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Do you like/dislike/are ambivalent toward anime?


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2017
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Green Candy
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
White Pansy
Ok, I'm mostly making this post because I feel like I'm one of the few on this forum who isn't into anime, and I want to see if anyone else feels this way. Like, I'm not into it at all. Not anime, not manga, and, with a few rare exceptions, not anime-influenced video games. In fact, I feel an *aversion* to it, and it's stopped me from getting even whole games (like RF4, the 999 series, FF, etc.).

I don't know what it is, but I think it mostly has to do with the art style and the overabundance of tropes/cutesyness. Don't get me wrong, I know there's some pretty nasty/adult/murdery ones out there, but even those feel a little bit... teenage? In contrast to anime, I love all of Studio Ghibli's films. I had a thing for Inuyasha and Cardcaptors when I was younger, and they do conjure up some nostalgia for me, but that's about it.

Please don't kill me, I know (judging from your avatars/signatures) that a lot of TBTers do like anime/manga. I'm just curious what you like about it (especially if you have continued to like it for a long time), and, if you don't like it, why?
This is interesting because Animal Crossing has an anime style to it.

In fact, any kind of Japanese cartoon is anime.
Its just one of them things that doesn't interest me. The only anime I will watch is the Pokemon anime and even then I go off it quite easily.
I like anime because like a few other forms of media, it explores narratives and uses character interaction we see seldom in other mediums of media. Like tropes and unrealistic action and stakes. That's the gist of it for me.

that being said it can be stupid and over the top and a lot of it a dislike too for the same reasons
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This is interesting because Animal Crossing has an anime style to it.

In fact, any kind of Japanese cartoon is anime.

Hmm, I actually don't find ACNL to be too anime-ish, but maybe it is. It just seems cartoony to me. I haven't seen the AC movie, but from pictures of it, that is kind of what I meant by anime-ish. There's a lot of definitions for what constitutes anime, so maybe I'm completely off the mark in saying ACNL (the only AC game I've played) isn't like that. But I hope the sense of the styles I'm talking about is clear, even if you prefer to classify it as a subcategory of anime :)

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I like anime because like a few other forms of media, it explores narratives and uses character interaction we see seldom in other mediums of media. Like tropes and unrealistic action and stakes. That's the gist of it for me.

that being said it can be stupid and over the top and a lot of it a dislike too for the same reasons

Yep, I agree with you there about narratives! I guess it's just an aesthetic preference for some ways of exploring narratives over others for me then.

Edit: Actually, I'm curious about what you said. Do you think there's some narratives that can only be explored using anime as a medium? If you do (and don't feel compelled to think up any if you're busy), what are they?
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One thing I really don't like about anime is the constant fan service that some of them have. Some genres are appropriate for it yeah, but animes like Fairytail use fan service so excessively that it's hardly enjoyable.

Another thing, the female protagonists with big breasts, a squeaky voice, and the inability to do anything useful. Yeah, we all know one
I don't watch anime or even know anything about it really but I'm not particularly drawn to the style and I don't get the appeal so I guess I'd say I dislike it
I have no desire to see any kind if it. Not my type of thing at all.
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i enjoy anime & manga, the "typical" anime art style appeals to me (though you can find some anime with more unique style like Kaiba or tatami galaxy) i visit anime imageboards quite often if im wanting to use an icon of something i didn't draw myself.
Cute stuff appeals to me, and the large, bright eyes of anime character are especially cute.

I also find that, more often then western cartoons, there's a lot of detail put into anime design, while western animation has the tendency to simplify their design.

But just because I like anime doesn't mean I can't enjoy western animation & comics. In fact there's many of those I also appreciate & keep up with regularly.

i am also half asian myself so i understand the aesthetic & beauty standards in asia=wanting bigger eyes, paler skin, etc. So they draw most of their characters with big eyes, pale skin, all that.

And, sure, there's trashy anime out there, but I mean there's plenty trashy shows in Western culture as well. Not all anime has these tropes or ecchi/fanservice, though sadly they're the ones that become popularized. Also It's just typical human nature to stay away from the foreign .
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Another thing, the female protagonists with big breasts, a squeaky voice, and the inability to do anything useful. Yeah, we all know one

Well I just really like anime a lot idk why
I think I got into it the past 3 years, it's just a part of me now lmao
The characters and stories of some animes are to die for, and it's a good way to pass the time and enjoy something
I like some anime, but I don't go hardcore crazy over it. It can get kind of repetitive as well. Pretty much ninety percent of anime that I've watched has these things in common:

