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How often do you go back to older Animal Crossing games?


Salmon Run Survivalist
Aug 17, 2013
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Special Snowflake
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Night Sky Scenery
Special Snowflake
How often do you go back to older Animal Crossing games after moving on to the newest entry?

I typically don’t get fully back into my older Animal Crossing games but I do revisit them from time to time every couple years.

Only exception is the GameCube game as I got it long after release (even after New Horizons) so I don’t really count it as going back to it if I never originally played it before in the first place.
I don’t go back to playing the older games once I move on. It’s hard to play the older games when you’re used to the newer mechanics and features.
I’m probably the odd one out, but I despise NH and feel iffy about NL so I mostly play the older games.
I only own new leaf and new horizons. I go back to new leaf usually just for events like toy day etc to take part, but I want to visit more again. I only don’t because I then get stressed trying to stop someone from moving before they do 😂
I do go back and poke around in New Leaf from time to time, like maybe for a week once a year. Other than that, I don't actually own any of the other games at the moment, but I'd love to go back and play the GameCube game again. It was my first Animal Crossing game, so I think it would be really nostalgic
Practically never. I remember pulling up my AC town on GameCube several years ago and the villagers commenting it'd been 14 years. 😂

I played New Leaf again for the event earlier this year, and the last time I remember fiddling around with Wild World was 2011ish? I technically have City Folk but barely played, so no idea on that front. I'd like to get a few things done in NL before I set it down potentially forever.
I try to occasionally, but I never play for long. ;; I just recently started playing the Dōbutsu no Mori e+ english patch, and I've really enjoyed playing as I've never played that one before. I played AC Gamecube, but they are a bit different. I sometimes play New Leaf as well, but I struggle with staying focused on it. I also repurchased City Folk for the nostalgia. :p
Generally I don’t as I have nothing to go back for. NL was an exception because Desert Island Escape kept me coming back.
I periodically go back to New Leaf since there are a number of aspects to it that I prefer over New Horizons and it offers a different enough experience that it still holds its own appeal.

I didn't touch the GameCube game for like over a decade until a forum event brought me back to it for a screenshot and then I haven't touched it again since.

I really did not take to City Folk when I played it and I don't like the Wiimote requirement and scrolling map, so I haven't touched it in since the Wii era.

I bought Wild World from the DS Virtual Console section of the Wii U's eShop before the Wii U's eShop was closed last year, but I haven't started a save file for it yet. Curious to try it eventually just to see how it is and because I think UFO Gulliver is neat.
Sometimes when I feel like talking to specific villagers in NL, I just open the game and talk to them.
Not often at all. In theory I'm happy to, but in practice there are so many other games I haven't played at all that are in my backlog which, in combination with usually being into working on my town in the newest game, makes it difficult to go back.
I don’t go back to them. I don’t have time for a new and old version of the same game, and it also feels weird to revisit after months or years. Those towns kind of feel like their own separate lives, and in a weird way it feels more respectful and satisfying to fully move on, imagining that Mooville and Feldspar and all the others are still out there somewhere, seasons turning without me.
I really don't go back to previous towns. I move onto the next one.
It does sadden me a little when I think about it. My 3DS broke, so its nearly impossible for me to go back to NL anyways.