Do You Play Animal Crossing Alone?

Do you Play Animal Crossing Alone?

  • I am alone in my village and do not visit other villages

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • I am alone in my village but visit other villages

    Votes: 36 55.4%
  • Other players live in my village, but do not visit other villages

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Other players live in my village and we visit other villages

    Votes: 6 9.2%

  • Total voters
Apr 7, 2024
Sautéed Mushrooms
A big question I've had with how people play Animal Crossing in general is, how social are you in the series? Do you typically play the game alone on your village or do you have other friends and family members taking up residency with you? Do you regularly use the online features (or memory card features on the Gamecube) to visit other player's villages?

I've always found Animal Crossing to be an incredibly social experience, so I love to have other people living in my town and having an effect there. This is one of those types of games where I enjoy using all of the features to the fullest to get the entire experience and Animal Crossing has always rewarded me for doing so!

So yeah, I wanted to posit the question to you all with the poll. Let me know about your experiences and why you play the games the way that you do, because I love to hear people's perspective on the series in order to better understand the games and the people who play them!
I had a character in my mum’s Wild World town when I was little, and we all shared a town as a family on City Folk since it was one per Wii. Then I tried to share a New Leaf town with my mum at 8 years old but that didn’t work out 😂 so we’ve had individual copies of the games since then. I mostly just visit my mum and sister locally, and occasionally do some trading online. I don’t know anyone else who plays irl.

I prefer to have my own town, so I can play whenever I like and customise things as I want to. You have to agree on things when you share a town with someone, and I imagine that’d be a nightmare in New Horizons especially. You could just keep tearing down each other’s builds 😂 Plus I like having people I can visit. I never visited any towns in City Folk because we just had the one and didn’t know anyone else who had one. It makes the game more fun when you each get your own space, plus you can trade items and fruits more easily too. I do think it would be nice to have a collaborative town, but only really as an additional.
I mostly play alone. I've done a little bit of online playing in NL but that's it. I don't know all that many people who play the version(s) I play, sadly. I also own NH and that's more popular but I don't usually have a Swith Online subscription. I just can't justify the cost when NH is the only game I'd really be interested in playing online.

I enjoy playing solo (for example, I love trying to complete the museum myself) but I feel like it would be really fun to share a town with someone, even just as an experiment. It would be neat to be able to visit people, too.
There was a period of time on ACNH that I had all the spots on my island for player characters taken. And then I got mad bc I was still playing by myself all the time and slowly deleted everyone so I had more space XD

I like visiting people though =33
I always played solo and went online to visit other villages/towns/islands. However, I mostly did that to make deliveries or pick up stuff I ordered from the Nook's Cranny forum.

One time on New Horizons I made a save file for my sister on my island but she didn't play on it a lot so I had to delete it. She now has her own island.
Yes, I play the games by myself. I have a few friends who have played New Leaf and New Horizons, but they pretty much stopped playing New Horizons within the first year since there wasn't enough content to keep them engaged. My best friend and I used to catch beetles and sharks and play the minigames on Tortimer Island, but her 3DS needs a new battery and the online functionality of the 3DS has ended now anyway, so that's pretty firmly in the past now.

The most interaction I get with other players, generally, is either picking up items I've ordered or receiving a delivery from one of the shops I frequent here on the forums.

I'm an introvert and don't really feel the need to interact with other players, nor do I know how I'd go about doing so anyway. So yeah, I don't really visit other people's towns or islands.

I always make multiple player characters, usually as many as possible (4 in the older games, 8 in New Horizons) to make the town/island feel more lively. I like to give them all their own personalities, interests, etc. Maintaining all that, expanding their houses, etc. keeps me occupied so there's always something to do.
While I'm at work, my coworker and I will play while we're not busy. We work on our own islands but commentate what we're doing.

Other than that, I'm not my own:(
i currently play alone in new horizons, but i did create another player for my island and i do visit other peoples' island here and there when i actually play the game. the og GameCube animal crossing i played with my sisters and brother so all four of us had our own house in town. it was a pain trying to take turns with four other people though lol it took forever to finally be my turn to play. i moved out of my mom's house by the time i started playing wild world and new leaf so i also played those alone as well and didn't know anyone in real life at the time playing those games either.
usually play alone. my friends got burnt out from playing and my siblings lost their copies. i enjoy playing by myself though! i'm way too awkward playing with unfamiliar people anyway
i usually play alone unless u count trading. i play animal crossing to design my town and have the perfect aesthetic town so the co-op aspect has always been secondary to me. when i first started in the very beginning, i did play some island games with others and whatnot but that got old quick when i started to focus more on building my town.
Yes, I play the games by myself. I have a few friends who have played New Leaf and New Horizons, but they pretty much stopped playing New Horizons within the first year since there wasn't enough content to keep them engaged. My best friend and I used to catch beetles and sharks and play the minigames on Tortimer Island, but her 3DS needs a new battery and the online functionality of the 3DS has ended now anyway, so that's pretty firmly in the past now.

If you're near your friend (and she gets a new battery), I think you can use local connectivity to play together!

I always make multiple player characters, usually as many as possible (4 in the older games, 8 in New Horizons) to make the town/island feel more lively. I like to give them all their own personalities, interests, etc. Maintaining all that, expanding their houses, etc. keeps me occupied so there's always something to do.

I do this in my NL town! In my case, the #1 reason is holding the extra patterns (lol) but I've also ended up decorating those houses in different ways.
I play in my villages/towns by myself, but I was still very active in the online community when the official 3ds servers were still up. I'd visit tortimer islands all the time and invite people over to my town, and I was able to meet and stay in contact with a lot of nice people that way! I also play with an irl friend who has new leaf, but we have separate towns.
I play on my own very often and have for years, simply because I got into the game before I could access any form of internet. I was only a kid and in 2008 it was still hard for my family to get internet but I loved ACWW more than any other game so I would constantly play it on my own. I didn't have reliable wifi until 2015 so that was when I began playing online, and to its credit, it's one of my favourite ways to play AC. These days Im online pretty often because I find trading really fun but it's a minority of my total playtime.
i used to have my sister on my save file but now she has her own switch and doesn't need to use my island . I've had her on acnl save files too before but not anymore

i used to visit villages a lot back in the day but nowadays i don't really anymore. if i happen to have someone to play with i will but i don't play animal crossing as much in general so
I used to have friends over on my island and go to their island as well, but most have been busy while others aren’t friends with me anymore since something happened. Needed a break from the game largely because of that killing my mood. So when I come back again, I’ll be playing alone except to trade.
I used to have people I played with but I no longer have online membership.

I would love to play with my sibling again sometime cause they always want me to help out which I find it so much fun since they are still in the beginning area of the game.
My brother also has an account on all of my towns in AC. I rarely ever visit towns, especially since it’s impossible in over half of the games now (still possible in GameCube but too inconvenient to be worth it, and New Horizons works perfectly fine). In general, I’m okay with just playing by myself. Visiting other towns is fun, but I could play AC for an entire year without having to do that (actually, I have).
I currently play alone because I’m pretty late to the series and NH. I have friends who love and play AC throughout all its iterations, but none are playing at the moment