Blather's Explanations


^ - ^ /
May 30, 2019
Tasty Cake
While I absolutely LOVE the museum, and how much detail was put into it, and how upgraded it looks in comparison to past museums, (and how they have more than one of each creature in each exhibit), I do wish one thing were different: information given by Blathers. I wish there were a way to view the information without having to catch/find the item and ask Blathers about it again. I loved spending late nights reading about the different catches/finds, and I won't always have a rare fish/bug/fossil to ask him about.

Also, a question; do you skip Blathers' explanations of new finds?
I agree! The ‘tell me more about this’ option should be linked to the critterpedia somehow. I try not to skip too much but if I come with my pockets full I don’t have the patience to sit and listen to each one :)
I skip them when I'm in a playing mood, but I'd love to reread them inside!
I wish too, we can review the information in museum... I didn't skip all Blathers'explanations and want to know all the story of fishes, bugs and fosils. (I catch nearly 30 new species and i have to read all explanations when the museum is close for upgrade, my eyes are very tired after that... lol) cx and after I forgot all he said too... i have bad memories ;-;
Yeah! I wish we could review the information somehow, either the critterpedia or with the signs in front of the exhibits. When I'm donating a lot of stuff at the same time I don't have the patience of sitting through all the explanations, so I end up skipping it all and thinking "well, this is going to be in a wiki eventually anyway"
I only listen if it's something I'm really interested in, though clicking 'I'm too busy' makes me feel guilty lol
i agree!! it’d be cool if the little signs that tell you the name of the specimens would also have blather’s facts on it, too ;u;
I only listen to explanations on some rare or interesting bugs and fish.
i only listen when im donating only 1 item lol

Same. I figured they'd at least keep the exhibit descriptions from NL, though, so it's a little disappointing they didn't. I also assumed the "tell me about this" was linked to either the Critterpedia or the current displays in the museum, so I was disappointed when I tried it for the first time and found that wasn't the case.