• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What games were you not sure of at first but ended up enjoying?

I think I also wasn't sure of Stardew Valley. I've played some farming games before that and they really weren't for me. But there's just something special about that game.
my friends played this game called undertale, they kept encouraging me to get it Untill i bought the game. at first i thought,''whats the big whoop about this game anyways?".But When i started to play, something clicked and i did every single route.P.S Deltarune is a whole other story
Castle Crashers, I have played Battle Block Theatre and that was great, but I thought Castle Crashers was too hard. Turns out, it's just as much fun and i've had a blast over Christmas playing it with an old friend. She loves it just as much! Love the funny enemy bosses and the pets are so cute.
Momodora Reverie under the moonlight definitely!! I bought it right after I was finished with Momodora III, played it for a bit and couldn't get into it. But a few years later when I got reminded of it, I decided to pick it up again to 100% the achievements and omg I loved it so much, it was very fun 💖 I genuinely didn't think I'd be as obsessed with it as I was with Momodora III, but to my surprise, I ended up playing through the whole storyline far too many times, it was just very satisfying to finally get that last achievement done, especially since it's not that easy of a game ☺
There have been a few games like this for me, but Rune Factory 4 is the one that immediately comes to mind.

I briefly tried it years ago, didn't even get to the summer month, then stopped playing because I wasn't really trying all that hard to get into it. I picked it back up again a few months later, really gave it a shot this time, and absolutely fell in love with it. I've put at least 250 hours into the Switch version alone, and that's not including my 3DS version hours (yes, I liked it so much I bought the Nintendo Switch collector's/archival edition).

I have been waiting for the Rune Factory 5 release since it was announced in a Nintendo Direct, and will be getting it on release day!
There's really only one game that comes to mind for me, and that's Skies of Arcadia: Legends. I remember that when I was young and I first saw some screenshots of it in an issue Nintendo Power, I thought it looked dumb. But my parents would eventually end up renting it for me, and I fell in love with the game almost instantly, so much so that they would eventually end up buying it for me. It remains my second most favorite game ever and I always make sure to replay it every couple of years or so.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
I thought it looked far too focused at children in terms of difficulty and I absolutely couldn't stand Rabbids. I picked it up for cheap on sale (it's usually like £10 or something I think) since I heard it had local co-op and was struggling to find much worthwhile to play with my partner when we were going away. She hated it (not into the genre) but I thought it was alright. The Rabbid's weren't anywhere near as irritating as they usually are and the gameplay is fun and not as braindead easy as I thought it would be (though it's still quite easy most of the time).

Deep Rock Galactic
Similar deal to Mario + Rabbids, I'm always on the look out for games that have Co-op to play with my partner. I saw this on Game Pass, saw it had Co-op and decided to give this random game I had never heard of a shot since I had nothing to lose being on Game Pass. We both absolutely loved it. We played it to death once we first found it and have jumped back in every time a new update has released. I've even thrown money on some DLC cosmetics just because with the amount of time I've put into the game, I feel I should give the devs 'something'. It's easily one of, if not my favorite Co-op game.

Ark: Survival Evolved
My partner absolutely adored this game, if only because she loves dinosaurs. I've always known about the game but didn't have any interest because it came across as "yet another Steam early access survival game" that were typically total dog crap. I decided to give it a go with her just to make her happy and I was hooked. Granted, we're play on our own private server as we don't want to deal with other players (they tend to ruin these kind of games) but we've still put so much time into the game. The only drawback is how time consuming it is. We both want to pick it up again but it's just such a time demanding game, even when we can decide when the server is on/off to avoid time passing when we aren't playing.
There's really only one game that comes to mind for me, and that's Skies of Arcadia: Legends. I remember that when I was young and I first saw some screenshots of it in an issue Nintendo Power, I thought it looked dumb. But my parents would eventually end up renting it for me, and I fell in love with the game almost instantly, so much so that they would eventually end up buying it for me. It remains my second most favorite game ever and I always make sure to replay it every couple of years or so.
Never did get around to playing that game, but it was around the same time Sega also made the Phantasy Star Online series, which I ended up liking a lot. Wasn't sure if I was going to, but I just enjoyed something about the game. It was flawed for sure, but also had charm that I liked. For the Gamecube that is, not the DC version. You can definitely tell the two games were made by the same engine/artists. The styles are so close.

