Wisdom Teeth


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Feb 14, 2014
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I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed soon and I was wondering if anyone here has gotten their's removed yet. I'm also wondering about how your experience with it was.

I'll feel better and hopefully less scared if I read about other people's experiences.
Hello! I had mine taken out a few years ago. I was put under with an IV, having a phobia of IVs and anything with needles it was scary however I blinked once and when I open my eyes they said it was over. I was groggy and was taken where I slept for 5 hours. It wasn't painful in the least. When I woke up and my mom was replacing my gauze I started crying. Again, it didn't hurt just started bawling for no reason.

Here is my warning though: That night I was super thirsty and took a big gulp of water, I felt something shift back there while drinking but didnt think anything of it. Turns out it was my blood clot become dislodged... I got a dry socket.. (look it up if you dont know what it is) and it was the most painful thing in my life.

Just don't be too rough with consuming things and you should be fine.:D
Don't sweat it. It's really not a big deal. I was knocked out during mine and didn't feel a thing. Sadly, I don't have any funny post-anesthetic stories to share. I think the biggest downer was when my mouth was numb and I couldn't taste food for hours.
It wasn't a big deal to me, they took of 3 of them (I still have one), there were out so it wasn't long. Where I live there is no gaz and they usually don't use general anesthetics either just local. I could eat normally the same day, no pain at all.

Sadly is not the same for everybody.
I had all four of mine surgically removed. I had next to no issues, barely any swelling. No real pain. I would say it was a piece of cake.

Try not to get yourself worked up. If possible, put your appointment as early as possible. I was at the clinic at like 645 am and still half asleep. I just wanted to lay down I was so tired I didn't really care what was going on.
I haven't been back to the dentist in years because last time I was there (I was 18, I'm 23 now) they told me I'd probably be getting my wisdom teeth taken out next time I came in. Especially now that I have a 2 year old, I really don't want to have to deal with it. I won't be able to sleep through it because I need to take care of my kid and I'd be a complete mess.

I've been terrifed of it ever since my friend in high school had his wisdom teeth taken out and he said he was in a lot of pain for days. He seems like he might be the type to lie a lot though and seeing these other comments makes me a little less scared... I should have done it before I had a kid.
I got all 4 of mine out when I was 14. Afterwards someone will probably have to help you walk out, since you'll be dizzy and disoriented for a bit (personally I liked the feel of being dizzy and my parents had to force me to sit down so I didn't get myself injured lmao). My face was a little swollen, nothing too bad though. The worst part of the whole experience was the Novocaine, because it made my lips and tongue completely numb for the rest of the 1st day. I remember that I could only eat ice cream and soft foods for a week or so, and it got annoying trying to clean out the sockets, but other than that it's not too bad.
Honestly it's not even memorable, the pain of braces was SO much worse. Good luck, you'll be fine :)
I only had the bottom two wisdom teeth. The actual surgery wasn't bad at all, but recovery was a little painful. It wasn't terrible but it was definitely uncomfortable.
I had all 4 of mine removed last year! The procedure itself is not too bad, and doesn't take very much time. Depending on your dentist, you can choose to be asleep or not. Mine didn't give me the option, but if you're awake through it, just close your eyes and you'll be fine.
Depending on how many you're getting removed, you may need to come back in two trips. My dentist didn't allow me to get all 4 taken out at the same time, and only did two at a time (on each side at a time, rather than doing top or bottom. I'm glad he did it this way, because it reserves a side of your mouth to chew.)
After the procedure, you'll be pretty numb for around 5 hours, and you'll need to keep biting down on a gauze for an hour at a time to ensure that the hole where your teeth were heals properly, and keeps the spot from bleeding. If your face swells a bit, don't worry! That's normal, and goes down in due time. I was prescribed a pain medication, and that helped tremendously.. Keep ice on the side of your face where the teeth were removed, and try to lie back for much of the day. I layed in bed and listened to music and comedian stations on Pandora, and that helped a ton to keep me preoccupied while I was resting. :p
As for eating... Your dentist should tell you, but don't drink out of a straw. The sucking motion can cause more bleeding, and dislodge the clot that's helping you heal. Be sure to drink lots of water (from a cup) and avoid hot foods. I made the mistake of drinking hot soup, (I was really hungry; ) and that caused me to bleed. Stick to soft, colder foods. Some things I ate were ice cream, applesauce, yogurt, and for the love of gosh, wait for soups to cool down before drinking them. :p;

