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What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?


Squirtle Squad
Dec 11, 2017
Smash Ball
Tera Orb
Crown Trophy
The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 Patch
Chocolate Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Changing my icon got me thinking on something... what's the nicest thing someone's ever done for me? There's a lot of things, but one in particular stands out to me. It comes with a long story too, yay!!

This one in specific was my icon, which was made by a friend for me as a gift. It features my favorite oc in the world, Taffy, with four of my fish. The one she's holding is Fuit Gummy, which is my only living fish, while the other three are Cheesy Alfredo, Squid Ink Spaghetti, and Marinara Sauce, who all passed away between December and June. Alfredo I had for two whole years, the oldest fish I've had to date, and I raised him from a baby, so of course I was heartbroken when he finally passed away (though peacefully and simply of old age which is rare in bettas ngl). My buddy Bear dropped this picture on me as a gift to commemorate them and I cried about it for like a week, it still makes me tear up just how sweet it was to make something like this. He's such a talented artist and such a sweet guy and I guess a few of my friends talked about making this gift to make sure I'd be okay with it. It sorta made me realize during an already pretty horrible time in my life (besides losing my aquatic sons) that I have such an amazing group of friends and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I made it my icon on discord, my desktop background, and now my icon on here simply because I can always be with my fish. Now that Fuit Gummy has fallen ill as well, I just can't help but look at the picture and know he'll always be commemorated in it in a way.

Sad stories aside, I now extend the question to you! What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you? It can be big or small- as long as it left a lasting impression on you. If anyone has any stories to tell I WILL read them.

(full icon image here)
When our mom died, I suddenly had nowhere to live. That night my older sister paid for tickets for me move back here to NY to live with her until I got my own apartment. And she also paid for out mother’s cremation, tombstone, burial/funeral, all by herself. I didn’t have an income due to my mental illness so I wasn’t able to do anything like that. I know it wasn’t specifically just for me, it was for both of us, but still, she’s a wonderful person.
Changing my icon got me thinking on something... what's the nicest thing someone's ever done for me? There's a lot of things, but one in particular stands out to me. It comes with a long story too, yay!!

This one in specific was my icon, which was made by a friend for me as a gift. It features my favorite oc in the world, Taffy, with four of my fish. The one she's holding is Fuit Gummy, which is my only living fish, while the other three are Cheesy Alfredo, Squid Ink Spaghetti, and Marinara Sauce, who all passed away between December and June. Alfredo I had for two whole years, the oldest fish I've had to date, and I raised him from a baby, so of course I was heartbroken when he finally passed away (though peacefully and simply of old age which is rare in bettas ngl). My buddy Bear dropped this picture on me as a gift to commemorate them and I cried about it for like a week, it still makes me tear up just how sweet it was to make something like this. He's such a talented artist and such a sweet guy and I guess a few of my friends talked about making this gift to make sure I'd be okay with it. It sorta made me realize during an already pretty horrible time in my life (besides losing my aquatic sons) that I have such an amazing group of friends and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I made it my icon on discord, my desktop background, and now my icon on here simply because I can always be with my fish. Now that Fuit Gummy has fallen ill as well, I just can't help but look at the picture and know he'll always be commemorated in it in a way.

Sad stories aside, I now extend the question to you! What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you? It can be big or small- as long as it left a lasting impression on you. If anyone has any stories to tell I WILL read them.

(full icon image here)

