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What's your ACNL pet peeve?

Permanent dirt spots, dead spots where trees or bushes don't grow, PWPs always being too close to something (especially when placing bridges), brushing away paths when you are trying to pick up an item, and villagers plopping their house wherever they feel like it.

OMG RIGHT?! At least in New Leaf, there was no such thing as grass wear and there were set zones where villagers could move. I HATE that they can just plop down anywhere and erase months of hard work breeding, growing and placing paths.

And I definitely love the friendship bracelet idea. I have lost two of my favorite villagers now because they packed up without ever giving me ANY indication they wanted to leave, and even though I speak to every single villager every day, none of them told me "so and so is thinking about moving" etc. I don't have the slightest clue why Nintendo is so bone-headed as to make it so that once they're packed up, it's already the point of no return. Screw that! I lost my precious Julian! ;;

What the heck were they THINKING?!
When I water my flowers but it does that auto-turn to the other one. Ugh.
Picking up a path that your other character laid down. Double Ugh.

The most common one: To place PWP's where I want them to but I can't because something is "too close" UGGGHHH

UGH apparently EVERYTHING is too close to EVERYTHING else in my town. Sometimes I just wanna tell Isabelle off sometimes. Like, "Hon, I love you. But you better back up cause I'm the Mayor and I'll put it wherever I want!"
1. It annoys me when you lay down patterns you have to keep them in your inventory, otherwise you'll have to make a 2nd character and re-lay your paths all over again. :mad:

This. SO MUCH THIS. I initially laid down my path using my mayor before I knew that they would change if I wasn't holding the patters anymore. This is such a stupid mechanic. Also,

Placing PWPs is the worst. Dangit, Isabel, I want the log bench and bonfire close to the campsite. She makes me spread them out so far that those 3 PWPs alone take up like a whole side of the map!

Being unable to control where villagers move in is also a huge pain, and it could have been so easy to fix. As the mayor I should be able to designate certain areas for houses. The signs that marked where villagers would live in old AC games could have easily been made into PWPs that we could place wherever we wanted someone to move in.

The rule for how many bushes/trees can be placed in a row and how they can't be next to PWPs is another big one. I understand its purpose, but it really restricts landscaping.

Probably the biggest one is campsite mechanics. Whenever I have room I almost never get campers, and when I do they're always like the same hideous 3. Chow, Beardo, Hans, GO AWAY. Then, as soon as my town is full, here comes Rosie, Whitney, Ankha, and every other possibly desirable villager.
Trying to trap a character to get PWP requests but YOU KEEP TALKING TO THEM INSTEAD UGHHHHHH
I don't know if anyone's mentioned it, but I don't see why we can't move certain buildings like the campsite or Resetti's HQ. It's just a campsite and a manhole cover, why can't we move those? And for that matter why are we stuck with just one of the two police station designs? What if I want to change my town from modern-looking to more rustic? Too bad, I'm stuck with the shiny metal one.
The constant beeping on mailbox if you don't pick up or those of extra characters you rarely open.
Store enter/exit conversations, a villager pinging while you are talking to another villager and the one you are talking to wont stop babbling and you miss out on the ping, and Isabel explaining to you in excruciating detail why you cannot place a public works project in a particular spot every time you are too close to something else. If I'm trying to squeeze something into a tight space, just tell me it wont fit so i can move a square over and try again. I don't need to be reminded of exactly how much room i need every single time it wont fit. At least have a grid system or something.

Also having to choose between Booker and Copper. I want them both!
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^true shiet.

Also 99% of the bad layouts..I mean we don't want a villager in the far right/left corner ffs
Also that your Dream address can change if it "lags" sorry nintendo i have better **** to do than make a new sig everyday
ok... got another one that really annoys me. when there are random dead spots in town where bushes just refuse to grow even though you don't have too many bushes in a row.

yep i hate that also. my last town looked awful because there were some areas that i couldn't plant a bush at and i got so frustrated, haha. it ruined the perfect row of bushes when there was just some random area without one, so i just put it as some kind of exit way.
when i forget to pick up a beehive and i get stung by bees.
so annoying.
These are my pet peeves based on the old DS version I also played:

Touchscreen - You can only use the stylus to manage it. Selling items is more tiring on the larger XL screen and you can no longer have 100% accuracy when pattern-making (used to be able to use DPad in ACWW).

CirclePad - It's harder to adjust your direction when fishing/digging/watering than it was with the DPad on the DS.

Watering - Dude, what's with turning 90 degrees and watering a completely wrong spot? What's the point?

Fish - can no longer see from the sides of their heads. Their eyes have all migrated to the front only.

Blathers - No longer accepts unidentified fossils within the Donation dialogue. Now he just laughs at you when you have nothing to donate, and then kicks you out of the dialogue menu so you have to talk to him all over again.

Isabelle explaining PWP dimensions - You're a sweetheart but until now I haven't worked out what your explanations mean. Please stop telling me.

Furniture - If two items are touching diagonally, it blocks you from placing an item in the space behind/between them. It was never a problem in ACWW.

Furniture - The game is much more sensitive of when you accidentally stand a bit in the space you plan to place an item. In ACWW you just slide out of the way automatically.

Winter - Where are my purple winter trees? D:

NPCs - Where are all your backstories? T_T

The Crankies - have lost their bite.

Lyle - Shut up.

I BET there will be more.

Oh and not a pet peeve but this would be really nice:

- The game tells you when your pockets become full (NOT after they are already full and you try to put a 17th item in).

- A shortcut to select your entire inventory when selling.
1 - grass wear - blah
2 - diving and it goes out of bounds JUST BEFORE you get to it
3 - not having a perfect, even path
4 - my almost non-existing pwp requests
5 - "you are too close to the ____ to place the ____." I just want a bench and streetlight side by side. STOP BEING DIFFICULT!
Fish - can no longer see from the sides of their heads. Their eyes have all migrated to the front only.

Omg I HATE that! I can't tell you how many times I've lined up a cast only for the fish to ignore it, even though it's right in their %*@#$*@ face!
People indirectly ruining my business. I know how it all started but I'm not one who wants to cause drama.
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