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Got my first Streetpass villager :(


The Hash Slinging Slasher
Jul 31, 2013
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Orange (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
I'm a little bit annoyed because Molly just left yesterday and I had won a dreamie giveaway so I was hoping to try to get Phoebe now that I have room.

But there are some positives.

-The villager is Hugh. He's pretty cute.
-He's lazy which means I now have two villagers that can leave anytime: Bruce, and Big Top. I have both their pictures and was only keeping Big Top for the PWPs Lazies request.
He put his house down perfectly aligned with my paths. Not even kidding. It's right next to the path and he didn't take out any tiles. I'm impressed, actually.
-He only took out a bunch of pansies, no hybrids and no trees.

What are the best and worst villagers you guys have received from StreetPass or Wireless?
my friend and i unintentionally traded terrible villagers to each other, she gave me agnes and i gave her bertha. it was funny for both of us, she didn't take out any of my paths and my friend doesn't have any, so it was all good : p
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Never gotten a villager from streetpass, I'm not a gambling man. Whenever I have a vacancy I turn of wireless unless I'm actively using it. I have plans and I'm not letting some random knob moving in ruin them.

I did get both Bella and Shep by accident from visiting my brother's town though. It was before I knew how the whole villager pool thing worked. I liked Shep to begin with but I'm over him now. Hated Bella from day 1.
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Katt and Rooney. And the worst part is that is because I streetpassed MYSELF. Katt is FINALLY out of all my towns (I think) but I need to get Rooney, oh, and Brocollo to move, too. Urg...
Drago and Patty. The former I'm okay because I got 1m bells compensation, the latter I absolutely hated because it meant "Cow Poop".
I had gotten Ed in a giveaway, and he planted his house DIRECTLY in front of my second bridge. Thankfully I had a second one otherwise I would've been screwed, but I had to ignore him and get him out because he was in the way.
I received Renee when I went to go see The Symphony of the Goddesses with a couple friends. I got close to 20 streetpasses so I wasn't too upset, but she crushed a ton of pear trees and took forever to move.
Bill was my second and only other one. I hated him because random villagers would always move in on the path that led to my town hall in my old town, and he did. I hated his eyes, too, he creeped me out. I voided him right away when he asked to move.

No streetpass villagers in my new town yet.
i got a monkey in my old town. i think it was flip? he was pretty rad. :] he placed himself nicely in my town to boot!
i kinda like the streetpass villagers but i haven't gotten any in this town.
I had Mint move in right beside my bridge and on my garden area :c She left really quickly though
Phoebe I don't mind too much, she'll need to go eventually since shes in front of my cafe but I have a soft spot for uchis (except for hazel)
I got Marshal, Pate, and Anicotti through streetpass.
Moe >.< Some people like him, but...JFC he creeps me out. At least I got 400k off him xD;