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When did you get into animal crossing?

What was your first AC game?

  • Population Growing (GameCube)

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Wild World (DS)

    Votes: 18 30.5%
  • City Folk/Let's go to the city (Wii)

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • New Leaf (3DS)

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Amiibo Festival (Wii U)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I started with the welcome amiibo update! (3DS)

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
Wild World, back in the day. I was in elementary school, I think. I remember my friend playing the game on the bus, so I looked it up later and went out and bought it. I?m much more of a hardcore fan than she could ever dream of becoming, though.
Population growing was technically the first game I played. My best friend at the time shared her world with me, it was a few years ago. Then I got new leaf for christmas in 2016 because I saw posts on tumblr that interested me and my friend suggested it to me as well.
It's been really interesting hearing everyone's stories about how they got into AC but I have made a few mistakes. One was that I didn't make HHD one of the poll choices but for some reason, I put in AMIIBO FESTIVAL!?!?:mad: I must have been very tired when making this poll. Also, my story wasn't entirely correct. The first game I guess was wild world because for some reason my dad had a blank game. Since I wanted to play ACNL so bad I played that and I wasn't a big fan of it. I found it kinda boring and very minimalist probably since it was 2015 and like ten years after that game was released. When I got new leaf for christmas i played it nonstop and that's how I truly got into AC. The first story is true too. Thsi is just after I watched the letsplay and wanted to play an animal crossing game.
AC gamecube was my first game. I saw it in a Nintendo Power magazine and thought it would be fun.
Came home with it and my young son thought it was silly. A few days later I opened the game and found a new player living in my town. Went out and bought a memory card so my son could make his own town. His character still lives in my town.
Technically I started with my sisters population growing and wild world, then started renting city folk from my library. But the first one that I Owned was welcome amiibo, and holy I. The only one on this thread who started with welcome amiibo :0
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New Leaf was my first.
This was largely because growing up my family didn't have much money, so we didn't own any consoles other than an old N64.
I didn't even have a handheld nintendo system until I was in my teens.

Still, I remember when Animal Crossing first came out in the west.
I was watching Saturday morning cartoons and it was advertised.
I remember not comprehending what it was and thinking it was simply a little game about helping animals cross the street. ^^;

Flash forward to 2014, my best friend and my husband(fiance at the time) had gotten New Leaf and were begging me to join in on the fun. I held out for months because I tend to get meticulous with things like life simulation games.
I don't want my town to fall into disrepair, don't want villagers I like to move, etc. In short, I knew feelings of wanting to maintain it would have me playing daily, and I wasn't sure I was prepared to invest a chunk of my time each day into a game without an ending.

Nonetheless, they wore me down.
I agreed and spent hours the night before I got the game pouring over the list of villagers, deciding what my goals were.
I decided Pekoe was my favorite.

The day I got the game, first try I got a town where Pekoe was one of my starting villagers.
I've been playing AC ever since.

Sorry for being so long-winded! :X
PPUAlchemist, That's what I thought when I first heard about it! I was like six or seven and I thought, "What a boring game, helping animals cross the road..." Little did I know that a little while later I would be addicted and on a forum based on the game!
It was autumn.

My best friend at the time had a band mate who was a really serious gamer. He played ALL the games, but was a Nintendo gamer in his heart.

Band mate was the one who told me about Animal Crossing for the Game Cube. He was really excited about it - he literally sat me down and told me about this game called Animal Crossing. He had purchased it on game day and told me about it the day after.

Animals who live in houses. It sounded like LEGO Fabuland to me. That?s all I needed to know about the game. I bought a Game Cube and Animal Crossing the next day - within the week of the launch.

Everything was great for months until Peanut the squirrel gave me her picture - then moved out the next day. I?ve been very wary of any villagers moving since!

Band mate moved on to the latest games but I?m still here playing all versions of Animal Crossing :)
I started with the GameCube game, at least partially because of the NES game collection included. But I ultimately enjoyed the main game even more. I still have my original town, and I play it at least once a month. :)
I started with the GameCube game, at least partially because of the NES game collection included. But I ultimately enjoyed the main game even more. I still have my original town, and I play it at least once a month. :)

Oh my god! jvgsjeff, I've watched your youtube videos before!!!! They're really good!:D
I started with the GameCube game, at least partially because of the NES game collection included. But I ultimately enjoyed the main game even more. I still have my original town, and I play it at least once a month. :)

:eek: your here too. Lol. Love your videos though!
The NA Gamecube version, my mom got it for me at a yard sale when I was very young. It had the memory card and booklet with it, which is apparently uncommon as I see it sold for around $100 dollars in some places. I didn't like it at first, because I couldn't play it long enough (The Gamecube wasn't mine.) to figure out what the concept was. Once I started activity playing, I got hooked. I'd always play it like crazy for a week, then get burnt out and stop for a while. It wasn't until NL that I was activity playing for a long time.
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I got New Leaf for Christmas 2013. Honestly it didn?t seem like a game I would really enjoy based on the trailers but boy was I wrong. I liked it so much I asked for another copy of it for Christmas 2016. I know that seems like a long time to wait, but I didn?t see a reason for a second town until the WA villagers and the special villagers (Sanrio, Splatoon, Monster Hunter) came out.
I started playing AC when we got a Gamecube that came with it back in January 2008. We got it off of eBay, and I'd never even heard of it before, but it had cute animals on it so I figured I would try it. It instantly became one of my favorite games, and it's ultimately what got me into being a core gamer.

5 months later I got Wild World, a year later I got City Folk, and a year after New Leaf was released, I got it. But I love the original the most. I still have my very first town, and I even still have one of my starting villagers (Stella) from 10 years ago! That town is packed full of nostalgia...
It was 2013 and I was just randomly reading some toy magazine. I was looking for some Wii games where you could dress up ect. and then I saw City Folk. I asked my dad could we buy it later that day and then we bought it at our local shop. I started playing it and later that day my friend asked that could i go to a school disco with her, I said im not sure because I was playing City Folk. I remember when I was creating a pattern and then my mom said that I should go there.. Well City Folk was my first AC game and i kinda regret deleting my town in there at 2014... But I still own the game:)
started with new leaf but played wild world after and then returned to new leaf. new leaf is definitely better for me.
I started playing Animal Crossing back when it came out for the GameCube. I was little back then, but I can still remember how playing it for the first time felt. I eventually moved onto City Folk and then to New Leaf when it came out. (Yes, I skipped Wild World. Never got the chance to play it, though I might pick it up one day.)