• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Would you ever pay for in-game things?

I used to buy online credits for things (similar to Gaia but not), but that was only because I was able to enjoy it with my real life friends. You know, sometimes it's just nice to enjoy things like that when you can laugh about it together when out shopping or whatever. We'd all buy the cheap ones so that we could decorate rooms etc.
No. Only thing I've paid for is Pok?mon Bank, since it's something that I'll use. Other than that, unless it wasn't that expensive (and it was optional)... then no.
Nah I wouldn't. I only buy if it is a material good.
I used to when I was 10 to want to spend money on club penguin for some random ****. I was supposed to get a giftcards on my b-day for that purpose, but I actually never got it. Thank god my mom didn't pay for anything online. I didn't play club penguin afterwards anyway cause I was bored of it xD
But I guess for your case 20 shinies for 5 pounds is okay. There are going to be more pokemon games in the future, it isn't lurk you'll be bored of the game since you can transfer them from game to game.
Nope, for example in Pokemon, you can always get shinies yourself. I wouldn't spend my money on random pixel stuff no matter how cheap it would be :D
I was wondering if you would ever pay for in-game things

If it's something I really want and if it's not too expensive, I might do so, yes. Would have to be a game I'm sure of I'll play for a long time, though; not something I'd get bored of quickly.
I've (regretfully) paid for a few of the alternate skins in Mass Effect, but unless its massive content pieces like new areas to explore with story, I ain't buyin.
I wouldn't mind spending a few extra dollars here and there for in-game items, but if it's something I can obtain myself I would rather do it that way. If I just buy them, then it would defeat the purpose of the game for me. As for your situation, I would just be careful in case they aren't legitimate!
As a person who has played microtransaction games, F2P, Pay to Win, straight up Nintendo games with no transactions, et cetera, I can definitely say don't you ever pay to advance to the next level or for an item or something in a game. It runs out the "battery" of the game in your mind because you just did something without having to work for it, and that's money out of your own pocket. I used to play the Zynga game Empires & Allies (why why WHY did they shut it down?) and I eventually bought the alternate currency that allows you to buy things before you can access them. (In this case, I believe they were called Empire Points. In Farmville it's Farm Bucks, and other things like that.)

Point is, don't buy anything in a microtransaction. DLC is an exception, unless it's Day One DLC. Don't ever buy that because it's a waste of time. I'm looking at you, Activision.
I frequently pay for in-game stuff, but only when it is official DLC/add-ons. If it was someone seeling a pok?mon (which isn't meant to be sold) I wouldn't do it.