Absurd entry fees for turnips?

Honestly, having so many people to come in and sell sounds like an absolute nightmare to me. I can definitely see why people ask for an entry fee, though I do think a lot of the fees are getting excessive. Still, I don't think asking for a large fee is necessarily greedy. people are pricing their time at what they think it's worth, and probably trying to cut down on the number of visitors to make it manageable. I don't blame them for that. (But I would never pay those prices, either.)

But that's why I will never have people come sell turnips - it would be so stressful and time-consuming that the only way to make it worth my while would be to charge a large fee. But I personally don't feel right charging more than 99k/1 NMT. So I just don't play the stalk market.

The only other option would be to charge less and just let, like, 5 people in to keep things from taking too long or being too stressful. But then I'd feel bad for everyone who wanted to sell but I didn't let in...

As an aside, I realized that I tend to be much more generous during trades/visits if someone asks for tips only, because it makes me really grateful towards them. Someone did a cataloging party a couple nights ago and I gave 3 NMT and 20 star fragments, because they said tips were appreciated but not required.

But if someone asks for a flat entry fee, I almost never tip on top of that. I feel like there must be some psychological phenomenon behind that, but I'm not sure what.
I used r/acturnips (done with turnips now) so I didn't know that this was going on! Over there posters can't make requests for tips or entrance, but people generally will give a 10% tip which is what I did each time.
Anyone else appalled at the high entry fees to sell your turnips at theirs (e.g. 500-600 bells)? Last week, I was able to go to a couple islands over the 500 bell mark and simply paid 99K or 1 NMT. Now, I'm seeing 500-800K requirements or 5+ NMT? I'm in a massive Discord server and the prices have just randomly gone up. Or am I just broke? Lol.

I was actually going to try and find some people who would all be willing to time travel a little to find good turnip prices, and then all sell at that one person's island, and pay that person a bit of all our lot in return as a equal trade. I didn't realize that already happen and with such a greedy intent... I had heard the community was getting toxic but I didn't realize it had gotten this bad.

If you want I'm still going to try and gather a few people for my plan, (I can make enough money normally for the things I like to buy, I just wanna pay off my house because I buy an embarrassing amount of clothing lol) so if you want to join you are more then welcome! :) There will be no traveling fees, but I will personally be tipping whoever decides to host us for our selling point each time. Otherwise, good luck with your turnip selling! :D
i think it's fair to want to put a price on it!

if you're keeping gates open for a long time and risking people running amok on your island, it's fine - especially if people are willing to pay that much! i have been seeing the entry fees getting kind of wild and inflated, but it's basic supply and demand! if people are willing to pay that much to sell their turnips and feel like it's a good trade, then go ahead! i've never had high enough prices to let people sell but i've gone to other islands and left tips before! it definitely feels like some people are running it like a workplace sometimes - but like. do whatever u want!

but also i do not like when people call it a "tip" but then demand a specific amount or item from their wishlist y'all! that's an entry fee
i never got into turnips back in new leaf bc it just seemed to daunting. i heard in NH it might be easier to get into and i soo regret it. the amount of entry fees and scams is horrendous and the fact people require an absurd amount of bells just to sell turnips is dumb.

i find it really stupid if you have to pay again for more than 1 trip. turnips bring out the greediest and worst scammers.
i dont think wanting an entry fee is greedy or makes you a scammer lol
but i do agree if people are actually asking 5-10 NMT per visit they are crazy. i would ask 1 NMT/99k or something similar?
i've time traveled 12+ weeks and only gotten a good price (300 something) ONCE, why would I put in all the time & effort to TT and hours of waiting on people to sell for nothing in return.... count me out.
Anyone else appalled at the high entry fees to sell your turnips at theirs (e.g. 500-600 bells)? Last week, I was able to go to a couple islands over the 500 bell mark and simply paid 99K or 1 NMT. Now, I'm seeing 500-800K requirements or 5+ NMT? I'm in a massive Discord server and the prices have just randomly gone up. Or am I just broke? Lol.

Thats so disgusting to hear usually when my shop has a large spike. I just ask for a donation fee. Pay what you want
In my opinion, I feel like entry should be free and tips optional. Of course tipping is polite as they are making time to let you come sell, however, I feel like if it's too much of a burden to let people sell (and don't get me wrong, high prices on here get a l o t of people wanting to come sell), then I feel like the person just shouldn't post their price ;-; Idk, I feel kind of on the fence. I typically only sell at places where entry is free, however, I try to always tip :D

edit: I'd like to add that I'm more likely to sell at a place with a slightly lower price, but free entry, than a higher price with an entry fee. Not sure if anyone cares about that, but it's something to consider
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I'm personally not a fan of any entry fee or forced 'tips' to visit peoples islands- Its just a way for people to make a quick buck and its greedy IMO. Asking for donations or anything is one thing, but I hate the whole vibe right now for people charging gross amounts just to visit each other. I hosted an open island for most of the afternoon for people to come get fossils, DIY's, shop, visit my neighbors, etc. That's the true fun of the game :/
I read an article from Polygon (the coolest site on the planet, bro) reporting how rad it was that someone had hired "a bouncer" to guard their island while they sold turnips.