Sorry for your losses, pets are family. ❤ That's sweet that your friend made you that picture :)
This is kind of a weird question for me since, more often than not, I’m doing nice things for other people and I give more than I receive. However, if I really think about it I’d have to say the nicest thing someone’s ever done for me was when I met my now best friend of 10 years back in high school. That they chose to be friends with me the most out of anyone is something I’ll always cherish. We still keep in contact, and I’ve mentioned before that he’s the coolest guy I know. Younger than me by around five years, already graduated from university with a degree in computer science, and plays baseball as a pitcher (he’s African American as well). I don’t really have any other real life friends, so I’m very thankful for him. :giggle:
my mind immediately jumps to all the selfless people here who have gifted me collectibles without asking for anything in return. to name a few, skarmoury gifted me my fresh feather, cornimer gifted me my kaleidoclover, Haydenv019 gifted me an apple, Alolan_Apples gifted me the funds to buy my first pink feather, and sheilaa has gifted me multiple collectibles like a full row of pika eggs and a famous mushroom. im so grateful for people like that and i would love to pay it forward at some point.
I look at my avatar and it is so special for me for two reasons. Firstly it was obviously drawn by the amazingly talented beautiful Renn and I absolutely love it more than anything 😍 What makes it even more special is the kindness of one of the sweetest most special people here who commissioned it as a gift for me. That beautiful thoughtful gift means more than I can ever put into words. Tysm again Tokki 💫💜💫

Promise I won’t get too soft but i am so grateful for my lovely friends who are so kind, amazing and talented. Why they put up with me I will never understand but I am so grateful they do. Thank you 💞
I read the title backwards and was about to go try to determine what nice thing I've done was the nicest😅 That kinda comes off as braggy but I mean it in a way that I try to be nice to people around me but don't expect them to do the same or they just don't. Basically what Midoryia said in his first sentence.

Back at my old job my mental health was shot toward the last 8 months of having it.

I also wasn't eating right, on my breaks I would eat somethin very small or nothing at all, even thou I would work a full shift. It's not good for me to eat such small meals or nothing since I'm pretty sure I have a blood issue (low iron or low sugar not sure) esp made worse by my period. I've been asked if I'm anemic to which I couldn't even answer with a straight yes or no cause I truly don't know.

There was this one person who I would talk to on my breaks (cause I had a big fat crush on them) who worked in a different department than mine (I worked bakery they did like a cooking demo sampling thing in store). One day we happened to have a break at the same time. I had said to them before that I hated working at the store, so to cheer me up the shared their red velvet came with me☺ I was so touched by.
honestly, them just being around and checking up on me when I'm not doing ok. out of my entire friend circle I think only two people have ever done this to me:[
A friend set up a surprise 30th birthday weekend. All I was told at the time was to get to London and once we met up and I opened up my presents she revealed what we'd be doing for the weekend and it was one of the funnest weekends away from home I'd had in a long time. It was four years ago and I still have the birthday card she gave me sat on my shelf as a reminder of that weekend.
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I’m thankful to have a few caring people in my life over the years that have done nice things for me. A couple of recent ones that haven’t left my memory:

- A surprise homemade Valentine’s Day card from @Chris when my life was a bit more hectic than I needed/wanted it to be earlier this year. He took the time to include an extremely thoughtful message and I still get the smiles every time I think about & look at it. 🥰

- I had a spot of seemingly random pain one morning this past July when my partner and I had planned to go out somewhere and I tried to sleep it off. I woke up to a plate of sliced apples with cinnamon, water, ibuprofen, and a homemade Canada Day card. It was so unexpected and sweet that I took a picture of the setup to preserve the moment.
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earlier this year, tbt held an event for valentine’s day where you had to create and address a valentine’s day card to another tbt user, and @Firesquids addressed theirs to me.

i was in class when i first saw it, and boy was i more grateful than ever that i was doing school online and that no one could see me, because i was crying lol. it’s been months since this happened, and i still don’t have the words for how much this card means to me, but it is absolutely one of the nicest, most amazing things that anyone has ever done for me, and i’ll always cherish it. 💗

@Dunquixote also surprised me with some art a few months ago, which i definitely wasn’t expecting, but it was so sweet of her to do and it looks absolutely incredible! she even drew my kitty as a villager. 🥺

some of my amazing friends on here have even gifted me collectibles!! @Blink. gifted me a zombie egg, @Roxxy gifted me a mother’s day carnation, @lana. gifted me a blue pansy, and while this was a result of a giveaway, @SpaceTokki77 gifted me a purple star fragment! these collectibles may not always be in my lineup, but they (and the people who gifted me them) mean the absolute world to me. <3 i’ve also had some amazing people send me tbt, either spontaneously or as a tip when trading, which always makes me so happy!

