Mafia Dethy 2 - The Jackson 5 [Town wins!]

All role PMs have been sent out. N1 starts shortly.

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Upon discovering the body of Billy Hickleburg, everyone was shocked. Who could have done this!? Well, there was only one way to find out.

Night one ends at 11:00PM EST tomorrow, March 16th or when I get all actions. I'll get a timer in here soon.
The 5 super stars were getting antsy. There was only so much suspicious staring that one could handle - they had to break. Michael took a piss break. Jermaine contemplated the meaning of life. After a quick break and lengthy discussions with their personal lawyers, it was time they tried to face each other to find out the truth.

It is D1! Day ends a little over 52 hours from now on March 17th at 11:00 PM EST or when majority is reached. A town of 5 means it takes 3 to reach majority.
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The 5 super stars were getting antsy. There was only so much suspicious staring that one could handle - they had to break. Michael took a piss break. Jermaine contemplated the meaning of life. After a quick break and lengthy discussions with their personal lawyers, it was time they tried to face eachother to find out the truth.

It is D1! Day ends a little over 52 hours from now on March 17th at 11:00 PM EST or when majority is reached. A town of 5 means it takes 3 to reach majority.

really salsa kat