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How do you feel about the hourly music in this version?

Though I wish they’d bring back the cat hour from GCN lmao, it’s the best hour music in the whole series. Some of the day hours in NH do blend together too much though.

Hitting me in the nostalgia feels, man. Many an hour on summer break from school was spent playing the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing way too late. I loved that cat music. Hahaha.
I'm really liking the soundtrack. I'm not a fan of how much the rely on the main theme's motif so much though, it makes a lot of tracks blend together.
Yeah I'm not a fan of the New Horizons soundtrack at all really. It all feels way too loud and bombastic to me. I would have much preferred something more akin to the more mellow/peaceful tracks of Wild World. The rain music was also really disappointing to me when I first heard it, as I was hoping for the cute twinkly sounding renditions like in New Leaf.

I'm so frustrated there are no sound settings to lower/mute the music, while still being able to hear the rest of the fantastic sound design. I find myself playing with the game's audio very low most of the time because I find the music quite grating.

Though, if I could have anything, I'd love to have the option to choose between all of the previous hourly soundtracks and swap out the music as you liked. Like how Dragon Quest 11 allows you to use the Dragon Quest 8 overworld music.

Same, I have to play the game with low volume due to the grating music, I was pretty upset once I unlocked hourly music and it started grating my ears, can't stand it.
I feel like they kinda used the synthesizer too much and it doesn’t fit some parts of the day.
This! The synth sounds (If that's what they are? I'm not too familiar with music production) are by far my least favourite recurring sounds in the tracks. I wouldn't mind the hourly music too much if it were mostly based on the acoustic guitar and other instruments.
I don't care what anyone says, 3am is my new national anthem.

EDIT: Okay, so I feel I'm in the minority but I really like these hourly themes. It took me a while to get used to them but I think they're pretty good, and I really enjoy synth instruments. Reminds me of the Gamecube soundtrack in a way. My only complaint is, like others have said here, a lot of the songs are pretty "Samey". AC has always remixed pieces of their title song into tracks but I feel it's used way too much here, so the songs blend together in this weird mesh.
I don't really like the background, but like said before: it becomes white noise after a while. I catch myself humming all the songs already, but it isn't that spectacular. I loved NL since it was a strange, non-musical, vibe. WW and CF (same soundtrack obviously) was also nice. What I miss the most is the accordion. Yes, in one of the hours there is accordion but most of the time I only hear the synth. I think the marimba and accordion are more the AC-vibe than this. But well.... Maybe they hired a new composer for this game?
To me, it's okay, but New Leaf had one of my favorite hourly soundtracks ever.
I still listen to it whenever I read or paint.

I probably haven't heard all the tracks yet as I don't TT so will probably look it all up on YouTube eventually.
This! The synth sounds (If that's what they are? I'm not too familiar with music production) are by far my least favourite recurring sounds in the tracks. I wouldn't mind the hourly music too much if it were mostly based on the acoustic guitar and other instruments.

Yeah, I feel like guitar or a ukulele would have been more fitting for the island theme. Also with the current hourly music, I don’t think it would fit with all the other seasons as well imo. They all kinda feel really summer-ish for me.
I'm kind of disappointed. I loved New Leaf's soundtrack and how it was very relaxing and beautiful and It was one of the reasons why Animal Crossing became one of my favorite games. I am not a huge fan of the upbeat NH music (although I love Jazz in general) as I think it does not fit the Animal Crossing theme very well. I can see why they might of chosen more upbeat music as NH is based on an island and people usually associate islands with sunny and upbeat/happy, I was still oping for more downbeat music like NL. I feel like all the NH music is way to upbeat, especially at night and in the early morning, and it all sounds to similar to each other. I was really hoping for some more relaxing music. I mean they did not even include the steel drum which is the most tropical upbeat instrument there is. Overall, I am disappointed with the NH music and I am hoping like someone else said the hourly music changes with the seasons.
i find it similarly forgettable, but also find it exceptionally loud??? i can hardly hear the music from players around the island and it's competes like a fog horn with the sound of waterfalls, etc. it makes it hard to actually enjoy the atmosphere of the game sometimes.
anyone found a way to make it quieter? lol
I actually quite like the music. It's somehow more fun to listen to while going about my daily tasks. Some of it might not have the whole "laid back" New Leaf vibe, but I find it pleasant so far.
the hourly music isn't as great at the new leaf music is but i really love the 5pm one. so i always have to play around that time to listen. need to really check on the 12AM-8AM music though
I have mixed feelings about it. Like all games, there's some I love and some I hate, but for this particular soundtrack it's just pretty average. The instrumentation I'm not a fan of, and synth in some songs hurt my ears. 2PM in particular gives me a headache after 5 minutes, so I just don't play at that time. If the instruments were classic like accordion, electric piano and piano in most songs I think I would like it a lot more. Even the flute and horns in the event music would've been nice.

That being said I never liked the GC night music, so at least some of them (12am, 2am) in NH are relaxing.

I actually stop playing at hours with music I don't like. I obviously know I can turn the music off and play with no sound but I don't like doing that and would rather just not play. But I've done this in all games (except WW/CF where the entire soundtrack is either OK to amazing).

I'd love an option to switch soundtracks. If they even let you pick songs for each hour I would love that so much, but it probably won't happen, as it doesn't seem popular. There's not even an option to turn it off, and there never has been, so an update bringing other soundtracks in seems unlikely which makes me kind of sad.

I've seen complaints from people with disabilities who can't listen to the soundtrack because it hurts their ears really badly (on Reddit, Facebook...). I feel like in a situation like that Nintendo should really add options and not force us to listen to music we don't like if we want the nice sound effects of the game.
I don't necessarily dislike the BGM. It'll take some getting used to, I felt the exact same way about New Leaf. (I grew up on Wild World BGM which holds the position of the best hourly BGM) One thing I noticed is that they bought back beats into the game, New Leaf was more relaxing without any bass or jazzy beats to it, when they re-added that into New Horizons, I was like thank God. However, I do have the problem of most of the hourly music blending in together, sometimes I don't realize that hours have changed until I look at the clock.
I’m not blown away by it, but frankly NL’s didn’t blow me away, either. Between the two I’d have to say I enjoy NH’s better.
i’m not in love with it or anything but i do think it’s nice! it definitely could be worse lmao
Honestly it’s not bad , but it’s not good either.
I would rank it like this , from best to worst:
New Leaf
Wild World/City Folk
New Horizons
Animal Crossing GCN
I like it! I was disappointed with NL's more downbeat soundtrack; there were only two that I really liked and although a lot of the midday ones sounded nice, they just didn't feel happy enough for the hour, so I like how they went with some more upbeat tracks this time. I especially love 8AM, 12PM, and 5PM for NH! As with every game, there are some I don't like (3PM is especially a disappointment since I loved that hour for WW and NL, and I don't like 11AM either), but I'd say for the most part it's pretty good!