What's your TOWN FRUIT? 🍎🍐🍑🍊🍒

For my New Leaf towns my original town is Oranges. My secondary town is Cherries.
My new leaf town fruit was apples :>
I'm not mad about being part of the cherry crew though I like cherries, and also i really like lemons too ✌️
Peaches! 🍑 I love them in real life, so I’m glad they’re my island’s fruit!
mine were cherries but i planted peaches because it was pink and matched my town's theme
My fruit for the event is pears! Can't believe the luck for it to match my real New Leaf town fruit. :D I was far less picky then and just wanted to start the game. Pretty much every other town I've had has been cherries, either by luck or by choice (New Horizons). This makes my New Leaf town stand out all the more in my mind ❤️🍐
I am joining team cherry 🍒 I had to check as I hadn’t played the game in a while. I have gone slightly ott with perfect cherry trees. They do look tasty though 😋
got orange and mango! was never a super big fan of orange but it is my current native fruit in acnh so i’ll let it slide ~