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How I feel about TBT right now

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I understood your paragraph just fine ^.^, and understood what you were saying. I honestly can't understand why some people don't understand what you mean. I definitely get what you mean by "group" of people. I guess TBT can feel sometimes kind of like high school, specially the IRC chat if you've ever been in there.
I just don't worry about it. That's just the internet and people in it. People are a lot more likely to say something over the internet than to someone's face, that's just fact. I just enjoy the community for what it is and try my best not to take anything to heart. I appreciate the nice people and ignore the bad ones.
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I can't even count all of the times some people on here have taken my blunt honesty as an attack or trolling. If you really can't handle an opinion or someone pointing out a flaw in your reasoning/opinion so you resort to playing the victim or calling the person a troll, you clearly aren't mature enough to be using the internet.

Great, an example!
Oh and I'm back! How wonderful, it seems some people who like beating in the same thing I've heard a million times have invaded. You can't just tell someone to get over it, that never works. I take stuff like that as an insult, as I have had school counselors who told me to "get over it" in the past. Later found out to be diagnosed with Chronic Depression, and ever since then I took it as an insult. I know for sure that I am not the only one that is annoyed by that sound "advice". It is considered one of the worst things to tell a depressed person, frankly it's heartless. Not even taking the time to see what you can do to cheer them up, I mean I am always alone during my bouts and it's horrible. How about you stop being so rudely blunt, and think about others for a change?
I get what you're saying. Every community whether it's online or offline will have some rude people, but you shouldn't let any of them get you down. If you feel like people are being rude to you that doesn't necessarily mean you've done anything wrong, it's just how some people are. And bluntness doesn't always have to be rude, some people are just really up front with their opinions. Those people likely aren't trying to hurt your feelings so I hope you don't take it too personally. Kinda like RiceBunny said, it's best to ignore the people that make you feel bad and just focus on the nicer ones, if you think that'd help.
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Just saying, no matter where you go there is no such thing as an "ideal world" where all people are "nice". It's also what makes life interesting people who are different in personality, regardless of whether they are "nice" or "unfriendly".
The way you respond to them makes me think that you're just acting immature. Mr. L has a legitimate point yet you did exactly what he said and play the victim. You act sarcastic and, going by your logic, insult people just because their opinion differs from yours. Just because you think it's an insult, doesn't mean it is. If you interrupt all these comments you get from around the site as insults, it's not their fault, it's yours.

If I tell you, "Sparkling flowers mean that the flowers have been watered for the day. You should have just looked this up, it's honestly not that hard to just google these things.", that may seem blunt to you, but it's just honesty and advice, because it's much quicker to just look up the question than to make a thread and wait for a response, plus it saves space. It seems more of an insult to me to call me a rude "bully" person than it is as insult to you. (I'm not saying you do this, but it's just an example of what you might find as a so called attack and insult.)

I know you're probably just going to say the same thing to me, but if you could, simply try to open up your views and see that not everyone is trying to insult you and that maybe, just maybe, you might have misinterpreted it.

Note that I'm not trying to insult you when I say this, it's just some advice.
How about you grow up and accept the world isn't always going to be nice to you?

Alright, what is your issue huh. I mean you are really getting on my nerves, first of all you act like I have no right to do anything on this forums. Remember the OST, you pointed every fact about why I should not do it to make me stop. Now you come here and continue to harass me. YOU are one of the problem, I don't see why you chose to be so critical towards me. I come on here to make friends, not enemies. So how about you grow up eh, and stop harassing me.
We get it, you have chronic depression. But you won't get better if you expect the world to change for you. That's just not how it works. It'd be lovely and amazing if everyone was nice and got along. That's not even close to reality, though. The truth is some people are rude and mean, and some people are not going to like you. That's just life. It's not the people that have to change and become someone you can tolerate or even be friends with. It's you who has to change and accept this. It's hard, and as you have an illness will take treatment. But if you want to cope in the real world you need to recognize and understand that you will encounter people and situations that will hurt you. It's how you deal with these situations that count.
We get it, you have chronic depression. But you won't get better if you expect the world to change for you. That's just not how it works. It'd be lovely and amazing if everyone was nice and got along. That's not even close to reality, though. The truth is some people are rude and mean, and some people are not going to like you. That's just life. It's not the people that have to change and become someone you can tolerate or even be friends with. It's you who has to change and accept this. It's hard, and as you have an illness will take treatment. But if you want to cope in the real world you need to recognize and understand that you will encounter people and situations that will hurt you. It's how you deal with these situations that count.

