Where did you put your home?

I put my home in between town hall and retail and it was also in a nice secluded area, and suddenly everyone decided to cram into the area that I put my house D;
I put mine just below the river and above Re-Tail. It's much more convenient now that I have a suspension bridge right beside it!
Mine's right above a waterfall leading to the ocean!
I put mine at the edge of a cliff, next to a waterfall, and next to the ocean... That way no one can move in next to me or in front of me. >> There's literally no space and I like it that way. <3 :)
Where the river loops into a "U" shape and leaves just enough land inside that "U" for one house, I've built mine there. Then I built a bridge behind my house so that I can get to the town area/shopping area/train station quickly. :)
I put mine right in the center of town. :)< Mayoral ego at its finest. Luckily, I got a winding river with a bend right in the center that acts kind of like a moat for my house. It's perfect placement for a new bridge directly from the beach to my front door, too ! Only thing I hate about it is that Diva moved RIGHT BEHIND MY HOUSE. *shakes fist*

HA I hate Diva, My river runs west to east, in the south west corner the river is close to the cliff and makes a narrow area where I put my house, I have a little space to the left of my house I plan to put benches and other gardeny things in. Nobody is close to my house, and only Robin shares the same side of the river as me. My bridge is a little out of the way, but I have a ramp to the beach close by. Retail and town hall are on the top half of the map one off the the right, the other to the left.
I put mine in front of the private beach on the cliff. Its also next to the waterfall. I did want to put it facing the river but the good spot was taken and the other spot I thought of putting it on wouldn't do according to Nook....
Mine is near a waterfall but that wasn't something I noticed until after I selected a place to build my house. I just wanted a little spot where a villager couldn't try and move in next door. :)