But realistically, Animal Crossing isn't a type of game to get remakes. Every game is exactly the same, so what I think should be done instead is have the next installment have the best features that were added in every AC game to date. That way, a remake wouldn't be needed and everyone will be happy.
The problem is, "have the next installment have the best features that were added in every AC game to date" isn't feasible for various reasons. It isn't feasible because there comes a point where you're taking too long to develop the damn game because there's too much content in there (and it's bad for business to have a game come out too late in a console's lifespan, especially one that's been shown to consistently sell well over a console's lifespan like AC is), it isn't feasible because there isn't anything
new there aside from Everything Good From Every AC Game and that's inevitably going to put some people off, and it's not feasible because however much AC fandom acts as if everything's just Content that can be moved from game to game with No Issue Whatsoever, each AC game's a carefully considered blend of parts that gets put together to form a cohesive whole, and just chucking them all into the same game because Fans Demand It isn't necessarily going to make The Best AC Game Ever... you're going to get something that doesn't feel like it fits together, in the same way putting a load of similarly-shaped pieces from different jigsaws together isn't going to make a complete picture. For crying out loud... think about why things are there! Hell, even think about what console it's released on, or even its year of release! Don't just go "put dialogue from WW together with the customisation from NH" because they clearly don't work together (one is based around you being a weird stranger in a town full of animals, the other's based around you having absolute dominion over said villagers)
With that being said, while I don't think Nintendo's going to remake or even port games (each AC game's got a decent amount of stuff that's tied to the specific console it's on that means we're inevitably going to lose a part of it in the transition to the Switch or Swuccessor) if there's one game I'd really want to see remade, it's probably GC. The big town with railway tracks at the back, the lake for events, the bits of Japanese culture like convenience store raffles, the unmistakably Peanuts-y vibe, the funky electronic soundtrack... But even then, I'd probably just want to see a new game with the same kind of vibe, because doing a straight 1-1 remake of it'd suck for various other reasons (NES games aren't ever coming back so they'd be conspicuous by their absence, the forced horrible hats, bad storage, having a basement you can't put wallpaper or flooring up in).
Feels like WW will end up on DS NSO if it ever ends up happening, LGTTC feels like it'd just get a straight-up port (a lot of the Wii-specific stuff in it is actually pretty doable on the Switch, even if the idea of a LGTTC port's kind of "eh" to me), and while I'd appreciate a NL port in some ways, until we've gotten the next AC game it's just gonna feel like grovelling to me (also it's probably the AC game with the most console-specific features in it, taking them out leaves a massive gaping hole in the game)