe? My parents liked to frame my doodles. I have one framed in my room that's just a generic house (the square body & triange roof).

Tho I realized I had a passion when I was maybe 9? at that point i started drawing my first OCs which I mostly kept to myself.
I started drawing when I was around the age of four, I drew nothing but Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street. Things changed a lot since I grew up and improved my art.
I've been drawing since early elementary but I haven't drawn near as much into my adult life.

I'm not the BEST drawer but I'm definitely not the worst lol
I did crayon/marker doodles like most small children, but I think when I really started getting interested in art, I was about seven! I started getting big into "how to draw" books and stuff around that time; I remember making some short comics out of the tutorials in some sort of How to Draw Dragons book ahahaha
I started falling in and out of drawing in my later teens/early twenties, especially when I started dealing with burnout and realizing I had depression. I honestly kinda feel like I owe it to TBT events for getting me back into art!!
I remember when I was in grade 1, I would draw in class and all my classmates would ask me to draw something for them hahaha. I still have drawings from 2008 and upwards that I’ve kept ^^ I also remember my friends and I doodling together in class and I’ve kept some of those as memories too. My main inspiration back then were Naruto and Pokemon because I loved those shows so much (and they were the only anime playing on TV at that time lol)

I’m super lazy with art now and only draw once every few months when I feel inspired.
Probably around 3 or 4 as well, I was drawing my favorite TV mascots. Maybe earlier, but I remember clearly a drawing I made of my favorite characters that ended up on my bedroom wall because I loved them so much.
I probably started drawing when I was a toddler I'd guess. Too young for me to remember. I don't think my drawing skills have improved very much since then though to be honest 😂

I guess like everyone else when we were really young. I used to do all kinds of art, but fell out and started maybe 3-2 years ago. Mostly because for a stretch of time around then I was dealing with some difficult things and I guess it was hard to get into the mood/passion when everything was falling apart.
I started drawing at maybe age 4 or 5? Then I pretty much stopped drawing completely at age 11. I quit taking art classes at that time.

I've started doing some drawing again in adulthood, now it's primarily for TBT events. I would still consider myself very much a beginner but it's enjoyable.