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Games you wish you could start for the first time

Windwaker. 😭
I put off finishing it because I didn’t want it to be over & cried when I beat the game.
Journey, Final Fantasy X, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and Majora's Mask.

Journey for the experience, Final Fantasy X for the story and how impactful it is on the first playthrough, Amnesia so I can be terrified of not knowing what's happening next again, and Majora's Mask (original version) because it's just so timelessly unique in its atmosphere and discoveries.

Honerable mentions to Skyrim and BotW for the wanderlust.
BotW. I just know the map too well now to enjoy it the way I did during my first playthrough. The little adventures and discoveries were the best part, but it's hard to find the desire to explore like that again when I know where everything is. Yes, even the weapon spawns and yes, even the chests. I even know where most of the koroks are, because of the sheer amount of 100% speedruns I've watched. 😅
World of Warcraft is one I would love to start from scratch with. The game felt huge with so much to discover in a way not many other games have made me feel (I can't even think of something coming close to that first time I was playing). Expansions helped to bring this feeling back a little every couple of years, but even they slowly managed to lose that feeling.

Final Fantasy XIV too. It managed to give me that same feeling WoW did but again, the longer I played it and the more I learned, the smaller the game seemed to become as I found the most efficient way of doing everything.

Ark Survival Evolved too. I play this a lot with my partner who introduced me to the game. Again, it felt so much bigger and limitless when I first started playing compared to now where I know what I'm doing, I know what I need to do and every new map turns out efficiently the same.

I think I'm mostly going to say big open world games where you can [to an extent] go and do pretty much what you want to a degree. Linear games kind of show you what they're about in the first hour and then it's just more of the same for 20 hours, maybe they'll give you a lame turret section or something 12 hours in for 5 minutes. Big games like Ark or WoW tend to show you everything you can do over a longer period of time which just makes it seem like you're always discovering something new as it happens over a longer period of time, as well as leaving you to work stuff out for yourself in where or what you should or shouldn't be doing rather than just straight up preventing you from doing it at all.
every single pokemon game T v T
as much as i love replaying them, there's nothing as exciting as starting a pokemon adventure on a brand new region with new pokemon!
Mario Kart 8 because it got so boring playing on same maps over n over after awhile.....online made it more boring.
I reeeeaallly want to play Population Growing so I can come full circle and have played all the main Animal Crossing games. I don't have a GameCube but I can still play it on my Wii.

Also the original Rune Factory since I've played Frontier, and also Rune Factory 1, 2 and 3 for the DS system since I also have 4. I own Tides of Destiny but have yet to actually play it.
I know I already posted here, but I’m confused. Does OP mean games you want to play and have never played before, or games you have played and want to forget all about so that you can experience them for the first time again? Both? The question of the thread and everything is pretty vague. If OP wants to clarify they can.

To stay on topic, another game I wish I could play for the first time is Pokémon Diamond. I had a ton of fun with that game and to replay it like it’s brand new would be fun.
I know I already posted here, but I’m confused. Does OP mean games you want to play and have never played before, or games you have played and want to forget all about so that you can experience them for the first time again? Both? The question of the thread and everything is pretty vague. If OP wants to clarify they can.

To stay on topic, another game I wish I could play for the first time is Pokémon Diamond. I had a ton of fun with that game and to replay it like it’s brand new would be fun.
I took it as you played it & want to forget and play it for the first time again but that’s a good point. Didn’t even think of it the other way o:

for me, I’d love to be able to play Pokémon gold/silver or HGSS again as it was my first real Pokémon game (was too young to really understand what was happening in RBY) I want to feel that feeling again when I found out there was another whole region after beating the first one o:

also paper Mario TTYD, LoZ wind waker, fantasy life, god of war, and persona 5!
100% Undertale, it's honestly an adventure that stays with you for multiple reasons and playing it for the first time is truly magical because of all the jokes, puzzles, beautiful music and the storyline. It's one of those games that have a very special place in my heart and I will always cry while listening through the soundtracks, so having an option to forget all about it and play it like for the first time would be perfect!!