Now.. about the gauze. This was about the worst part of it all for me. Be sure to only replace it after 60 minutes and keep tabs on it often. If you keep taking it in and out and looking at it every 5 minutes, that'll cause more bleeding. Your dentist should fill you in on all of this, but chances are, you'll be bleeding and will need the gauze for around 24 hours, or a bit more than that. I kept changing mine out for 48 hours before I stopped using the gauzes. It all depends how fast you stop bleeding. It's not as bad as it sounds, though!
You don't have to sleep with the gauze in, and you don't have to worry about eating or drinking with it in either. Keep your head elevated while you sleep, and after a full 24 hours, you can gently clean your mouth out with a bit of salt and water. (Don't swish the water around with your cheek muscles, try doing it by tilting your head from side to side!) And be sure to rinse your mouth out with salt water every 2 hours or so after that? That should help speed up the healing process.
After a full week, you should be just about healed. Stuff can still go in the hole, so be wary of that, but you shouldn't need to worry about dry sockets after that.
My dentist didn't, but yours should give you a thing to help keep it clean!
I would tell you more about dry sockets, but I didn't have any problems with them. As long as you take it easy you should be fine.

A bit extra, if you're worried about blood, don't worry too much. I have a mild phobia of blood, and I survived. I did freak out a bit at first, but after the first 2-3 hours, you won't bleed as much! So don't worry about blood being the most horrible awful thing, if you are worrying a bit about it. As someone who really hates blood, I can assure you that it's not that bad.

Best of luck when you get your wisdom teeth removed! You should be feeling much better after 2-3 days and after a week, you should be all good to go for the most part. :)
If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask. :>
I've had mine out it's not the worst thing in the world. My recovery was a little painful cause the pain killers they prescribed make me throw up so I had to take basic ibuprofen. But you'll be fine after a few days of recovery you'll be good as new just DONT drink out of a straw for a while after getting them removed cause then you could get dry socket and THATS the painful thing
I had 4 surgically removed since they were all growing horizontally. Yay! They gave me painkillers before the process and injected anesthetics which was probably the worst part for me because I have a terrible phobia of needles.

I think my dentist was in more pain than me. He was a specialised doc but he had trouble pulling my teeth out :( it wasn't too bad though, just felt a tad bit of pressure from the tugging. I tried to think about other stuff to keep my mind off of what he was doing (tbh most of the time I felt bad for him because my wisdom teeth really did not want to come out).

My brother and I looked like hamsters because of the swelling, but they should give you ice packs for it. Hopefully your swelling won't be as bad as mine! And like the others said you should be ok in just a few days.
I got all removed with the traditional method, I was scared to death, but luckily they all got out fast. Only bad thing is that you keep bleeding for a while and can't brush your teeth. I ended up just eating liquids for 2 days so I wouldn't get unremovable crap between my teeth in the meantime, lol.
I had 4 surgically removed since they were all growing horizontally. Yay! They gave me painkillers before the process and injected anesthetics which was probably the worst part for me because I have a terrible phobia of needles.

