Anyone else a fan of the gorilla villagers?

I like Louie. Not only because he's basically DK, but because his design is simple, bland... natural, just the way I like the most.
I'm not really a fan of their designs but I have Hans on my island and the smug personality fits him so well that I've actually grown to like him a bit
I do! I had Cesar and then Peewee in WW and loved them so much. I love their unique shape and design, and the cranky voice and personality fit them so well. I hope to find Cesar this time around.

I was surprised to see so many comments on this thread at first, but of course the comments are mostly just people saying “Nope, I hate them!”, sorry.

gorillas are probably one of the few animals I'm not a huge fan of irl either, I guess them having a lot of really human features makes them feel creepy to me lol. kinda the same in AC, seeing a huge gorilla with giant LIPSTICKED lips is just too much for me to handle
I don't really like them,sorry. But i do like Hans,because he grew on me in New Leaf. Back then,i wasn't really that picky about my villagers. Because before the Welcome Amiibo Update,you could not use Amiibo Cards yet. But i really appreciate people who do love them!♥♥♥
I skipped over Peewee on an island, and I've regretted it since. I'll have to actually try to get him when I have another opening.
Not my favorite villager animal but I really do like Hans. I had Hans as a part of my mythical village in New Leaf. He represented the mythical yeti.
I have Louie on my island. I found him on an island and was like “whoa, he looks like DK!” He’s one of three jock villagers and the only one who I believe actually works out. He’s really grown on me! I need to get him a shirt with a red tie.
I have Louie on my island. I found him on an island and was like “whoa, he looks like DK!” He’s one of three jock villagers and the only one who I believe actually works out. He’s really grown on me! I need to get him a shirt with a red tie.
Yes, I'm hoping to actually have him as my jock.
I'm currently considering 3 jocks - Louie, Mac and Tad - so hope I can find them on a mystery tour when I have a free spot.
I'm working toward an all-gorilla island.

I like them. Also because it'll generate a lot of disgust and I just can't wait for that.
They’re one of my absolute favorite species. Cesar and Violet are two of my top 5 villagers of all time.
I decided to go on a couple of quick island tours last week and on the first one I was greeted by Louie's giant gaping bumhole as soon as I walked out
You know, I thought I hated all gorilla villagers simply because they were gorillas but then I got Hans as my first campsite visitor and was forced to let him move in. I was upset at first, but now that its been a month or two I kinda like him. He was not at all what I thought he would be like, and is kind of cool and funny. Wow never thought I'd say that. I actually might miss him when he leaves... ;-)

Anyways I definitely have a stigma against the gorillas because they are ugly and scary looking, but I guess Hans proved to me they may not be so ugly and scary after all.