Besides that, I'd say Fire Emblem Awakening, because I love it so much and I would love to experience all the emotions that come with not knowing the storyline again 💖 💞 ✨
I’m a big Mario fan, I wish I could play sunshine bro’s on the game cube for the first time

If I could? My goodness there would be a bunch of games that I would love to "start again" for the first time personally but in a way, I guess that would take away the nostalgia factor from it? Oddly enough, the feelings that I had felt and experienced for a game as a kid may hold more momentum to it than seeing and playing it as an adult for the first time because of the innocence and wonder my mind had yet to discover that I otherwise wouldn't have been so easy on.

In my opinion, there is something about being a kid where the whimsical and magical are just simply awe inspiring to the mind, no matter what the game is, with terrible story, graphics, or not, as we are just beginning life and we have no clue of the unknown that awaits us as adults nor the knowledge and "common sense" we gain as we get older, hindering us possibly from enjoying a game to it's full potential without judging it for it's lack of "this" or "that. I feel because of the experience we have gained growing up, with more games we have played now to compare it to, I don't know if I would even enjoy most of them to the full extent I have for them now. Acknowledge and appreciate them for being a well told story and a classic for it's era? Sure, but other than that? I feel it may not be the same. I really just loved every second of most games I played as a kid, with mostly all of them having a place in my heart and the ones that were just over "the top amazing" stuck with me even more.

I feel that if I had never had played a game now that I had once as a child, them those same emotions, thoughts and feelings jusg wouldn't
be the same as the ones I had for them as a kid. Even now, I feel that most games I play as an adult (Nintendo ones especially) rarely hold a candle to the ones I had played with as a child, with albeit a few being "amazing" in their own right from my personal perspective. My tastes as an adult have changed, whereas as a kid, I would play any new game without judging it first hand back during the SNES, N64, GameCube and early Playstation days. Perhaps it's just me growing up, but I feel that the emotions and memories I made as a kid witnessing these amazing games will always be unique to me as a child. Others? It may be different! This is just me 😁
I wish I could play Ocarina of Time again for the first time. I had downloaded that and Majora's Mask from the eShop on my Nintendo Wii, trying to expand my gaming. That was my introduction to the Zelda series, super nostalgic 🤧

Also Pokemon Sapphire on a Gameboy Advance console 🥺 my very first Pokemon game, and the only Pokemon game I ever completed a Pokedex on!
Besides that, I'd say Fire Emblem Awakening, because I love it so much and I would love to experience all the emotions that come with not knowing the storyline again 💖 💞 ✨
I second this, it was my first and still my favorite fire emblem game for that reason

but my main one would be Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. I played it without having played FF7 (by choice) and absolutely loved everything about it. I've only replayed it once because its hard to get through it knowing that (SPOILERS) zack dies in the end, and in such a brutal and avoidable way 😭 so I wish I could go back into it knowing nothing and enjoy the story as it happens
i wanna replay persona 5 from start to finish it was so fun but it took me a solid year to play because i kept taking breaks
So many games I wish I could play for the first time ;-;

Tales of Symphonia for sure, one of my favorite RPG games, especially if I can play it with a group for the first time, love the story and gameplay.

Paper Mario and Paper Mario TTYD: These games are just so charming and fun

Rune Factory 4: I adore this game so much that I replay it over and over despite knowing all the optimal strats, wish I didn't

Breath of the Wild: Playing this game for the first time was just such a magical experience. Playing it again just isn't the same because I know what to do now...
There are a few games that I would love to play again for the first time:
Majoras Mask , Final Fantasy X, Ocarina of Time, Kingdom Hearts (the first one only), and Pokemon Red.
Dead Rising, Life is Strange, Telltale Walking Dead, Pokemon SoulSilver and probably plenty more that I can't remember currently!