My husbands wisdom teeth are growing sideways into his other teeth (is that what you meant too?). The pressure being made is leaving him in agony though thankfully he happens to be on strong medication for other things that double as painkillers. But, he was apparently put on the priority list for removal (apparently ordinary dentists can't do it so we're waiting on one of only two specialists in our city) that was like 6 months ago though. Thank God he has those painkillers for his fibromyalgia.
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Yeah growing sideways! Luckily my dentist.. well my dentist's boss was a specialist. I hope your husband can get that appointment asap D:
from what i had heard before getting them out, i was expecting it to hurt a lot worse than it did, though i guess it will vary from person to person. it's definitely gonna be unpleasant though. they should give you some oxycontin/percocet which is great. my mom made me stop taking it after only like 2 days and it still wasn't that terrible. one thing i did that i highly recommend is sucking on ice cubes to numb the area and reduce swelling, pretty much as often as you can. getting a bag of ice and putting it on the side of your face will help as well, especially at night when you're trying to sleep. i think ice was the difference maker. there's still gonna be pains that even the ice and meds can't control but they definitely made it far more bearable. IIRC i was fine within 5-7 days.
I had all four of my teeth removed. I felt zero pain. Seriously! I was told by the surgeon or whatever you call him, that I would get massive pain on Sunday so keep on my meds. I got them pulled on Friday. I worried so much about the pain but Sunday came and I didn't even need my meds. It was pretty rad tbh. I got it easy. Thank god.

The worst part was salt water rinsing and not being able to eat solid foods. My family had corn on the cob in front of me. It was SO SAD and mean! ;w;

Just keep on your meds and do as instructed and you should be fine. Being put out was my most feared moment cause I hate needles. But it didn't hurt and I was out really quick. I counted down from 10 and barely got to 8. XD

Good luck!! It's scary as heck but once it's done, it's pretty chill. Just an inconvenience with eating.
I had all four of my teeth removed. I felt zero pain. Seriously! I was told by the surgeon or whatever you call him, that I would get massive pain on Sunday so keep on my meds. I got them pulled on Friday. I worried so much about the pain but Sunday came and I didn't even need my meds. It was pretty rad tbh. I got it easy. Thank god.

The worst part was salt water rinsing and not being able to eat solid foods. My family had corn on the cob in front of me. It was SO SAD and mean! ;w;

Just keep on your meds and do as instructed and you should be fine. Being put out was my most feared moment cause I hate needles. But it didn't hurt and I was out really quick. I counted down from 10 and barely got to 8. XD

Good luck!! It's scary as heck but once it's done, it's pretty chill. Just an inconvenience with eating.

So you were unconscious the whole time? It seems to be the case for a lot of people here. I never saw that.
Even the drugs, they are giving us, I think they just gave me a bottle of Ibuprofen that I didn't use.
Here is my warning though: That night I was super thirsty and took a big gulp of water, I felt something shift back there while drinking but didnt think anything of it. Turns out it was my blood clot become dislodged... I got a dry socket.. (look it up if you dont know what it is) and it was the most painful thing in my life.

Just don't be too rough with consuming things and you should be fine.:D

NO STRAWS AND NO SUCKING. I have an abscess in my gum that opens every time I suck on something, it's really gnarly...

I am close to needing several teeth out, not my wisdoms but I will have to have one, if not two, of them removed due to them coming in wonky, but two are fully through with no crowding so I think I'll be able to keep them. I have two teeth that are basically just shells now from being eaten away by my abscess... and another that has a hole down to the gum so I think I'll have to get those pulled, hopefully simultaneously when I have a few days off to heal or something. As long as they use anesthetic and stuff dental work doesn't really bother me too much, it just sucks when I'm not given enough being a redhead and then I can kind of feel and it's awful... :[
I had mine removed last year and it was not a big deal at all. The surgery went fine, they put me to sleep and when I woke up the teeth were gone. I didn't feel a thing. My mouth was frozen for about eight hours and when it unfroze it hurt for about a day. They gave me enough pain meds for an entire week but I only took them on the first day and was fine. It was very hard to eat at first and took about a week and a half before I could eat normally again, but otherwise it was not bad! Best of luck with getting them out :)