What's your favorite game?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2017
New Horizons Token
I think mine is 'TimeSplitters: Future Perfect' but its a tough call. I have loads of games I love.

What about you guys?

This game wasn't/isn't very popular but I've completed it at least 5 times. Highly recommend : )
^Okami is a GREAT game!

Anyways, I'm not sure what my favorite game is but I can say I really love the Metroid(even Other M) and Castlevania series...Metroidvanias in general, really.
Besides obviously, Animal Crossing, some of my other favorite games are:

- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
- Kingdom Hearts (1st one in particular)
- Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town and Animal Parade
- Super Mario World

I don't play these as much anymore, but they each have been a pretty significant part of my life at some point.
Ooh, tough!

Series: Advance Wars
Single game: Skies of Arcadia

Breath of the Wild is getting up there too. Have to see how it holds up with replaying.
Mine is
4. Pokemon X/Y & ORAS
3. Fire Emblem Fates/Radiant Dawn/Heroes
2. All Animal Crossing games
1. Minecraft/Skyrim/Call of duty (all)
Mother series I've played it at least in a total of 7 times :)
Animal crossing series is first to come to mind, but bayonetta 2 is just so damn good I love it. Botw is new, so I don't wanna say its a favorite just yet... giving it more time to gestate.... but goddamn is that game fun. Mgs5 is up there, and botw basically took all the aspects of mgs5 I loved and perfected them.

My most played game is FFXIV with 200 days (yes actual days worth of gametime) ... I truly love that game, and its like my second home, but I don't think its quite favourite material. It's my go to, but not my best.
Besides Animal Crossing, some of my favourite ever games are:
- Pokemon (especially Sapphire, HeartGold and X)
- Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility
- Civilisation V
- Football Manager (14, 15, 16)
- Dota 2
- Mario Kart Wii
- Super Mario Bros.
I have a lot lol

Persona 3,4 and 5
Sims 2,3 and 4
Stella Glow
Fire Emblem Awakening
Rune Factory 4
Ace Attorney all of them lol
there a ton of games i bet that'll be my all time favorites, but i just can't play them right now because i dont have a gaming pc //crying
i really want to play overwatch, the witcher, and the isle. hopefully i can grab my hands on those games and get to play them in the future

at the moment, aside from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, my favorite 3DS games are Monster Hunter: Generations, and Pokemon Sun!
It's tough picking a favorite one. My top 5 would probably look something like this:

- Grand Theft Auto V / San Andreas
- Saints Row: The Third / Sleeping Dogs / Saints Row IV
- Borderlands 2 / Pre-Sequel
- Stardew Valley / Animal Crossing New Leaf / Sims 3
- Life is Strange

And I'm only counting games I've played myself, which is not a whole lot.