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how do u eat cinnamon rolls?

I just bite into it, that's messy enough for me. If it wasn't really wasteful, I'd love to grab it in greaseproof paper instead of with my bare hands as well. I can't imagine unrolling the whole thing...
I don't unroll it and then eat it but I do unroll it as I'm eating it. Idk it's one of those OCD quirks I have (kinda like how sometimes when I eat a banana I have to completely unpeel it and then eat it sideways).
I used to unroll them back in the days sometimes for fun but now I just eat them whole unless they unroll by themselves... lol this turned weird
At home I'll just bite into it, anywhere else I'll cut it up with a knife and fork.
This is the first instance I've known about people unrolling them, never saw that before haha.
Well I think firstly it depends on how big the cinnamon roll is. If it's a tiny one, it's a lot easier to eat with just one hand and in a few bites. Otherwise if it's really big, when should probably cut it in half.
If they're one of the tube ones that you can buy at the store and then bake yourself, I go around the outside with a fork or I just tear off pieces and eat it. If you are talking about a bigger one at maybe a mall or something, I try and unroll a bit, cut it off with a fork, and just repeat that until I get to the middle circle section. Then I just eat it! Every so often I bake the small store-bought ones and try and eat them whole, but it never really works out how I want and I just get icing all over my face 😔

If its absolutely flooded with icing, I use a fork and tear off pieces. If its a more cinnamonny roll that I can hold, I unroll it in bits and rip off/bite off the unrolled bits!!!
I love cinnamon rolls, so much I did a search for them and came across this thread, lmao. I don’t mind unrolling them or eating them regularly, but having icing on them is a must! I always use a fork, though. Otherwise, they’re really messy and I dislike the feeling of stickiness on my hands.
I bite them from the outside in a circle until I reach the middle bite. That being said, I rarely eat cinnamon rolls anyway (like once every decade). They’re good, but I also feel guilty for eating them.
Well, I love eating it rolled!!!! But, recently i've been unrolling and eating the parts with cinnamon the bottom I think so I can get an EXTRA cinnamon taste!!!! But, my mom "told me to stop that cause its weird!!!!" We're not royalty so I can do it!!!! But, I still listened cause it was really weird....☀️🐯☀️ And cinnamon rolls I really love. Its one of my favorite desserts/snacks/breakfast items!!!!