*Shakes head*

It's so annoying. AC was always a sense of community and friendship. We were even going to have a meetup in 2013! Now I can't even imagine going another person's island (save for a few on here) without feeling like I owe them something.

I can also attest that in NL we had turnip gatherings and you could leave something, but it wasn't required or frowned upon if you didn't. However, that something was always given back in return somehow because we were that close. I know it is hard to imagine but for example, you could literally text someone if you needed signatures and they would open up their gates even if they were offline. No problem. That's how it was and I hope enough people start to realize what the core of the community is all about.

edit due to reporting article. Polygon (just as toxic).
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Does anyone have advice for finding a good Discord server, group, or forum? Like, what search terms or keywords I should be looking for?

I tried googling (and looking on Discord) for 25+ and 30+ groups, thinking that other older players might be more relaxed and less profit-focused, but wasn't able to find anything. I'm happy to play with people of all ages, but really want a laid-back, friendly, generous group. Nook's Cranny just stresses me out, the way it is right now.

Maybe this is me going off-topic: is discord the way people connect in ac? I've generally not been one for the online scene in games like this (it honestly all kind of stresses me out), but in acnh there are things like catalog items being tied to your island and a ton of diy's to trade. In the past my sibling played the gamecube ac with me, unfortunately they lost interest shortly after nl came out so I've been thinking that in nh it might actually be fun to have a small-ish group of trusted people to do online stuff with and invite to my town when I have something particularly interesting going on.

On topic: I have seen people charging what seemed like rather exorbitant prices for entry, but I've also seen plenty generously open their islands with a "tipping appreciated" policy when a villager is crafting or when they have a visitor like Sahara or Celeste. Visiting a few of those islands has really made me appreciate these players. I would be completely overwhelmed having to keep track of who wanted to visit, sending out codes, and guiding a steady stream of visitors on the island. I tip and always leave them a positive feedback after I leave.
It's probably the same people who made NMT= currency a thing. As one cant dupe NMTs (nor fragments or gold nuggets, afaik), and these materials aren't exactly as abundant as the other ones (gold is a rare drop from stones; fragmes are meteor shower-dependant), I can already see people using these things as a "new currency". Maybe not normal star fragments, but the big ones or the aries fragments, for example.

For these people, it all comes down to make something desirable enough to make people pay what they want for it.
except all those things can be duped, to my knowledge. and I'm not counting homebrew hacks here (and yes, I know the patched table spinning glitch doesn't work here)

though frags and gold I can at least understand having a trade value over nmt. which has both the problem of being frankly *too* heavily in circulation and, to be blunt, a terrible value item in basically every sense as well
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oh, and as an aside, for people talking about people trampling flowers and such

while it'd likely take more effort, you can just use fencing to cut off people from anywhere you don't want them to be
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is the norm to charge entry fees? i had 500 per turnip last week and made a thread to just let ppl come in, and didnt ask for entry fee/“required tip” (lol) but maybe thats why my notifs got blown to kingdom come 😂 a few ppl left me some bells and items which was nice though !

i was only able to get maybe 15 ppl in before i was exhausted thooo
I’ve only just started up a new town, but I’m determined that I’m gonna offering Turnip trading for free or a very small cost of like 5-10k bells.

I saw someone asking “only 99K for entry”.
but the problem is people who can pay it do. So people feel legitimised for asking for ridiculous amounts and preventing anyone else from really getting a look in.
I'm personally not a fan of any entry fee or forced 'tips' to visit peoples islands- Its just a way for people to make a quick buck and its greedy IMO. Asking for donations or anything is one thing, but I hate the whole vibe right now for people charging gross amounts just to visit each other. I hosted an open island for most of the afternoon for people to come get fossils, DIY's, shop, visit my neighbors, etc. That's the true fun of the game :/
This I don't like. Asking for "tips" only for visiting shops, getting a DIY recipe from a villager or buying from Saharah...
Couldn't there be a rule that if you post in the airport section there shouldn't be any entry fee?
That sounds like a good idea. Right now the distinction between an airport post and nook's cranny post seems pretty fuzzy.
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I've seen those entry fees and I agree, that's a bit much. However, I personally don't see anything wrong with asking for a fee, especially if the host is going to be dedicating their entire day, or most of it allowing people to visit and sell on their island. I feel that if the host is putting their day on hold, (unable to terraform, or do anything really, while people are over) then it's fair to ask for a % of the seller's profits.

The mentality that it's greedy to ask for an entry fee is something I don't really agree with. Look at it from the seller's perspective. It's not one person they're allowing in, but potentially many-- for hours. Real hours. This is a courtesy they're doing, but that doesn't mean it has to be a 100% charity service at their expense.

Also, note that once the host announces their price, if it's really good, they'll be completely swamped with people lining up to come over. At this point, the host has to actually keep track of the line's order and handle people accordingly. That takes time in itself, and work.

I personally charge people 1 stack of any crafting material, and I typically allow them multiple trips after that free of charge, but if they're new to the game, I don't charge a dime. But that's just me.
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