• "Join us at 8 PM EDT for a special, for-fun (no spectator points) staff stream of ACNH hide-and-seek!"
    ~~ Coming Soon on Twitch with chat in #secret-stream ~~

What ideas do you have for AC that would make NH better! Also lets hear your dislikes!

i'd love to get rid of all the new villager dialogue, and swap it out for the old villager dialog from the gamecube version, or wild world. it's what makes me miss and want to play those games the most - the villagers are big part of the game, it sucks that they've become so two-dimensional.

get rid of isabelle, i can't stand her sorry. i miss pelly and phyllis, they were interesting. i miss resetti too, i wish you could go down to reset headquarters like in previous games. i really want crazy redd's tent to come back too, i love him :c really glad they brought celeste back though, she's one of my fave npcs! glad kapp'n and lyle and the other dumb dog they made in new leaf haven't reared their ugly heads yet lmao.
I wish the town area where the shops are was still here. Alternatively I would have liked a slightly bigger island. I doubt even have all my villagers yet and it feels cramped.

I doubt mind that tools break, but it would be nice to have literally anything to indicate they're going to.

Separate island for separate users, as well as the option to share an island if you want to. My girlfriend really wanted to play but wanted her own island so she could achieve everything on her own. There's really not enough to do in the game if you're sharing an island. lucky for her I was planning on getting a new Switch on AC's release and giving her my old one anyway. However, buying an entire console so we can both enjoy the game to its fullest should never have to be an option.

I dislike how so much seems to be missing with rumours of it all coming back in updates. I wouldnt mind as dont time travel, so it wont really effect me anyway, but...

The game is/was pretty buggy. I'm always surprised when I come across bugs in a Nintendo game, I've been totally shocked how many I've had in my game though. Maybe I've been unlucky here, but my girlfriend and housemate have had several too, as has nearly everybody on our online family pass. Most of them have been patched, but my housemate still cant get the friend app without resetting his game.
Itd be neat if the villagers campsites were all unique too....
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Wish resident services was nicer or could be upgraded
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I made myself a "Home Depot" area on my island. It has some pre-made tools, a DIY bench, and a bunch of the materials required for tools. It's on the opposite side from my house so that way I have 2 good places to go if something breaks. But it'd be nice if I didn't have to leave materials laying around.

I did the same for the first week or so, but it was getting hard to manage, especially when having guest over. I was paranoid they'd take my resources. And then Isabelle came along and yelled at me for having trash on the ground.
Literally anything like the mini games from NL of just the ability to take random island tours with friends. The multiplayer really needs something extra, not much to do :p
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This was an annoyance from previous games too, but I wish we could gift villagers items without them destroying their cute houses with them. I want you to wear the shirt I gave you, not replace your furniture with it. 😭
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- Make the gold tools the way they were before. Unbreakable and better performance than the lower quality ones.
- Bring the bushes and other fruits back + new ones
- Let us make buildings and decorate them like hhd (the island should be enlarged to make this possible). Also let us change the furniture, wallpaper and floor of our villagers.
- Add a second room un the upper floor of your house.
- Lockers in the airport like we had in acnl to make selling stuff in other islands easier and faster.
- Let us change the name of the island without having to reset.
- Let us change the airport's color whenever we want.

- The bags should add extra slots for items.
- bridges and paths need minor fixes. Like placing items right in the next square and the paths shouldn't end right before the buildings start.
I'd like to be able to switch a setting on and off to be able to see the blocks.. all of them... like during construction ... we all know they're there.... you're not fooling anyone nintendo!!!
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I honestly dont even want to make the swimming pools because it makes me so mad that I cant get in them
I think we should be able to make bridges from the higher tiers to the other high tiers...can we?? and also we should be able to swap plants when digging that needs some serious adjustments for gardening.. also things like jester hat should move when running and so should our hair.. ect
Well I'd bring back the water from NL cause NL river water is way better suited for an island and it's beautiful movements and lovely water pattern are ICONIC .. compare it to this merky flat BLEGH in nh and I'm ASTOUNDED
- unbreakable tools. i am so sick and tired of my tools breaking and the fact that the gold ones break, too? it’s ridiculous and i don’t see what the point is lmao

- furniture sets. while the furniture in this game is nice, i do miss a lot of the sets that we’ve had in previous games.

- literally bring back all the npcs. they can can lyle if they want but i miss all of the others.

- the old mailing system. having to pay 200 bells to send one letter really sucks. i miss the post office and the 80 bells stationary and being able to send letters for free
> inclines and bridges be 3 units long/customizable size. like please. they can't align with anything bc in order to center smthg its usually an odd amount if units.. u can't even line up a bridge to ur house door and I'm going craze

> more inclines and bridges.. 8?? rlly??? i??

> more! games! shops! and events! i get the game is new i get its more of a progress and more stuff comes out thing and I'm all for that but legit.. after terraforming and stuff u rlly don't have much to do. hit rocks, plant and catch.. that's all. most ppl who don't tt are alr "done" with the game too and i just think 60 bucks is a lot for a game that doesn't honestly have that much content rn- I'm sure ppl still enjoy the game but hh

> let you see where ur placing stuff as in not just one view but see how it blocks or interface with what's behind it

> the online travel process is bothersome... like u gots to wait 2-3 min just for someone to come and h..
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- unbreakable tools. i am so sick and tired of my tools breaking and the fact that the gold ones break, too? it’s ridiculous and i don’t see what the point is lmao

- furniture sets. while the furniture in this game is nice, i do miss a lot of the sets that we’ve had in previous games.

