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Will they ever let us move resident services?

I feel like Nintendo is soo evil for this >O<
It seems like every person I know that plays has their resident services literal steps from the airport... Mine is far away from the airport, but out of my entire friend group, it seems I'm the only one that doesn't have it super close.. But honestly, I feel like I want mine closer.. I really hope they let us move it around in the future.
Mine is 5 tiles as well D: what did you do? Looking for ideas as it seems i will have to make my peace with it
Lol I started changing it a lot today and realised I don't even have a pic of how it looked before :(
Before it was just some stepping stones, trees and flowers. Now I've put a 3 tile wide river that runs through and I'm hoping a bridge may fit there. If not I'll go with a stepping stone and decorate with flowers. I'm quite tempted to reset actually though
I wish we could do much more with that whole area.

I only want to move the building - and I want to be able to customise the plaza myself too. Why can't we have a kit or something to create a designated trading area for visitors? Maybe it just creates a little plaza area somewhere for the visitor to trade on. I'd love this - could bring so much life to my small market area.

I just feel like not being able to move the building and also have so much of the space outside of it as dead space to me is pretty frustrating when so much more of the island can be customised.
I am still wishing and hoping they will let us move RS. My location is in such a bad spot because I thought we would be able to move it later after unlocking teraform. Now it's just stuck at an awkward location and it's bugging me like crazy lol. I have been trying to work around it, but I always end up disliking everything I do. I have built and destroyed multiple times. I think i spent close to 10mil just building and destroying around it. Blehhhh!!
I'm curious if Nintendo would allow for us to remove the Residential Services? How loud would we have to be for this to become possible?
I've reset my island so many times that I've honestly lost count. I spend hours or even days trying to find the perfect layout with the fruit i want and a good airport and then get to the end where I can really start terraforming my island and decide resident services is in the wrong spot. I've had it basically everywhere and its just never good enough. I allways wanted to turn my island into a mountain villiage, but with resident services having to remain on sea level I can never get it quite right. Trying to terraform around it always looks weird.
I don't believe whatsoever that they will ever implement the option to move the Resident Services plaza. I would certainly love if Nintendo proved me wrong and did implement such a thing through an update, but I nonetheless figure it won't ever happen. Personally, I just wish I could move my Resident Services just a few spaces to the right of where it currently sits so that the entryway from the airport would line up perfectly. That they don't line up properly is a bit of a pet peeve for me. I have no intention whatsoever of ever restarting though, so it's just something I'll have to live with.
I’d really like the option to move Resident Services as it bothers me that mine is not lined up directly in front of the airport but is instead about 1 or 2 tiles to the right which prevents me from making a straight entrance way up to it. I’d love to be able to move it so I could line them up directly, though I’d probably still keep it at the same distance away as it’s quite close to the airport but not too close to get in the way of decorating.

Unfortunately though I don’t think the option to move it will be given mostly due to its set up with the plaza as I can’t really see the developers wanting to split the building and the plaza up so the option to move it would likely need to allow players to move them together which could be more difficult.
Boy I wish we can move Resident Services, because I hate how out of place it is on my island. I wish we can move it onto Layer 2 or Layer 3 of the cliffs we made with Terraforming, but the thing is so low to the bottom its like I look at it and its like so bad. If they give us the option to move Resident Services I want to put on Layer 2 of the cliff that I cannot make because its in the way of making more cliffs.
while being able to move resident services would be great, i honestly don’t ever see it happening as since it’s attached to the plaza, moving it would likely be more complicated compared to moving a villager’s house or nook’s cranny. but i’d still love for this to be a possibility one day and maybe even being able to customize the exterior would be neat as well.
As others have said, moving the RS will likely never happen.... but that is okay! There are tons of videos on Youtube that share ideas on how to make an entrance with a resident services that is super close to the airport. You can make it look amazing! Just type in Youtube something like "acnh entrance ideas close resident services" :)
As others have said, moving the RS will likely never happen.... but that is okay! There are tons of videos on Youtube that share ideas on how to make an entrance with a resident services that is super close to the airport. You can make it look amazing! Just type in Youtube something like "acnh entrance ideas close resident services" :)
That maybe so, but still I would want to put my Resident Services on a cliff. It just looks so bad with it blocking my way to make more cliffs.
I agree that we should be able to move Residential Services, especially since literally every other building in the game can be moved. It prob seemed like an odd idea on paper, since the Residential Services building also includes a town plaza, but it doesn't and shouldn't have to always be right in front of or near the airport. the plaza in New Leaf was able to be a significant distance away from the train station, so why can't this be the case in New Horizons?
I truly wish that we could move our Resident Services. I've been annoyed with mine for quite a long time now and am unsure what I'm going to do with it now that I'm going for a re-theming of my island. I think this would be one of the most welcome additions to any update yet if they were to ever implement it. Unfortunately I think this would be on the least likely additions from Nintendo. Heck... we don't even have another upgrade to the shop yet.
The Resident Service (or the airport) building never bothered me until I realised you can't decorate on the plaza only around it and now that I have the construction app I hate how unaligned it is to the airport. I honestly have no idea how to make my entrance appealing for visitors without the option to move either building and line them up which would solve all our desired design problems.
I highly doubt that we'll ever get the option to move it. Imo, I think the only chances to change something about the RS in general are to be able to customize it. Back in NL, we were also able to change the look of the Town Hall, so maybe we get the opportunity to at least redesign the RS too one day.
Even if they don’t ever let us move it, I hope they will give us redecoration options like we had in New Leaf for the train station and what not.
as nice as it would be to be able to move it, I also just don't see it happening because it's such a large part of the island (being attached to the plaza and all that). when you consider NL and how the actual central plaza with the tree was separate from the town hall it doesn't seem like too big of an ask, but at the same time considering (as was said above) that we only have one shop upgrade an entire year in, I just don't think it's going to be Nintendo's priority. i'm also assuming here they'd be open to the ability to move the actual physical building away from the plaza which seems unlikely and also now that I think about it probably not quite the argument people are going for here lol
I don't believe whatsoever that they will ever implement the option to move the Resident Services plaza. I would certainly love if Nintendo proved me wrong and did implement such a thing through an update, but I nonetheless figure it won't ever happen. Personally, I just wish I could move my Resident Services just a few spaces to the right of where it currently sits so that the entryway from the airport would line up perfectly. That they don't line up properly is a bit of a pet peeve for me. I have no intention whatsoever of ever restarting though, so it's just something I'll have to live with.
I actually just restarted mine for the 500th time and actually got a resident services that lines up perfectly with my airport and its a decent distance away so I can still do a nice entrance. It takes a lot of time and patience, if you aren't picky about native fruit and airport color its easier, but its possible.