When did you get into animal crossing?

What was your first AC game?

  • Population Growing (GameCube)

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Wild World (DS)

    Votes: 18 30.5%
  • City Folk/Let's go to the city (Wii)

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • New Leaf (3DS)

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Amiibo Festival (Wii U)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I started with the welcome amiibo update! (3DS)

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters

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Dec 16, 2017
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I'm interested to know when people got into animal crossing and what game they started with. The poll is for what game but feel free to comment what year or time you did. I'd also be interested to hear how people got into it. For me I started with ACNL in 2015 from chuggaaconroy's ACNL letsplay. I suggest you watch it on youtube!:)
I personally have been playing Animal Crossing since the Gamecube days (got it on my birthday too!) and I have enjoyed every major AC game so far during their relevant times! :D New Leaf is my favorite Animal Crossing though (which should say a lot of the game because the previous 2 ACs never seemed to beat the original Gamecube one to me) after enjoying 1500+ hours on it with many great memories made through it (I still have the town I started with in 2013 and it truly is my dream town :D ).
I started with Wild World although I wasn?t allowed it until a couple of years after the release. I never had City Folk, and drifted away from Animal Crossing during my teens. I found Wild World again during college and finally decided to get a 3DS with New Leaf. Whilst, personally, Wild World has better characters, I do love New Leaf and play it on and off.
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My first Animal Crossing game was WW which came in the mail litterally two days after I had gotten my first gaming console ever. I stated playing and I didn?t stop for a long time (probably one big reason why my original DS lite looks so "loved" now).

During that time I didn?t keep up with gaming news as much so I only fond out that CF existed after it had been out for some time. I bought a Wii to play that but didn?t spent a lot of time with it. That?s how I found out that I?m the type of gamer who prefers handhelds because I can play the games everywhere in my home and do other things (e.g. watch tv) while grinding.

After that I saw pictures of NL before release and admired how good it looked, but I was determined not to buy another console just for the game... Well since I?m here now you can probably guess how that turned out: I saw a cute Japanese-Amerikan couple do a let?s play of NL when it released in Japan and I fell in love again. This was the first AC game I got on launch day in the EU (together with my 3ds) and I still have that town.^^

I didn?t get any of the spinoffs because I honestly didn?t see much point or "longevity" in them. And I still don?t have a Switch. But I will definitely get one in time for the next game?s launch. *I just hope they will have a prettier color of the switch by then...I would love a white one*
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i got new leaf for my birthday 3 years ago, after one of my friends got it and told me about it. when i received it and started playing, i instantly fell in love lol
I first played animal crossing new leaf in 2014 I believe. I knew it from before though because a friend of mine played it too!
My first AC game was on the GameCube. I was in my 20s back then. I didn't own it because I had a PS, but my brother did and we played games together when I visited. He convinced me to start up a town and I loved it. I could only play weekly, but I became so attached to my villagers that when our weekly visits stopped because life got in the way, I swore I'd never have another AC town.

Obviously, that didn't hold up, but I did stay away from AC until last year. When my husband started watching chuggaconroy's ACNL Let's Play, it ignited my desire to play again. Luckily, I already had a DS for Pokemon, so picking up the game was no problem. And I'm so happy I did.

I still miss aspects of the GameCube version, but NL is a lot of fun and it's the first time I really get to devote myself to my town.
I started in New Leaf. Before then, I had zero idea what Animal Crossing was. Then my sister asked for ACNL for 2014 holiday. I'm not sure if she wanted it or asked for it randomly but still, we got it as a present. When looking at the game box, I thought to myself "Eh, looks like something I would play for awhile and then not pick it back up weeks later". Obviously, I was proven wrong and I grew to love this game! In fact, I still have my town Lorule from 2015. :)
I first got into animal crossing when I was about 8 (back in the good ol 2010 days). It was the first game I had on my nintendo DS that wasn't an animal simulator (nintendogs etc) and the game that actually brought me into the world of nintendo and gaming in general!
My parents picked up acww on a whim for both me and my brother not thinking we would like it, but we both became VERY obsessed VERY quickly.
It was like nothing I'd ever played before and I have definitley clocked in about 1000 hours on that game.
So yeah, that sparked a love for nintendo and animal crossing that has been going for 9 years (and counting)
if it wasn't for that random game purchase from my parents I wouldn't be the nintendo nerd I am today

