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What's Bothering You?

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Found out my ex was using me all along, and I'm late. I'm not saying I'm pregnant, I just think stress has gotten the better of me. XD
Ready for a long ass problem?
So, my fiance and her brother got into a huge fight with their mom. Now she's threatening us.

Her e-mail, after saving face on Facebook.
Here it is plain and simple for all three of you:

I and three of your brothers are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as you were all raised to be. We believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman for time and for all eternity, being sealed in the Holy Temple of our God. We believe in and follow the counsel of the living prophet, who at this time is President Thomas S Monson. We believe in the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly, and we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. (Sound familiar?) We believe in God the Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ who atoned for our sins and who appeared to the boy prophet, Joseph Smith. I add my testimony to those of prophets through the ages who have testified that they live.

We also believe in the agency of man. "Free agency" is a bit of a misnomer, because although man is free to act, he is not free to choose the consequences of those actions. You have, all three of you, made choices that are your own. That is your right to do so, and I fought a war in heaven to defend your right to do just that. I have not "disowned" you or declared you "dead unto me" or any such thing. Quite the contrary. You have been welcome in my home, and I have helped you financially as much as I am able, i.e. Tickets to Florida and Disney World, paying for a honeymoon, and paying to get a van fixed so you could use it in Orlando. Nothing can or will change my beliefs, and nothing can or will change my love for you.

There is a fine line between stating beliefs and being disrespectful to someone else's beliefs, and you have crossed it to the point of there being a caustic accusation of bigotry because of my beliefs. I am an adult and am sure of myself, but I am custodial parent over two minors in my care who happen to be your brothers. I will not, and legally do not have to, subject them to such venom as I have seen displayed on FaceBook tonight. In my opinion at this moment, their being with the three of you this summer is not in their best interest. That is an unfortunate and very sad state of affairs.

How this plays out is entirely up to you. You mentioned being disappointed in the decisions I have made. I'd like to know more about that, and I would like to know how you plan for this summer to proceed.

Always remember, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't care what you did.

Love you forever.

I want to send this:
I have said nothing but what is in the constitution. I have been holding Emily back from saying a lot of really cruel things. I even posted some funny pictures to try to get everyone to calm down. I respect your beliefs and have said nothing about them, in fact, I share a lot of the same beliefs. I believe in God, and I accept Jesus as my savoir. I do my very best to keep Emily from hating God.
Please don't take those children away from their father. Please do not use your children as weapons. If you took them away, you would do a lot of damage. Patrick is so excited. He loves those kids more than air. Do not take what little time he gets with them away. If need be, I will spend the time that they are here at my mother's house, and I'm sure Emily would too (Which Emily is always welcome in my Mom's house because my mom loves and accepts her as her own daughter.). And, for the record, I do not slam the church in front of the boys at all. I have stopped Emily on numerous occasions from saying things in front of them.

Now, this next part my destroy our relationship, as much as I don't want that to happen. But, it does need to be said.
While in Florida, Emily and I both observed how you interact with the boys. You do not treat them well. You scream at them constantly. They can't speak, and when they do, even over the tiniest thing, even if they're right, you will scream. I have seen my own sister do this, and because of it, her children are damaged and constantly ask me "Why doesn't my mom love me?". You're doing the same thing. You are hurting them. By taking away their summer here with their father, you are doing some major damage.
About what this behavior has done to Emily: I calm her down from her daily "Why doesn't my mom love me? Why is my mom so mean?" fits. Yes, it's daily, The damage you've done to your own daughter is a daily thing she cries about. Literal tears. I have to remind her that you are human every day. I stick up for you every day. You have hurt her so badly, starting from high school. When she looks back on her childhood, all she can remember is really, really mean things that you have done to her. Because of you, she believes the Church is nothing but toxic and tears family apart. The only time she feels at peace with the church is while she's at my mom's house. She tried to tell me yesterday that she loves my mom more than she loved you. I told her she didn't, and that she was just mad. You've done the same thing to Andrew. He doesn't see that you love him for him. Just the concept of some perfect version of him. Emily thinks that too. I've told them numerous times that you do love them. Please do not villianize me when I've done nothing but stick up for you.
Again, I am 100% willing to leave my house and stay with my mom if it means the boys can come down. I love Patrick. I love Andrew. I love the boys. I love you. And Emily, I love more than anyone else in the entire universe. You have been very warm and welcoming to me, and I thank you for that. And for the record. I was not raised Mormon. I had a Mormon family, but my Dad hated Mormons. Hated them.

You can't take them boys away. The "venom" Andrew and Emily spit was to try to get you to understand them and realize some things. You taking the boys away in more than just spitting venom, it is taking a sledge hammer and smashing in everybody's skulls.

All actions have consequences. Will you swing your hammer, or put it down?
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Ready for a long ass problem?
So, my fiance and her brother got into a huge fight with their mom. Now she's threatening us.

Her e-mail, after saving face on Facebook.
Here it is plain and simple for all three of you:

I and three of your brothers are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as you were all raised to be. We believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman for time and for all eternity, being sealed in the Holy Temple of our God. We believe in and follow the counsel of the living prophet, who at this time is President Thomas S Monson. We believe in the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly, and we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. (Sound familiar?) We believe in God the Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ who atoned for our sins and who appeared to the boy prophet, Joseph Smith. I add my testimony to those of prophets through the ages who have testified that they live.