i’m definitely missing some stuff, but these are the main things that came to mind. 😅
earlier this year, tbt held an event for valentine’s day where you had to create and address a valentine’s day card to another tbt user, and @Firesquids addressed theirs to me.

i was in class when i first saw it, and boy was i more grateful than ever that i was doing school online and that no one could see me, because i was crying lol. it’s been months since this happened, and i still don’t have the words for how much this card means to me, but it is absolutely one of the nicest, most amazing things that anyone has ever done for me, and i’ll always cherish it. 💗

@Dunquixote also surprised me with some art a few months ago, which i definitely wasn’t expecting, but it was so sweet of her to do and it looks absolutely incredible! she even drew my kitty as a villager. 🥺

some of my amazing friends on here have even gifted me collectibles!! @Blink. gifted me a zombie egg, @Roxxy gifted me a mother’s day carnation, @lana. gifted me a blue pansy, and while this was a result of a giveaway, @SpaceTokki77 gifted me a purple star fragment! these collectibles may not always be in my lineup, but they (and the people who gifted me them) mean the absolute world to me. <3 i’ve also had some amazing people send me tbt, either spontaneously or as a tip when trading, which always makes me so happy!

i’m definitely missing some stuff, but these are the main things that came to mind. 😅
Xara, you are such a sweetheart. I'm so glad you liked it, your kindness really inspired me so I knew I wanted to dedicate it to you. 💜
Also I love that art Dun did for you, so cute!

@Dunquixote I don't know if you remember, but you gifted me my first ever collectable on this site last year, a tasty cake. It was a small kind gesture that got me into actually participating in the events on this site, thanks again for that :)

@jadetine Drew me a portrait of my late kitty and made me ball my eyes out
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OMG, thank you @xara for reminding me of the Valentine’s event. I can’t believe I forgot about that. I feel like people do do nice things for me, and sometimes I just forget (I feel terrible).

I LOVED the cards @xara , @NefariousKing , and @Holla made for me. Each one was special in its own way, and I still have them saved to this day. :)






( also, don’t mind that it’s addressed to “Zhongli” in each one, that was a temporary username of mine 😅 )
Definitely lots, so I'll try to not to ramble:
Thank you for helping me with my lineup, @Holla, and @ryuk, and even more to @BalloonFight for giving me a eerie star potion! I will treasure it forever!
Kourage the Koopa and Hope the Luma.jpg

@LittleMissPanda drew this masterpiece for me
@Foreverfox sold me a moonlight egg, and I can't wait to display it when my October lineup is complete! Also thank you to @Plume and @SarahSays for selling me a black rose and a famous black mushroom! Thanks to you three, my October lineup is now halfway complete, I just need a purple star fragment, a cobweb egg, and a dark egg!
@Roxxy enjoyed the drawing I made for her birthday and her compliment made my day. It wasn't nearly as good as everyone else's, but she loved it nonetheless! So thank you! Here's the drawing if you're curious:

But most importantly, thank you to @Shellzilla for giving me the rest of the tbt I needed for the giveaway! Honestly I don't really know you that well, but that was very nice and thanks to you, I had a great time, and everyone did too!
Please forgive me if I forgot someone, it's 3am over here, I'm super tired, but I really wanted to post this before I sleep
It's kinda embarrassing that I can't think of anything lmao. As of late, I've been having a lot more people do more harm than good. And often intentionally.

But thanks to this thread, I did remember a moment I cherished. And still do now that I remember it. I need to ignore the petty vindictive losers in my life and remember times like this. It's kind of weird because I've not done anything to most of the people trying to make my life harder.

Anyway I was really sick years ago. A forum I used to frequent (long gone) had a community that I was very close to. They knew I was sick and struggling and many of the members who I was close with made a digital get well card. They all signed it, wrote words of encouragement, and cute little drawings. I obviously don't have the original, but I saved a copy of it and still have it on my flash-drives. But them doing that for me helped me get through those crappy times.

I enjoyed reading all of your posts. You all have such great people in your life that helped you through hard times together and or gave you cherished mementos!