Where is your happy place?


Sep 20, 2013
A more serious thread, but where is your happy place? Where are you at your most comforting state? Be as vague or specific as you like.

My happy place is personally the Amtrak train. I have so many memories on that train and memories made because of that train. I like to call the Amtrak train my second home.
A park that's right between East and North London. It doesn't have the vandalism, the discarded syringes or frequent stabbings and gang related violence like the ones nearer to me do and the people who use it seem genuinely happy to be there (Parklife!)

My dog always enjoys herself there and seems to go off-duty and act like a puppy again, rather than the butch guardian she usually is in public.
There's a local Chinese Buffet restaurant in a rather remote district. It's a hidden gem. I go there once every two weeks or so.

The place is absolutely quiet. I can eat all I want too. It's become a location of pure comfort to me.
A more serious thread, but where is your happy place? Where are you at your most comforting state? Be as vague or specific as you like.

My happy place is personally the Amtrak train. I have so many memories on that train and memories made because of that train. I like to call the Amtrak train my second home.
This was pretty much my exact answer to this question. I feel more at home onboard Amtrak trains than I do even at my own actual home. I'm happy I'm getting another chance to travel on Amtrak again in just a few days (Sunset Limited/Texas Eagle), and then twice more a couple weeks later (Texas Eagle and California Zephyr) to allow me to experience that kind of feeling again. This time I'm actually using Amtrak as actual travel rather than just a rail vacation, but depending on how my whole work situation looks later this year I will likely have another multi-part Amtrak vacation in the works in the not to distant future.
Home. I am such a homebody. I love having a space that's entirely mine and that I'm in control of. I also get a lot of satisfaction from cleaning, decorating, cooking at home, etc. All my hobbies are hobbies best done at home too - reading, crafting, gaming, puzzles, etc. I don't really feel a need to go out and about unless I have to either.
Definitely my home. I'm a hermit by nature so I'm usually in my room reading a book, playing video games, listening to music, browsing YT, etc. It also rains a decent amount where we're at, so that's a plus!
i would say home, because yes, but recently i've become very comfortably at my friends home more than mine lol.

she legit does the MOST to make it comfy. closes the blinds, makes me tea, has a specific blanket FOR ME and has a huge TV with soundbar to place minecraft ambiance. i don't think i can ever reach peak coziness anywhere that isn't her living room 😂
My own room, especially on a cloudy cool day when the natural cool fills the room. That's today. I love it!
My happy place is my room with my kitties ☺️. I don’t feel comfortable leaving the house at all; this is only getting worse too as time goes on. I like my new room but honestly, I prefer our old house and area too. This house, the last owners didn’t take good care of it and it’s really old .
My happy place is anywhere where it's quiet and I can do the things I enjoy doing without getting distracted by background chatter that I can easily decipher from far away. It's more like several happy places because right now each one has a major con. For example, I have my bedroom, but then some of my sibling's stuff is in there so sometimes when I'm minding my own business she unexpectedly walks in to get something, and that annoys me. There are also outdoor spaces in my school, but whenever some students decide to sit near me I have to go somewhere else. And I can only be there during break and lunch.
Not necessarily happy but a comforting spot. It is the desk chair in my bedroom. I’ve noticed that I gravitate towards that spot whenever I feel sick or just need to breathe.
- On a long walk outside, listening to music
- Looking out the window while on a moving train, listening to music
- Baking/cooking while listening to music
- In the zone, drawing/painting while listening to music
My happy place is at home with my family 🥹 I miss my home in the rural area soooo bad, it’s so calm and peaceful there. In the afternoons I like staying in the living room where we have large glass windows overlooking the lakeside; I love sunbathing there while crocheting, playing casual games, drawing, or studying. We also have a small nipa hut near our house where me and my family gather on occasions; we don’t need a big reason to be there, most of the time we just hang out, chill, chat, or nap. There are no fans or aircon in the nipa hut, we just feel the summer breeze. My home place brings me so much comfort and I wish I could go home, but alas work has me renting a small apartment in the middle of a noisy, crowded, bustling city 🥹 Definitely in the future I’ll be living there permanently once life settles down 🍃