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How damaged is your 3DS?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2017
New Horizons Token
Mine is on the verge of breaking. I had it since the release of the 3ds mind you, but the thumb stick is missing the rubber pad (From super smash bros) The styless is broken in half (It was due to it being a third party one, which wasn't good quality) Lost the original one ages ago. Recently there's a crack on the hinge, so now I can't have it slanted open anymore.

What about you guys?
Mine fell on its edge and half of the plastic on the shoulder button is gone. It also has a few scratches; the worst is on the touch display which was created by my own fingernail. But everything's very minor and I had it since 2013. I've been very careful since I broke my old DS into two pieces like 9 years ago. DX
My 3DS hinge wobbles and there's a few scratches on the "cover." I got it from an old friend, so. lol
My pink 3ds has a reeeeally bad crack in the right hinge, and there were times when I went to open it and almost broke the hinge because I had to hold it a certain way when I opened it.

I eventually bought a new 3ds for about $100, the only damage it has is a few scratches.
I got a new 3ds not even a year ago, so it's in perfect condition. ^^ my old 3ds (it was an xl) once fell apart entirely (the top and bottom half got seperated) so I had to duct tape it together and send it to get fixed. it went through a lot... lol.
my screens are a little scratched up, even though i have screen protectors on them, so maybe its just that?
i have a transparent armor on my 3ds to protect it from fall damage. i dropped it a few times before, nothing serious happened, just some paint got nicked off one of the corners. it isnt noticeable unless you look closely.

other than that, my 3ds is in good condition! c:
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I got the N3DS as soon as it came out and I am really, really careful with it. It's pretty much in really good shape, but the stylus slot doesn't hold my stylus as well as it did when I started using it. The stylus will fall out of the stylus slot if I shake it really hard. I haven't even used my finger on the touch pad because I'm afraid that it will get smudges. Every day after I use it, I always wipe both screens with a screen wipe so get all the dust and stuff off of it. I'm only this careful with everything because I didn't take as much care of my 2DS when I had it. The stylus couldn't stay in the the slot because it would slip out if you even tilted the 2DS, and the home button was slanted for some reason. The tiny crevices that were right next to either touch screen were filled with dirt and since the crevices was so small, I couldn't get it out. Some of my buttons would also make unusually loud clicking noises every time I press them and it make me feel like my buttons were being pressed too hard and they were breaking. I got my N3DS on a sale brand new for only $100, which was cheaper than my 2DS when I bought it. Now, I barely touch my N3DS because I'm afraid I will press a button wrong or do SOMETHING and it'll just break. This might be a little extreme, but I also wash my hands before using my N3DS because I don't want ANY grease or dirt on it.

Just in case you don't know, N3DS means the New 3DS, not the regular 3DS.
My 3ds with ACNL built in is literally hanging on by a thread that it's awkward to keep the two screens together.
My other 3ds I got not long after is in perfect condition apart from a few scratches.
Just to show you guys what happened a few days ago :/

I just opened it up as normal, but it felt really odd next thing I knew this happened.

2017-10-06 23.43.21.jpg

2017-10-06 23.43.10.jpg
Mine is still in really good condition but I have to use a mechanical pencil as a stylus because my dog ate my stylus last week lmao. I walked out of the room for like 5 minutes and came back to scattered pieces of plastic all over my couch OTL
my 3ds just has a small crack on the shoulder from dropping it outside but it doesn't affect anything. no other problems with it though and it doesn't look too bad so i'm fine with it!
Both of mine are in perfect condition since I'm an anxious neat freak who worries about small scratches lmao. I've had my european 3DS since 2011 so I'm pretty proud that it's still looking good c:
Being a 4 year old 3DS, you wouldn't expect it to be in perfect condition.
BUT, The only damage I have is that both left and right buttons are broken, the area around the volume slider isa a bit scratched, the top of the 3ds has a little crack but nothing too harmful, and my analog pad is gone (I've gotten used to it)
I'm really surprised I've taken care of this thing even though I've cracked phones in almost a half a year at max.
Everything mechanically is fine on mine, there was a period last summer when the B button just stopped working and then miraculously went back to normal after a few months, but other than that, which fixed itself, there's only some scratches and paint scrapes at the bottom corners from when it fell out of my sweatpants pocket earlier this spring. Still works great after around 6-ish long years
I've had my aqua blue 3ds since 2011 and it's holding up surprisingly well! I suppose it's a little bit grubby but it still works perfectly so I can't complain.
My 3ds has lots of small scratching, dust stuck in the top screen (somehow?), and circle pad rubber has been ripped off.

I was gonna say something else but I forgot....ah well I'll just come back when I remember lol
I have a original red 3ds and the only damage is my analogue pad is falling off.. and I hyper-played smash over 500 hours yet... Besides actual damage.. it's really really scratched and beat-up-looking...
I got mine from someone else, he didn't use it much because the charging port was not working well. I used it until it didn't charge anymore and then replaced the changing port. Now it's like new :blush:
I bought a pack of stylus because I always lose them...