We also believe in the agency of man. "Free agency" is a bit of a misnomer, because although man is free to act, he is not free to choose the consequences of those actions. You have, all three of you, made choices that are your own. That is your right to do so, and I fought a war in heaven to defend your right to do just that. I have not "disowned" you or declared you "dead unto me" or any such thing. Quite the contrary. You have been welcome in my home, and I have helped you financially as much as I am able, i.e. Tickets to Florida and Disney World, paying for a honeymoon, and paying to get a van fixed so you could use it in Orlando. Nothing can or will change my beliefs, and nothing can or will change my love for you.

There is a fine line between stating beliefs and being disrespectful to someone else's beliefs, and you have crossed it to the point of there being a caustic accusation of bigotry because of my beliefs. I am an adult and am sure of myself, but I am custodial parent over two minors in my care who happen to be your brothers. I will not, and legally do not have to, subject them to such venom as I have seen displayed on FaceBook tonight. In my opinion at this moment, their being with the three of you this summer is not in their best interest. That is an unfortunate and very sad state of affairs.

How this plays out is entirely up to you. You mentioned being disappointed in the decisions I have made. I'd like to know more about that, and I would like to know how you plan for this summer to proceed.

Always remember, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't care what you did.

Love you forever.

I want to send this:
I have said nothing but what is in the constitution. I have been holding Emily back from saying a lot of really cruel things. I even posted some funny pictures to try to get everyone to calm down. I respect your beliefs and have said nothing about them, in fact, I share a lot of the same beliefs. I believe in God, and I accept Jesus as my savoir. I do my very best to keep Emily from hating God.
Please don't take those children away from their father. Please do not use your children as weapons. If you took them away, you would do a lot of damage. Patrick is so excited. He loves those kids more than air. Do not take what little time he gets with them away. If need be, I will spend the time that they are here at my mother's house, and I'm sure Emily would too (Which Emily is always welcome in my Mom's house because my mom loves and accepts her as her own daughter.). And, for the record, I do not slam the church in front of the boys at all. I have stopped Emily on numerous occasions from saying things in front of them.

Now, this next part my destroy our relationship, as much as I don't want that to happen. But, it does need to be said.
While in Florida, Emily and I both observed how you interact with the boys. You do not treat them well. You scream at them constantly. They can't speak, and when they do, even over the tiniest thing, even if they're right, you will scream. I have seen my own sister do this, and because of it, her children are damaged and constantly ask me "Why doesn't my mom love me?". You're doing the same thing. You are hurting them. By taking away their summer here with their father, you are doing some major damage.
About what this behavior has done to Emily: I calm her down from her daily "Why doesn't my mom love me? Why is my mom so mean?" fits. Yes, it's daily, The damage you've done to your own daughter is a daily thing she cries about. Literal tears. I have to remind her that you are human every day. I stick up for you every day. You have hurt her so badly, starting from high school. When she looks back on her childhood, all she can remember is really, really mean things that you have done to her. Because of you, she believes the Church is nothing but toxic and tears family apart. The only time she feels at peace with the church is while she's at my mom's house. She tried to tell me yesterday that she loves my mom more than she loved you. I told her she didn't, and that she was just mad. You've done the same thing to Andrew. He doesn't see that you love him for him. Just the concept of some perfect version of him. Emily thinks that too. I've told them numerous times that you do love them. Please do not villianize me when I've done nothing but stick up for you.
Again, I am 100% willing to leave my house and stay with my mom if it means the boys can come down. I love Patrick. I love Andrew. I love the boys. I love you. And Emily, I love more than anyone else in the entire universe. You have been very warm and welcoming to me, and I thank you for that. And for the record. I was not raised Mormon. I had a Mormon family, but my Dad hated Mormons. Hated them.

You can't take them boys away. The "venom" Andrew and Emily spit was to try to get you to understand them and realize some things. You taking the boys away in more than just spitting venom, it is taking a sledge hammer and smashing in everybody's skulls.

All actions have consequences. Will you swing your hammer, or put it down?

Send it, it sounds pretty civil to me.
Same here. I had one dream that scared the s*** out of me and another dream that just totally messed with my feelings. I hate that.

this. i hate when i get creepy af lucid dreams that makes no sense. doesn't help i slept really bad tonight either.
**** you, selfish people. Thank you so much for bringing 20 children into a theater you can't even control. You ruined the movie for us. You wasted our money. We had to leave the theater. They were being noisy the entire time. You were shushed, yet you did nothing to control your children.
**** you, selfish people. Thank you so much for bringing 20 children into a theater you can't even control. You ruined the movie for us. You wasted our money. We had to leave the theater. They were being noisy the entire time. You were shushed, yet you did nothing to control your children.

the logic of children is forgiven for everything. what tw*ts though.

also muuuunnniiiieess :(
Canceled plans to go out tomorrow, it's gonna be too hot and the fact I have to walk 10 minutes, ride a bus for 20 minutes, walk for 5 minutes, catch another bus and ride for 10 minutes and then walk for another 10 minutes to get where I want to get to ;_;

And omg it's humid right now and it's killing me, two fans aren't doing anything for me ;_; along with my somewhat summer cold.
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Canceled plans to go out tomorrow, it's gonna be too hot and the fact I have to walk 10 minutes, ride a bus for 20 minutes, walk for 5 minutes, catch another bus and ride for 10 minutes and then walk for another 10 minutes to get where I want to get to ;_;

And omg it's humid right now and it's killing me, two fans aren't doing anything for me ;_; along with my somewhat summer cold.
ech that sucks

i wanna jav cards tho
I feel so dang lazy. I stopped working out...again...
I really need like a motivational coach to kick my butt when I'm not being productive
A lot of things are bothering me as of late & I can't exactly say why because I'm not sure myself. All I know is I feel like dirt. :lemon:
that's it!! I can't take no more I don't want to work I just want my vacation already ughhgulkjeo;jfg;aodthsuizgosfdqod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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