Do you play the Sims?

I've been playing Sims since the 1st one and the I bought the Sims2 and then Sims3. I still haven't played Sims4 only because my computer is too old to handle the graphics. So right now the 3rd one is my favorite. My favorite thing is when a male sim gets abducted by aliens, I think it's hilarious every single time. I definitely do the cycle of binge play and then stop for good while. I just ended my binge lol.
I used to play the Sims 2 and 3 a lot when I was younger, it's been around 1-2 years since I last started the game up. I built up huge amounts of money and maxed out skills on my favourite family on the Sims 3, but at some point the save got corrupted, and I lost interest after that. The Sims 2 was great, but it frustrated me with the loading times back when all I had was a craptop, I enjoyed the Sims 3 because it cut out all the loading between zones (well apart from visiting other maps, holidays etc). Main reason I won't try The Sims 4 is because I don't care for 5+ minute loading times.
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Best. Game. Ever.

I started with Sims 3, but it wasn't long till Sims 4 and I was addicted. Still play it now #everydlc
I used to play the first Sims so much with my brother and mom. We had so much fun I continued playing it in my laptop. I played Sims 3 (I didn't have 2 and my current laptop can't support the 4th). I can say my favorite is the supernaturals just because I'm into those stuff XD the most funniest thing happened to me in Sims was in the Sims 2 PSP version I didn't know there was a limit to how many items you can place in your house without triggering a fire hazzard. I ended up placing too much then a fire suddenly broke out in my back yard for no apperent reason then burned the whole place down. Yup, that was fun XD
I only played the Sims a couple times when I was younger because of an ex-friend, and I remember, despite him wanting to get progress done, I kept making us get burned by the outside barbecue and turned into ghosts. Then I would go and possess him in every playthrough, xD
bought the sims 4 last night. pray for me I'm descending into the rabbit hole.
Listen. The Sims 4 Pets DLC SAVED MEEEEEEEE!!!! I love cats but I'm currently not allowed to have one, so I get to live vicariously through my sims...
The sims 4 is the first sims game I ever played (I know I'm a fake fan I'm sorry to have betrayed you people of the Internet) but it was really a fun experience. I play it for like a month then forget it exists for a long time then I see it and I think 'hey I remember this!' And then the cycle continues indefinitely.

Sims 3 was cool tho
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I played Sims a very long time ago, but for some reasons, I'm not such a big Sims fan to be
i play it in short bursts. i'll go on a sims binge for a week, then not pick the game up for 6 months. when i do it's just me making me and my boyfriend do dumb stuff with tohru adachi as our disappointment child
yea!! i am usually really bad at letting sims go and always end up with giant families (like 15 kids total and one mom...) and then i dont wanna let them grow up, but now im doing a legacy on short lifespan and trying to not get attached to the sims as much so i can mvoe forward. it's a different way of playing for me but it's easier becasue i don't try to make all the kids achieve everything hhhhh
I use to play The Sims 1 and its expansions way back in the day. I think I still had windows 98 and I was going to middle school. I liked creating some chaos here and there tho lol but The Sims wasn't really my thing
I thought that I would like the Sims a lot, but since purchasing, I have spent barely any time on it. So I guess I appreciate it in theory but not in execution. :)
The Sims has been one of my favorite game series that I still enjoy. The first game that I probably owned for myself was Sims 2 Pets on the Wii, but I played it many times before that with my cousins. Then I got into The Sims 3 with some expansion packs that made so excited to play it on PC. I'm currently playing Sims 4 as of recently, and I cant stop playing it c: It just amazes me how people can come up with so much other things like custom content.
Definitely. Have over 400 hours on my Steam version of Sims 3, I don't like to imagine how many hours I accumulated with my old physical copy. The Sims 3 is definitely my favorite, I just really love the Open World aspect and overlooking everything. I just with the game wouldn't be so badly optimized with Windows 10, I lost my 400 hours worth of progress recently and redoing an entire city just seems pretty discouraging...