P.S Not ashamed to say I bought a switch for the offchance they release animal crossing
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I remember reading about Animal Crossing a couple of months before its North American release back in 2002 and I really liked the concept of it.I bought it on the first day it came out at the local Best Buy.
Wild World, started playing it around 2007. GOD I was addicted hahaa. And I still am, I'm probably never gonna stop playing this game, I love it so so so much
Technically, I first played Animal Crossing on the GameCube when I was in 4th grade, on Christmas day of......2004, I guess? My friend's family spent Christmas with us and he brought the game over. I'm not sure I really count that, though. My first real Animal Crossing experience was when I bought Wild World in 2006, and I've loved the games ever since. I strongly prefer the handheld iterations, though?I've put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into Wild World and New Leaf, but couldn't ever seem to get deeply invested in Population: Growing or City Folk.
I am old (lol) so have been playing since the original Game Cube game :)
I was first aware of the game due to WW but didn't own my own copy.

Received City Folk as a Christmas gift back near its release & happily am now familiar with the game series. c:
I'm surprised by all the GC originals. WW was one of my first games period, it means so much to me.
I got into animal crossing when I was 10 years old I think. My first game was wild world, but before that I was playing my sister's copy here and there because I didn't have my own. Eventually I got my own game and I played it to death and soon became addicted to it i'd play it everyday before school, and just obsessed with the AC franchise in general. Then after ACWW, I got city folk then population growing, and then acnl. I followed the development of ACNL for a long time, and then got it the day it came out in the uk.

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I saw a cute Japanese-Amerikan couple do a let?s play of NL when it released in Japan and I fell in love again.

By any chance was that american-japanese couple LinAndKo? I used to watch them too before ACNL came out in the UK. I even used to stay up to watch their livestreams haha.
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I started with New Leaf although I don't recall exactly why. I probably saw it on You Tube and said "why not". My oldest town's tree says 30 January 2016 so I'm definitely a newbie compared to most here. I was so impressed with NL, I bought WW and CF. WW seems so crude and clunky (ditto CF) that I just couldn't get into it (them) although I gave them several tries. I have a Switch that just sits awaiting the next AC. Meanwhile I have plenty to do with several NL towns and am happy with the situation.
Here is my story is that my sisters never wanted to play with me with other games and they only liked to play the ugly animal crossing new leaf. So I know the only way I can play with my sisters is to get the Animal Crossing NL game and I hated that game but its only how I can play with my sisters. After I got the game then my sisters will play with me ONLY because of that animal crossing game.
And today I'm still no fan of ACNL but I will still kinda play the game.
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I bought a Wii to play that but didn?t spent a lot of time with it. That?s how I found out that I?m the type of gamer who prefers handhelds because I can play the games everywhere in my home and do other things (e.g. watch tv) while grinding.

Same, I love playing on my 3DS and never used my Wii. I don't mind gaming on a computer, depending on the game, but hate playing on TVs.

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I started with New Leaf, in April, as competitive research for work. Except I was supposed to be playing Pocket Camp, not New Leaf. By the time I realized I was hooked on NL and haven't looked at Pocket Camp yet.

My ex-boyfriend at one point had bought me CF for the Wii, but I hated it. I thought Tom Nook was a Crook and the game was just a metaphor for the materialistic society we live in (I'm not sure it's not to this day honestly) and I was so frustrated by how far I was in debt that I didn't play it more than an hour or so.