I'm going to be honest, I can only take so much. Someone has already broke me, I am done. You guys don't need me or my opinions on the forums. I am either just ignored or flamed, and I thought I would not be going through it on here as well. You all do realise I KNOW GOOD AND WELL that the world is a hard place, heck everyday it's a trial to not snap on someone. When I snap, I snap hard. I come home from a day of hatred to see people telling me to "Get over it" and to "Grow up". If you knew me then you would know that I am a VERY grown up person, all I am trying to do here is fight for my opinion. All I did was make a mistake, and now I will be known as that guy who did so. I used to be able to come on here and freely express my ideas, and get support when needed. I have no idea why or when the rudeness became so prominent within these last few months, but now I think it's time I just use the site for its actual purpose. An Animal Crossing: New Leaf trading hub.
I'm going to be honest, I can only take so much. Someone has already broke me, I am done. You guys don't need me or my opinions on the forums. I am either just ignored or flamed, and I thought I would not be going through it on here as well. You all do realise I KNOW GOOD AND WELL that the world is a hard place, heck everyday it's a trial to not snap on someone. When I snap, I snap hard. I come home from a day of hatred to see people telling me to "Get over it" and to "Grow up". If you knew me then you would know that I am a VERY grown up person, all I am trying to do here is fight for my opinion. All I did was make a mistake, and now I will be known as that guy who did so. I used to be able to come on here and freely express my ideas, and get support when needed. I have no idea why or when the rudeness became so prominent within these last few months, but now I think it's time I just use the site for its actual purpose. An Animal Crossing: New Leaf trading hub.
Look, if you snap that hard that's not our fault. That's your illness. You need to address that, not us. I get that it's frustrating and you expected more support, but it isn't going to help you in the long run if all we do is accommodate. You need to learn how to deal and cope with situations on your own. And it's clear that at this point you can't, which is something you need to address with the professional you are seeing. They can help you come up with coping strategies in the future. If it's still too hard for you just step back and take a break. There's nothing wrong with needing some space and time.
I also find it ironic how you act like a victim yet you you insult communities like ACC, Reddit, and Youtube (I mean yes they can get pretty stupid, but they're not completely). You're doing the exact thing you're having a "break down" about.
You got me, I am a mentally psychotic person. I already see someone about my problems, I snapped on someone a long time ago and almost hurt them. The thing is I don't want to harm anyone, so I hold back. I really just want people to be friendly and acceptant, and I know good and well how horrible this world is. I hate the world, everyone just hates each other. I wish I could say I wasn't that way, but I am just as bad as the next guy. You win Bell Tree, I'll shut up now. Just leave me alone about the help thing. Another thing, don't keep basically repeating what the person said before you. I get it alright, I don't need a whole crowd to yell it at me.
The Bell Tree is still going to be a friendly place no matter what. I may be a noob right now (since I'm not a member for at least a month), but I am a very harmless person. I won't get into a fight with anyone on this site. I'm sorry about the family problems and personal life problems you had. Please enjoy your time on this site. The Bell Tree hasn't turned into a bad place.
You got me, I am a mentally psychotic person. I already see someone about my problems, I snapped on someone a long time ago and almost hurt them. The thing is I don't want to harm anyone, so I hold back. I really just want people to be friendly and acceptant, and I know good and well how horrible this world is. I hate the world, everyone just hates each other. I wish I could say I wasn't that way, but I am just as bad as the next guy. You win Bell Tree, I'll shut up now. Just leave me alone about the help thing. Another thing, don't keep basically repeating what the person said before you. I get it alright, I don't need a whole crowd to yell it at me.
So, a lot of what you have been saying is making me a little concerned you might be schizophrenic. The disorganized, rapid thinking, the psychotic breaks, the aggression. It fits. Of course, schizophrenia is rare and it could very well be something else. It even fits borderline personality disorder. Disorders overlap a lot. I'm also not a professional so I don't know that well.

I just thought I should let you know you should address these issues and get a good, accurate diagnoses. Because it sounds like a lot more than chronic depression.
You got me, I am a mentally psychotic person. I already see someone about my problems, I snapped on someone a long time ago and almost hurt them. The thing is I don't want to harm anyone, so I hold back. I really just want people to be friendly and acceptant, and I know good and well how horrible this world is. I hate the world, everyone just hates each other. I wish I could say I wasn't that way, but I am just as bad as the next guy. You win Bell Tree, I'll shut up now. Just leave me alone about the help thing. Another thing, don't keep basically repeating what the person said before you. I get it alright, I don't need a whole crowd to yell it at me.

Just ignore the numpty's. I'll make sure I troll the heck out of them.

Also snapping and wanting to hurt someone isn't abnormal, I've gotten/almost gotten into fights when I was younger because I was ticked off at someone for being a dong.
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