Worst pain you've ever felt?

The time my family disowned me because I'm a furry

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The time my family disowned me because I'm a furry
No pain really but sometimes my heart rate jumps to nearly 300 bpm and doesn't go back down naturally. It's never a good feeling. No pain just panic and a struggle to breathe correctly and dizziness trying to move. Just really uncomfortable. Other than that I dunno really.
Physically, probably breaking my arm.

Emotionally - grief. I've never felt this emotion until this past week, and it's been the worst emotional pain I've ever felt. It's so emotional that it physically hurts as well, and it's so consuming... I'd rather break my arm again than feel this tbh
Physically: migraines, cramps, stepping on glass as a kid (the glass never came out...)
Emotionally: long story short, my mum having a stroke, I had to become emotionally distant for me to handle the changes (she changed, and I became her caretaker). Years later it's still very hard. But she's worth it.
The worst pain I have ever felt was heart break.. to the point where I can actually feel my heart hurt so much and it's unbearable.
Weird, I've had braces but they don't hurt at all :p And tbh I guess I'm lucky, I haven't really been hurt physically before (badly atleast) and I'm pretty good with dealing with mental pain :)
Physically: Either the insane cramps whenever you exercise too much, the migraines, or THOSE DAMNED BUG BITES! (Never had a broken bone, fortunately ;3)

Emotionally: Whenever your entire family disowns you for having an addiction to video games... (not entire, just the family I live with. And I hate them. Except for my dad, literally the chillest person ever.)
Had a really really Really bad ear infection and a doctor pulled a huge ball of earwax out and I thought I was going to die
Physical - serious kidney infection which landed me in hospital.

Mental - when my depression is so severe it makes me want to end my life.
Having my tonsils removed a few years ago and after that, tonsillitis ;_;
Probably when I was little and my sister who was even younger would sometimes throw my metal toy trains at my head, after that it would either be getting a shot or when I would fall down the stairs when I was little (which was very common) I still remember I was carrying one of my really big toys of the stairs and I think I was 2 or 3 and I fell back with the toy falling on me. I still almost fall down the stairs a lot, almost because I can save myself now.
Dislocated my knee by falling into a bath. Another one which was equally painful was scraping my knee against gravel while doing school sports and had a massive gash on my knee (Battle scar!) and had much lovely things come out of it. In short my knees are not in the best condition!