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Hospital Experiences


Saving for a username change KEK
Dec 22, 2016
What is a time where you had to go the hospital? Had to go into the emergency room? Had to go into the ICU?... or do you perhaps work at a hospital?

I'm not necessarily scared of hospitals. I had to go for my routine shots, I guess. Twice for something different; getting my tonsils taken out and overdosing.
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I had major surgery at age 9 that kept me hospitalized for two or so weeks. I also took a trip to the ER a couple years ago because it was Christmas Eve and a condition I have flared up at the most inopportune time, so I had to wait a few hours until they could get a specialist in to take care of the issue. I'll spare the gory details.

Other than that, I'm pretty darn healthy and don't really need medical attention too often.
Had an asthma attack when I was five. Nobody in my family even knew I had asthma (we probably should've, my family has a history with it), so I didn't have a puffer to use. Had to be driven to the hospital. I don't remember much about the incident other than the drive there and the nurse/doctor telling me that "This puffer I'm giving you is not a toy".
I've been twice. Once I blacked out at school because I got a flu shot and then ran the mile and I was lightheaded from getting the shot & they took me to the hospital to make sure I was fine, I left about an hour later.

The other time I had surgery on my leg to remove a tumor. I was there for a while.
I fainted in a hospital when visiting and they wouldn't let me leave for over an hour. Understaffed, but at least the health care is free here, I guess.

Anyway, I got fed, and I really don't see what the fuss is about hospital food. A little dry, but you get something like three sachets of salt, so it's all well. Plus... shortbread!
Tonsils removed when I was 8, that was a mess hahah. I hate being put under but I need it especially at the dentist. I consider Dentist and Hospital the same thing they are both nightmares. I've visited the hospital a lot for medication for mental disorders and other things not really relevant. Besides strep throat and anemia I'm a healthy bean.
My mom was taken to the emergency room in the middle of the night because she was having a really crazy fever and just very sick (she is a long term stroke/MS patient so any sickness is really harmful for her) and it wasn't a great experience.. We went to this hospital where my boyfriend's parents worked and their friends were there (nurses). Instead of talking to me while I was with my mom in the room, the nurses went straight to talk to my bf asking how he was, and how long it had been since they had seen him last, while my mom was sick in bed and I was worrying about her. That hospital had the worst nurses ever. Very rude. I also worked in a restaurant close by where the nurses/doctors frequented, and they were the most entitled, rudest people I ever served. So I hate going to that hospital. Very bad experience. In general, hospitals have just been full of bad memories for me :(
Had to go to the ER last autumn and had a couple surgeries years before that. Aside from that I get sick often in general orz my immune system is not so good.
When I was 13, I had to get those nasty things that body guard my uvula out. I couldn't talk and I kept typing on my dsi for my mom to get me popsicles and she said "no, you can't eat too much" so I made whiney throat noises and she got me two rocket pops and I vomited allover my hospital bed in front of like 12 other patients.
Almost died when I was born, got hospitalized when I was 2-3 for having holes in my throat, and I got so low on blood sugar the doctors were ready to euthanize me. Almost broke my leg as a five year old, and I think my toe was kind of broken so I had to go in and out of the hospital for a little bit.

My dad also has cancer, so I'm pretty much a regular to the hospital, sometimes I stay over and the food there is pretty bomb.

Overall, I actually enjoy being in hospitals, maybe because I spent so much time there as a little kid.
Well I got drunk one night at a fraternity event and was just you know.... rolling down hills with my big. I rolled down once, and looked down at my hand to see a few inch gash in my hand just pumping out blood. I placed it under water and it was not stopping. I didn't feel much pain because of alcohol, which is also a blood thinner, great. Had to go to the hospital to get a few stitches in my hand. They said I got the bleeding under control by the time I got there via the drunk bus. Mom and Dad were simultaneously entertained by my dumb story, but not happy i had to go to the hospital on their insurance for it.

were pretty sure I hit a broken bottle, or a sprinkler head

My career sees me being in a hospital setting, talking to people about genetic testing and conditions.
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Mainly just suicide watch, stitches, overdoses and once I fell off a table and had to get an x-ray when I was like 8. I haven't had to go to hospital for anything for a year now and I'm lucky it's stayed that way.
Needles and eye exams for me mainly, I don't get the big fear of going to the dentist tho (probably because i haven't went in like a year). One time tho it involved needles, and let me tell you, ALOT of puke was used that day.
Mainly just suicide watch, stitches, overdoses and once I fell off a table and had to get an x-ray when I was like 8. I haven't had to go to hospital for anything for a year now and I'm lucky it's stayed that way.