I eventually went online with it and met a lot of cool people. Also some losers with nothing better to do than to try to corrupt someone's save data.
Genshin Impact. I’ve posted about it a lot already. When I first started playing it I thought it would just be a temporary thing and that I’d get bored of it quickly, but I haven’t. I’ve reached the endgame for it and there’s still so much to do. It’s such a great game.
I would say The Binding of Isaac. I didn't like it at first because my brother would talk about it nonstop and it was super annoying, but at some point he convinced me to try it out. And I think it's a really good game! The only problem is that I can't play very often because my brother's always playing it, haha.
I have one of those friends who over-hypes everything; his reviews are always to the extreme, so I tend to tune him out. When he suggested I would like Mass Effect (which just looked like a cinematic shooter and I never played shooting games of any kind before)... I think he had to gift it to me before I actually tried it.
Holy cow, it was so worth the experience! I love a good story, and even appreciate some cheesy fan pandering, lol. Honestly, the combat wasn't so bad and could even be turned off. I'm not sure I'll ever appreciate a game nearly as much again; such great characters, plot, world-building, soundtrack, voice acting...
Obviously, everything Nintendo made was gold for me, but to finally branch out into some more challenging genres and other consoles... it was a good experience. ^^
Definitely 999 (the 1st zero escape game)
Someone recommended me it and I got it knowing absolutely nothing about the game. The second it started to be gorey (they don't show anything, just written descriptions tho) and finished my 1st route, which of course i ended up getting one of the most unsettling ones. I told to myself to stop playing it. I'm glad I'm kinda dumb and way too curious and the very next day I picked up the game again anyways.

Now it has become one of my favorite games and I wish I could remove all info of that game from my brain just to experience it again. If you like VNs, I can't recomend it enough (but please play the DS game instead of the steam port if it's your 1st time playing, trust me. I won't spoil, but the story was made to be told in the DS format)
I'd say Breath of the Wild. I'm a big Zelda fan, but not played many of the games. For me with Breath of the Wild it was the art style. I didn't really like it at first, but playing the game, woah mama. The lack of 'dungeons' so to speak threw me off a bit, but my god, the shrines and the beasts were amazing. I'll never forget how I felt first time I went to Gerudo Desert and saw Vah Naboris for the first time. Still my favorite of the beasts, with Vah Medoh and Vah Ruto in joint 2nd and Vah Rudania in last place. I love the shrines too, the mix of puzzley ones, battle ones, and the outdoors puzzley ones was great, and I love the aesthetic of the monks at the end of each one! :D
Flightrising... yeah at first I was a little unsure since I feel like virtual pet webpage games are soooo childish and I've grown out of that. But then...I discovered that this game is so much more and now I'm so obsessed. This game has been the only game I want to play on daily basis (yeah, I haven't touched ACNH in like months).

I've met a lot of players who's been with the site since the inception (back in 2013 :eek:) and are still playing, which really speaks volumes. I feel like this is one game that I will also be enjoying for the years to come.

The only downside is now I'm tempted to buy gems (premium currency of the site) more often than it should be....so not great news for my wallet LOL
Kirby Star Allies (How i got started with Kirby) and Animal Crossing New Horizons
Started Elden Ring recently and originally expressed no interest in it because it was a Dark Souls type game. I never played a game in the Dark Souls series before because it never interested me. I gotta say, I've been having a lot of fun despite how difficult this game is and how it tells you next to nothing about what to do and where to go. I sucked at it at first too, but I'm steadily getting better!
I hate shooters with a passion and I suck at them too. When Splatoon was announced I thought it was was a neat idea but I figured I wouldn’t like it since it’s a shooter. I was dead wrong. Gave the free test fire a try and I absolutely loved it. Mind you I still don’t care for the ranked battles but the original turf war mode is my fave anyways. It’s one of my fave games now along with the sequel.

Another game is Fire Emblem. Awakening spefically. I don’t tend to like games that involve characters fighting each other (minus Pok?mon), but I loved the story and characters so much. Plus the battles were very non gory which I appreciate. I’m now a fan of the series and am working on playing some of the older titles soon.

Basically the above still applies from nearly 4 years ago but I wanted to add to it.

Divinity Original Sin II is definitely not a game I would have ever pictured liking even from the cover art but boy to I love this game. It has some pretty dark and twisted moments and is a bit gorier than what I'm used to but it's just so good. I love exploring, figuring things out and the style of battles is probably my favourite of any game I've ever played. It is a tactical turn based style but without a grid (so you move freely on your turn). All battles take place in the actual world you explore and not a set arena you can use strategies to setup before triggering battles in order to get an advantage. I often sneak my archer to high ground before a battle stats so she can get a sweet high ground bonus to both damage and crit for example.
For me it was FNAF. I remember in middle school all my friends would play it, yet I thought it was just flat-out weird. Well, like 5 years later, after no one really raves about it anymore, I literally fall in love with the games. I love the entire FNAF franchise and I realize how dumb I was for thinking it was weird lol.
Miitopia, actually. I thought it was interesting with being able to add whoever the heck you want, but I was at first skeptical about it, as I’m not usually a person who enjoys fighting games.
Abzu. There's no dialogue at all, and you really aren't given any guides on where/how to go, so it came off as a pretty game with no real goal, at first. Once you get out of the beginning area, though, a story does develop and it pulled me in as much as the graphics did. I even cried at one point.