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Why so narrow minded?

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really wish games would stop assuming im straight and realize there are more genders than boy and girl

theyre not overthinking it???
i would love for a game with lesbian characters. gay characters. trans* characters. but i know this wont happen now sadly. it doesnt hurt to push for it though. but this wont happen in ac for a while.

If they would do something like that, this game and every game ever, would get lots of controversey. It's always going to be a controversal topic and it will cost the company and creators a lot of customers, so it's better to stay away from that topic all together.
Kapp'n is....
..... image.jpg
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LMAO! And when you work at Brewster's doesn't he come in and say something like, "Hey, ye wee pretty thing, give me you know what!"

Or something close to that. I laughed so hard when I saw that one!
really wish games would stop assuming im straight and realize there are more genders than boy and girl

theyre not overthinking it???
i would love for a game with lesbian characters. gay characters. trans* characters. but i know this wont happen now sadly. it doesnt hurt to push for it though. but this wont happen in ac for a while.

and kapp'n is pretty gross get away from me you got a wife you big loser

If they would do something like that, this game and every game ever, would get lots of controversey. It's always going to be a controversal topic and it will cost the company and creators a lot of customers, so it's better to stay away from that topic all together.

On the issue of gender, I think ACNL has done pretty well. You're not forced into either role, nor are the items locked according to perceived gender. As a male character, you can wear skirts, & girl accessories. The same is true for females in reverse. Plus it affords a wide variety of "unisex" options. And can't you unlock gender opposite hair styles too?

I know gender is not simply bilateral for many, but more on a slider for some. But am I wrong to presume that it falls more toward one end or the other - no matter how slight? Work from that premise and accessorize to your comfort zone. Or is that an option not provided for within the existing parameters? Creative shopping! ^^ Though if you're also a person of color... -.-
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I think you guys are focusing on things that really aren't a big deal. :/

Its only not a "big deal" to you, and those who share your view. Apparently there are others who'd disagree.

You?re over thinking it, and taking it too serious imo.

I respect your opinion, but its my opinion that we don't think things through enough which is why we - as Americans - come off looking and sounding so ignorantly...
I don't think the majority of us are even remotely referring to the age thing.

And annoyance over the inability to customize your character to have the same skin color as you is overthinking? You must be white. Your privilege is showing.

I'm black and I can really care less about a slider.
Try again?

Not trying to make this about race, but I'm just saying.

I asked my sister and she, who is black too, said it could just be an option, but she'd never use it.

So.. there you go. Some people would use it, others wouldn't. But skin tone sliders/presets could be an option.
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On a note aside from kapp'n being a little crazy.....
or a lot

They actually are open minded in japan atleast to me Since Gracie is male in japan and they changed it here in america so gracie would be female because "WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?" Apparently.
Not trying to be rude about america or anything but thats kinda sad we nit picked about WHO GRACIE IS.
You're right about it being hetero-normative, but it's a video game, they always are. What I find even MORE narrow-minded about Animal Crossing is how everyone is, by default, white. I could write an entire sociology paper on the poor message that sends. You should be able to customize your character's looks in the beginning of the game similar to in The Sims.

Well, technically because it's a Japanese game, everyone's all Japanese. Not white. :p ;)

TBH, this happens a LOT in video games though. American developed video games that let you make a custom character *usually* have skin color sliders nowadays. It's much more rare for Japanese developed video games. Why? Because Japan really is 98-99% Japanese only. There isn't really as much racial diversity here, so people forget about it. It's not at all an excuse. That's just how it is. I'm white, but here in Japan, I'm actually an extreme minority. So much so that when I go to concerts, I've had people ask to take pictures of me because they think it's weird that a white gaijin likes *insert celebrity*. It almost makes me a minor celebrity sometimes just due to my race and it's really odd.

Diversity is so much NOT a thing in Japan too that sometimes when non-Japanese characters appear in anime, they always really stick out. Maybe they have giant noses or have really hugely thick eyebrows or have some weird stereotypes (black characters in anime and games almost always serve as comedic relief or are scary thugs).

I must say that hetero-normative is a huge thing in Japan, even more than elsewhere. If you are gay in Japan, you're expected to keep it on the down low. You just don't talk about it at all. If people find out, most of the time they don't have a problem with it, but they don't want you talking about it. Gay couples also can't legally get married in Japan and they don't get any of the benefits that hetero married couples get.

So yeah... while I love Japan, I have to point out that a lot of the stuff you guys are talking about is largely because Animal Crossing is a Japanese developed game.
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This. ^^^

The only thing that shined light on all of this.
You have my respect
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On the issue of gender, I think ACNL has done pretty well. You're not forced into either role, nor are the items locked according to perceived gender. As a male character, you can wear skirts, & girl accessories. The same is true for females in reverse. Plus it affords a wide variety of "unisex" options. And can't you unlock gender opposite hair styles too?

I know gender is not simply bilateral for many, but more on a slider for some. But am I wrong to presume that it falls more toward one end or the other - no matter how slight? Work from that premise and accessorize to your comfort zone. Or is that an option not provided for within the existing parameters? Creative shopping! ^^ Though if you're also a person of color... -.-
yeah, i think what ac added with clothes was really great! but mabel says some negative comments if you buy the other genders clothes for no reason? also i honestly dont think ac needs a "are you a boy or a girl" anymore tbh.