-winning battles through the power of love and friendship
-some sort of bath scene
-lady with a large bust
-parental death/absence
i watch lots of animes that are genuinely well-written, humorous, and without that fanservicey-big-honker-thick-thigh-panty-shot crap. ones i can name off the top of my head are one punch man, my hero academia, erased, cromartie high school, cowboy bebop, jojos bizarre adventure, and kids on the slope. they're all really great shows that i would recommend to anyone trying to get into anime!
When I first started watching anime, it was all new to me and exciting. Now after watching a bunch of different series, a lot of it is basically the same tropes and characters over and over. It's gotten pretty boring to me. There are some anime that stand out from the crowd but it's hard to find ones like that in the sea of cookie cutter garbage.
tbh all japanese cartoons are technically anime, but i get what youre implying. i think its just a different medium to what we're used to with western cartoons?? like generally western cartoons are aimed at younger audiences with a few exceptions, but i think with anime theyre more targeted at everyone ? like you can say "I HATE ANIME :mad:" but i feel like thats sterotyping it a little too much ?? like take PASWG. its CLEARLY not intended for younger audiences, and even the art style is closer to a western cartoon. thats still anime though ? i understand if you dont like the art style though, its not everyones tastes. (although bowie is correct, AC is literally anime style lmfao) for me i see it as no different to western cartoons or western shows? i pay for my netflix, i pay for my crunchyroll. its just a different type of show, and a different culture its originating from.

also to answer your other points: yes, i believe a good narrative can take form in things other than anime. its not as common, but if people are devoted to something enough it can happen. like with the adventure zone: its a podcast made by 4 guys playing dnd, but the podcast's DM has written a complicated and intricate plot thats been running for 2 yearss thats honestly a whole lot more detailed than a lot of anime i've watched. it also has literally no visuals - youre free to see the characters pretty much how you wish. however, i feel commonly the style anime uses is very useful at portraying a good plot. for example - my hero academia is an anime where the whole point of that is that people have different "quirks" that would be impossible to do as live action due to how different and unique everyone can be. e.g one character literally has a birds head.

i do agree with you though - a lot of anime is common steryotypes. but there are steryotypes in western media as well. ill put some anime i feel go against this in a spoiler below if anyone is interested
my hero academia - the characters are unique and well written, and pretty much no character is used just for fanservice. there is one(1) problematic character thats basically just out for **** and ass, but literally everyone agrees he is a waste of space. the characters also have diverse designs, not just ur steryotypical light skin, tall, slim, big **** etc
mob psycho 100 - the animation is beautiful, ( not steryotypical anime, look it up) and the characters are interesting and unique. take reigen, who although is techically a con artist, is a good person who honestly cares a lot about the people close to him.
erased - havent watched this in a while, but if i remember correctly the plot is intricate and well writen, and will genuinely make u feel stuff when you watch it
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Dislike. No disrespect to people who like it, but yeah. For some reason it kind of creeps me out? I think partially because I associate it with some cringey guys I've known. I guess it's the fan service stuff. From what else I've seen, it seems a little too melodramatic for my taste and often too exaggerated/detailed/overly complicated in design. Not all of it of course, but the type of stuff op is referring to. I just really like simplicity.
It's okay if you don't like it. There's nothing wrong with your opinion.

I like it because I grew up watching anime. I had a dad very much into collecting model kits and figures. As a kid I would always nab manga every time we visited Borders (rip)/bookstore.

Sailor Moon, Ghost in the Shell, Ranma 1/2 and Peach Girl were my beginnings. Then I started to explore other styles than the big eyed and tsundere type. Studio Ghibli is a big one. Astro Boy. Doraemon. I was really into Dragon Ball. I enjoy simple to old school styles a lot.

When you break away from the Love Hina template, you'll appreciate the art and animation more. I think though a lot of people vision the big eyes with too many shinies in the iris, big breasted characters for anime only. Fan service is annoying but if the art/animation is good and fluid, I can get over it.
I used to enjoy a anime like any other person when I was little. Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, CLANNAD, Black Butler, Death Note blah blah. But as I got older everything about it just got tiring of extra fanservice and the same cliches and attitudes of all characters and I really felt like somehow it was influencing my perspective of Japanese people and Japanese society which was something I didn't want to see through anime. (Slice of life + youth/loli culture)

And that was just back then. I used to try out a bunch of shows but end up never completing them because either the plot was too predictable or the entire anime was too boring and tedious with fillers to try to get through every episode that it felt like finding out that cliffhanger isnt worth it.. I always found it much better to read it through the wiki without the extra stuff if it was something I was a little interested in.
I used to watch anime in the 8th grade but completely stopped since then just because I got tired of reading subtitles and dubs were always bad haha. I don't hate it, a lot of animes have good plots and stuff, I just can't find myself enjoying it anymore.