You got mail!

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  • Heya, I just wanted to thank you for the pink present! 🩷 Sorry I'm a little late on that, but when I saw the notification and message it brought a smile to my face. 🥹 I'm so glad the Poyo Puff spirit has lived on hehe. Also hope your holiday season has been going well! Sending you good vibes! 💕
    Thank you for the gift and the very kind message you sent along with it! I definitely wasn't expecting to receive anything like that! Congrats on getting the title of The Little Drummer Boy as well!
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    You got mail!
    aaah you’re very welcome Kilza! Very happy to surprise you with one and happy to hear it :D again thank you so much for the christmas lights and being awesome! and thank you, I really like the title! ⛄🎁
    Congrats on the little drummer boy title color 🥳. Your username looks great in the color :D
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    You got mail!
    You got mail!
    Thank you so much! 😃 I’ve always wanted this title cause of the color and I like the name so it’s surreal having it. Very happy to surprise gift you and others 🎁
    aaa thank you so much for the present and for your incredibly kind message!! that was so sweet of you to do, it really brightened my day!! 🥹 is there a specific colour present you'd like in exchange? I'm waiting until the 21st to send out my presents so I can try for the gift giver title that day, but I'd definitely love to send you a present then if that's okay!! 🩷
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    You got mail!
    You got mail!
    you're very welcome Xara :D aww, im really happy to hear that 🩷 very glad to surprise you and others with gifts today! you don't have to send anything back but if you'd like to send a gift, I would like the red one! very kind of you aah and i hope you get the title for that day!
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    aw yay, I'd be more than happy to send you a red gift!! I'll send it your way on Saturday! thank you so much again!! 🩷🩷
    Ahhh Thank you You GOt Mail!! For the present!! ;o; heehhe
    When I get enough snowflakes I will send you one too!!! Do you want a certain color?
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    You got mail!
    Box!!! You’re welcome for the gift haha :D awww that’s nice of you but you don’t have to return anything to me! I did what I did as a surprise for others and it’s really nice to do so. 🎁
    I WILL
    it will be a surprise then
    You got mail!
    You got mail!
    aww thank you so much for the surprise pink gift box!!! very cool indeed haha appreciate it 🎁 🩷
    Tysm for the gift and also the lights; I love the messages too :D. You really didn’t need to do that 😲. I’ll send you a gift once I have more snowflakes. Do you have a color preference? 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 🎄☃️🎄
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    You got mail!
    You got mail!
    You’re welcome! Happy to surprise you :D and that’s very kind of you but you don’t have to return anything to me! I just really like surprising others and making their days ⛄️ aww thank you and you too! 🌲
    Aahhh thank you so much for gifting the last Christmas light I needed for my lineup!! ;v; I appreciate it greatly, please lmk whether you’d like lights or tbt in return <3 🥰
    Hi! :D I have been wondering for awhile where you got the stay cool line from and recently, I noticed Cole’s catchphrase is coool. Is Cole your favorite villager, if you don’t mind me asking? 🙂
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    I don’t mind at all! But yes he’s my favorite bunny villager and villager in general, love his design and lazy personality! The stay cooooooool! line I got from somewhere else entirely though, so it’s a coincidence his catchphrase is also coooooool haha I do plan on sharing where I got it from in a forum post sometime in the future!
    Cole is one of my favorites too! :D I think he really is underrated! Oh that is interesting and is really a cool coincidence :D.
    thank you for introducing me to Sucklet. i know entirely too much Sucklet lore now. he may end up making my wallet lonely
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    You got mail!
    What a name, he is Sucklet but aww haha, you’re welcome! He definitely made mine lonely :p but it is wonderful, having a friend of the mushrooms. keeping an eye on my treats though.
    Who is the character on your profile picture?
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    Oh alright, I was wondering cause I thought the artstyle reminded me of Paper Mario a little but I couldn't recognize the character lol. I think their design is really cool though!
    You got mail!
    You got mail!
    Awww thank you! But yes, I commissioned the profile pic from an artist a long time ago that makes art in the Paper Mario style, I love it. Hope you're having a great day :D
    Oh alright then that makes sense. Also I hope you're having a nice day as well!
    Congrats on the platinum for the Dead Rising remaster! It's my favourite game of all time, but I'm waiting for the physical copy before trying it out. How did you find the changes other than the ones to Infinity Mode?
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    You got mail!
    Thank you! It’s an all time classic and the mall music lives rent free in my head haha I thought the changes were really nice like all survivors being fully voiced, having smarter ai, a couple new skill books and more. There was one addition I won’t spoil that took me by surprise but I’m glad it was there. Frank’s new look and voice also grew on me. Have fun with the game once the physical version comes out!
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    I hadn't even heard about there being new skill books! That sounds like it could be alot of fun. I'm looking forward to playing and I will try not to rely on the mini chainsaws + 3 stack of books this time 🤭 Thank you! I wonder if this one does well they'll consider a remake of the second game?
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