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What is your least favourite food ever?

I hate celery, lobster, raw carrots, and anything spicy. I've always been pretty bad at handling spice and it hasn't gotten better at all as i've grown up. It's kind of annoying, since I can't handle foods that would otherwise sound really delicious. As for raw carrots, they gross me out since it takes a long time to chew them, so you're just stuck with a carrot taste in your mouth for a really long time as you're eating it. Lobster may definitely come as a surprising one to many, but I've never been a fan of seafood and lobster is no exception (Salmon and crab are though). It just tastes kind of gross to me and I'm not a fan of the texture of the meat.
This veggie called 豆角 (apparently Yardlong bean in English???)
A lot of seafood

My family went back to China once to visit friends and relatives.... some friends took us to a fancy seafood restaurant. I hated every single menu item it was sad. I don’t remember what we ordered anymore because it was a long time ago, but there was like sea cucumber dishes... ew
bananas are absolutly disgusting
i also really, really hate sashimi. When i had it at a KBBQ place, it was basically just eating raw, cold chunks of red snapper.
Oddly enough it’s more about not liking certain condiments than foods themselves. Both mustard and horseradish make me ill just from smelling them, so anything containing either is inedible to me
I know most people love it, but I can't stand peanut butter. Whether its a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, peanut butter fudge, Reese's cups... I hate it all.

Which is a little strange, considering I used to eat spoonfuls of it as a young child. Now even the smell of it makes me nauseous.
Raw tomato is sooo gross, but I will eat it if it's cooked, and I cannot stand bananas.

Same! I hate fresh tomatoes but fry or cook or dry em up and I'm in

I'm the opposite, I can't stand the texture or taste of cooked tomatoes :p

I can't eat certain types of seafood, like muscles, because the texture grosses me out. Raw fish apart from salmon I can't do either.
I don't like really fibrous foods like celery or bamboo shoots because my body can't digest them too well.

I've had the WORST experience with pineapples. when i was young, i ate a slice of a pineapples. ended up being sick for 3 whole days. never again
Mayonnaise. Oh god... just thinking about it makes me shudder... ugh that texture.... It's also my number one fear. Most of my nightmares consist of me accidentally ingesting that horrid substance. I gag if I see it being put on a sandwich. One time, my boyfriend put it on my arm as a "prank". I then proceeded to throw up in his kitchen. And he had the audacity to get mad at me? ummm. I should have caught a spider and put it on his arm and watch him scream like a little girl. He'd probably kill the poor thing, so thats why I ultimately decided against it. I don't like it when people kill bugs.
I don't understand how people can eat artichokes...Other than in spinach and artichoke dip.
Black licorice, gravy and onions are three of my least favorite foods ever. Black licorice is bad for your heart, gravy's just disgusting in my opinion and onions get me sick if I have them.
I don't actually know since most of the foods I don't like are ones I'm too afraid to try. But some of them do just smell unappealing to me and I cannot change how I feel about that.
One of my least favorite food is (black) licorice. I tried it once but tastes just awful for me. I'm also
not a fan of spicy food. Whenever I ate something spicy, I felt just bad afterwards. I can't stand it
and I'm always surprised of people who can eat ton of spicy stuff and don't have any troubles with
it. Besides that, I also don't like olives and some kinds of meat. Oh, and sour candies is also one of
those things I hate. Like with the licorice, it's not tasty for me at all.
I know most people love it, but I can't stand peanut butter. Whether its a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, peanut butter fudge, Reese's cups... I hate it all.

Which is a little strange, considering I used to eat spoonfuls of it as a young child. Now even the smell of it makes me nauseous.
i'm allergic and honestly whenever i try it by incident the taste is yuck still so yeah