I don't think the majority of us are even remotely referring to the age thing.

And annoyance over the inability to customize your character to have the same skin color as you is overthinking? You must be white. Your privilege is showing.

its kinda funny how pokemon added the race option but not the clothes stuff ac added and vice versa. come on nintendo
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They actually are open minded in japan atleast to me Since Gracie is male in japan and they changed it here in america so gracie would be female because "WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?" Apparently.
Not trying to be rude about america or anything but thats kinda sad we nit picked about WHO GRACIE IS.

Because dressing outside of gender norms is not looked at as wrong in Japan. If you go to Harajuku or Yoyogi or Shibuya, especially on weekends, I can guarantee you that you will see some guys wearing skirts and makeup. If you go to events with cosplayers, that "sexy girl" cosplayer might actually be a cross dressing guy who is just really, really good with makeup. There's also guys who cosplay as girl characters for events without bothering to shave their legs or anything. Unlike the US, where at anime cons when this happens this is for a joke, people actually aren't trying to be a joke when they do this. And no one says "eww gross" or anything like that.

Japan just has... really weird ideas of what's OK and what's not for gender and other things, compared to most western countries.
yeah, i think what ac added with clothes was really great! but mabel says some negative comments if you buy the other genders clothes for no reason? also i honestly dont think ac needs a "are you a boy or a girl" anymore tbh.

Sorry, but I would not like to be a boy or male ever. Only in games where the male character is the main character. But we need the choice.
And maybe it's because there have really never been humans in the town, so when she sees a male try on dresses, she's surprised.
This forum is for game discussion more so than cultural aspects of it, imo, but I don't take it too seriously. Remember when Japan made the King Kong vrs. Godzilla movie have two endings to cater to whichever audience went to see it? Those who wanted Kong to triumph had that and those who wanted Godzilla to triumph had that.

Whatever makes the consumers happiest, in their view, and brings in the most money. This is undoubtedly a commercial venture and probably won't change.

I love it regardless of the flaws. And Kapp'n himself admitted that the "plate on his head is cracked." :)
Sorry, but I would not like to be a boy or male ever. Only in games where the male character is the main character. But we need the choice.
And maybe it's because there have really never been humans in the town, so when she sees a male try on dresses, she's surprised.
?? you could just be whatever you want? the way i imagine it is choose your hairstyle and go from there. it would be better if the game didnt restrict you to boy/girl? but i doubt they would ever do that

also but nintendo really didnt have to program that in tho. her sister in the hat shop if i recall doesnt say anything like that
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This forum is for game discussion more so than cultural aspects of it, imo, but I don't take it too seriously. Remember when Japan made the King Kong vrs. Godzilla movie have two endings to cater to whichever audience went to see it? Those who wanted Kong to triumph had that and those who wanted Godzilla to triumph had that.

Whatever makes the consumers happiest, in their view, and brings in the most money. This is undoubtedly a commercial venture and probably won't change.

I love it regardless of the flaws. And Kapp'n himself admitted that the "plate on his head is cracked." :)

The "cultural aspects" are inherently a part of the game as much as the game play itself, and thus should be open for discussion. And of course its a business venture and the most lucrative model would get the nod for retailing. But as you also pointed out "whatever makes the consumer happiest..." would be unknown to them unless we let them know. =} Otherwise there would be no evolution in the industry, and we'd all still be playing Pong. lol Are we saying we won't play a game we've liked enough to already invest in? Obviously not. Are there things/options that would make some of us happier to do so? Absolutely. I, for one, am at a crossroads with this franchise. I'm weighing whether the perceived issues as I see them, are deal breakers for me, because my money can be spent elsewhere. I'm just sharing some of my thoughts in an attempt to flesh out other points I can consider to that end. Thank you for sharing yours. =}
?? you could just be whatever you want? the way i imagine it is choose your hairstyle and go from there. it would be better if the game didnt restrict you to boy/girl? but i doubt they would ever do that

also but nintendo really didnt have to program that in tho. her sister in the hat shop if i recall doesnt say anything like that

I personally like the whole "are you a boy or girl thing". That's what I was saying.
I guess not but maybe the translation was screwed up? Maybe it's different in the Japanese version?
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The "cultural aspects" are inherently a part of the game as much as the game play itself, and thus should be open for discussion. And of course its a business venture and the most lucrative model would get the nod for retailing. But as you also pointed out "whatever makes the consumer happiest..." would be unknown to them unless we let them know. =} Otherwise there would be no evolution in the industry, and we'd all still be playing Pong. lol Are we saying we won't play a game we've liked enough to already invest in? Obviously not. Are there things/options that would make some of us happier to do so? Absolutely. I, for one, am at a crossroads with this franchise. I'm weighing whether the perceived issues as I see them, are deal breakers for me, because my money can be spent elsewhere. I'm just sharing some of my thoughts in an attempt to flesh out other points I can consider to that end. Thank you for sharing yours. =}

And thank you for sharing yours. I said "more so" for the discussion. I just would rather have such a subject matter much more thoroughly discussed in a more fitting place and get much more out of the discussion than the walking on eggshells that has to happen here. I belong to some terrific forums and lively discussion is wonderful. But here it seems to be bringing out more than the franchise intends or cares about, sadly.

I don't think other points can be fleshed out or the mods will come down like the proverbial Sword of Damacles. :)
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