- literally bring back all the npcs. they can can lyle if they want but i miss all of the others.

- the old mailing system. having to pay 200 bells to send one letter really sucks. i miss the post office and the 80 bells stationary and being able to send letters for free
right uhggg also i think theres too little npcs + table furniture.... and idm spending 200 bells just let me spend it without the extra dialogue
Other ideas I have that will probably never happen:

- I think it would be cool if we could see NPCs walk around our town and stuff, and I really enjoyed it when I had Tommy walk around my island. I would like to see NPCs like Tom Nook, Isabelle, Timmy and Tommy, etc sorta take a "break" at certain times of the day and walk around the island. You can talk to them or gifts them stuff like normal villagers, except they have unique dialogue of their own. It would also add to the "relaxing island" sorta theme of them game.

- The post office returns and the pelicans are back, except instead of sending a letter, you send messages in a bottle and you have the option to send it to random players, your friends, or a random person on your friend list.
I love the game so far, but there's a lot of stuff I'd really like to see:

- Bring back the old furniture and clothing from New Leaf, along with adding some more item variety. I'd love some more fantasy/steampunk stuff along with some normal interesting stuff I can put in my house; PC had some great items that they could add as well.
- Make it possible to get every type of fruit without trading with other players. Having a possibility of seeing all other fruit (and flowers!) on the Nook Mile islands would be the best case, but I'd be fine if we could get them all through Mom/villagers like we could in previous games. Even if it takes months to get everything that'd be fine, as long as it's possible.
- Bring back the cut special characters, at least most of them. I'm fine if they leave Luna out (she'd probably be an online-only thing which I couldn't use anyway) and I don't care about Lottie or Katie either, but I'd like to see everyone else; I'd especially have preferred to see Pelly and Phyllis take Isabelle's job, with either Digby or Isabelle taking the night shift for Tom Nook. But since they won't do that, I'd also be fine with a post office building for them and moving the card stand there from the airport. I'd also like to see Serena make an appearance again; probably one of the more unlikely characters to be brought back, but I never got to meet her in CF and she seemed interesting!
- If they bring Brewster's cafe back, I'd like to see K.K. do his performances in there again.
- Make golden tools unbreakable, or at least put an indicator on the normal tools (maybe even something like how the axe icon appeared cracked in previous games when it was about to wear out).
- Bring the preview option back when buying wallpaper and flooring.
- Back accessories that aren't bags, like the wings from PC.
- The ability to have more villagers on an island, maybe up to 12 or 15 (and adding in some more new/returning villagers would be great, too).
- Giving villagers the ability to change their wallpaper/flooring if you give them some. I remember doing this in WW, not sure why they ever took this out.
- The ability to put rugs outside.
- Bring back Bright Nights, La-Di-Day, and the Flower Fest from WW.
- Maybe something similar to the golden axe trade sequence from WW? It was long but I thought it was fun and rewarding, and it gave you another reason to interact with the special characters. I think something similar to that would be a cool addition!
- Let Daisy Mae sell red turnips!
I love the game so far, but there's a lot of stuff I'd really like to see:

- Bring back the old furniture and clothing from New Leaf, along with adding some more item variety. I'd love some more fantasy/steampunk stuff along with some normal interesting stuff I can put in my house; PC had some great items that they could add as well.
- Make it possible to get every type of fruit without trading with other players. Having a possibility of seeing all other fruit (and flowers!) on the Nook Mile islands would be the best case, but I'd be fine if we could get them all through Mom/villagers like we could in previous games. Even if it takes months to get everything that'd be fine, as long as it's possible.
- Bring back the cut special characters, at least most of them. I'm fine if they leave Luna out (she'd probably be an online-only thing which I couldn't use anyway) and I don't care about Lottie or Katie either, but I'd like to see everyone else; I'd especially have preferred to see Pelly and Phyllis take Isabelle's job, with either Digby or Isabelle taking the night shift for Tom Nook. But since they won't do that, I'd also be fine with a post office building for them and moving the card stand there from the airport. I'd also like to see Serena make an appearance again; probably one of the more unlikely characters to be brought back, but I never got to meet her in CF and she seemed interesting!
- If they bring Brewster's cafe back, I'd like to see K.K. do his performances in there again.
- Make golden tools unbreakable, or at least put an indicator on the normal tools (maybe even something like how the axe icon appeared cracked in previous games when it was about to wear out).
- Bring the preview option back when buying wallpaper and flooring.
- Back accessories that aren't bags, like the wings from PC.
- The ability to have more villagers on an island, maybe up to 12 or 15 (and adding in some more new/returning villagers would be great, too).
- Giving villagers the ability to change their wallpaper/flooring if you give them some. I remember doing this in WW, not sure why they ever took this out.
- The ability to put rugs outside.
- Bring back Bright Nights, La-Di-Day, and the Flower Fest from WW.
- Maybe something similar to the golden axe trade sequence from WW? It was long but I thought it was fun and rewarding, and it gave you another reason to interact with the special characters. I think something similar to that would be a cool addition!
- Let Daisy Mae sell red turnips!
Love to see kk in brewsters YES
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What if cap'n ends up coming to the dock on everyone's island and there is a boat
Allow us to move a building just a few squares, pretty annoying when you have to move it elsewhere then move it back to where you want it to be. Also would be nice if you can use something like the designer you use indoors where you can move items around using a cursor until you’re happy with the position.
Allow us to move a building just a few squares, pretty annoying when you have to move it elsewhere then move it back to where you want it to be. Also would be nice if you can use something like the designer you use indoors where you can move items around using a cursor until you’re happy with the position.
Didnt know that jeez...