Who's In Your Campsite?

Jay is in it, I will have 9 villagers soon and understood the 10th will come from either void or streetpass or camping. So I proably wait til a cool guy camps in.
Limberg is in it rn but 2 days ago on the game Rhonda was there and a week before in the game chevre was there and I asked her to move in.
hmm from what i remember the one who stayed the longest for some reason was hazel, she scares me DX
and her catchphrase "uni-wow" is just uni-NOPE! XP
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I had Drago in the campsite today. I knew he was popular because he's one of the mythical creatures, but this is the first time I saw him in the game. He's really cool looking!

Cherry the Dog. If anyone wants her PM me quick...

You can't adopt a villager from a different town's campsite if thats what you're trying to do...
Big Top. Currently selling my crowns to him to rake in millions of bells. Today is a good day.
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Fauna is in my campsite today. She's adorable. Too bad I'm already at 10 villagers.