I feel you. Overdoses are confusing.
Well, I have the worst skin in the world. My entire face and shoulders have been covered by acne, and my chest (and not to be tmi, even my breasts) has had horrid blackheads. I get dry skin in some places, and then I've also got such severe sweating on my head and armpits I have to get it checked out tomorrow, actually... I've also gotten cysts. I had one on my chin a few weeks ago that swelled so bad I couldn't talk. But a cyst actually sent me to the hospital the summer before eighth grade. It was right in my armpit. They legit thought it was a cancer lump, I was extremely nervous. Long story short, you can't really numb an armpit, so I was held down by my dad and a nurse and a doctor lanced it (more like full on stabbed it but whatever), and it exploded puss. Had to take antibiotics and squeeze it every couple hours. I was really drugged up the couple days after that. Apparently told me aunt to f off and die as she was trying to squeeze it once lol. That was my one and only trip to the emergency room. I've got a really weird scar on my armpit now lol ,,
Well, I have the worst skin in the world. My entire face and shoulders have been covered by acne, and my chest (and not to be tmi, even my breasts) has had horrid blackheads. I get dry skin in some places, and then I've also got such severe sweating on my head and armpits I have to get it checked out tomorrow, actually... I've also gotten cysts. I had one on my chin a few weeks ago that swelled so bad I couldn't talk. But a cyst actually sent me to the hospital the summer before eighth grade. It was right in my armpit. They legit thought it was a cancer lump, I was extremely nervous. Long story short, you can't really numb an armpit, so I was held down by my dad and a nurse and a doctor lanced it (more like full on stabbed it but whatever), and it exploded puss. Had to take antibiotics and squeeze it every couple hours. I was really drugged up the couple days after that. Apparently told me aunt to f off and die as she was trying to squeeze it once lol. That was my one and only trip to the emergency room. I've got a really weird scar on my armpit now lol ,,

So sorry to hear about this! You don't deserve the "worst skin" in the world. I am teary-eyed... started crying while reading this.
I've only had a hospital stay once when I was 5. I had a horrible stomach bug that was so severe and I was dangerously dehydrated even though I was drinking tons of gatorade and water, and I was pretty much gonna die if I didn't stay in the hospital. I was in there for 2 weeks with tons of tests and medicines. I remember vividly how crappy the whole incident was, except for the kid's playroom on the pediatric floor. That place was amazing. They had so many toys and even a Super Nintendo.

Otherwise I've only been to the er like twice. Once for a gastritis attack (some of the worst pain I've ever had), and last year I had to go for a migraine.
I've only had a hospital stay once when I was 5. I had a horrible stomach bug that was so severe and I was dangerously dehydrated even though I was drinking tons of gatorade and water, and I was pretty much gonna die if I didn't stay in the hospital. I was in there for 2 weeks with tons of tests and medicines. I remember vividly how crappy the whole incident was, except for the kid's playroom on the pediatric floor. That place was amazing. They had so many toys and even a Super Nintendo.

Otherwise I've only been to the er like twice. Once for a gastritis attack (some of the worst pain I've ever had), and last year I had to go for a migraine.

OOh, I feel you on the gastritis. I forgot I had to go to the hospital for that as well. That was the worst thing I've ever experienced.
OOh, I feel you on the gastritis. I forgot I had to go to the hospital for that as well. That was the worst thing I've ever experienced.

Oh yeah. It was very scary. I have a really screwy stomach and constant heartburn anyway, and sometimes random foods trigger it when other times it's fine. That particular instance was brought on by eating snickerdoodle cookies. Snickerdoodle. :( Those delicious circles from heaven brought me some of the worst pain in my life.