what foreign language do you take? what do you wish you could take?

I am in middle school, not in highschool, but in foreign languages I am currently doing Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, and IPA. After I finish those, I'm probably going to do Northern Sami, Cantonese Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bosnian, Swahili, Farsi, Tagalog, and Maltese.

Dang boi good luck with your hopes and dreams

I'm not taking a foreign language right now because I don't have room on my schedule, but I'm planning on taking German.
My brother is also taking German so when we're proficient we can speak to each other and no one will understand us xDD
I took 12 years of French, 1 year of Spanish, and 1 year of German. I'd like to continue my German studies, as well as branch off into some slavic languages as I love their sound.
I take a linguistics course in school this year and it's my favourite - it doesn't focus on a specific language but studies data, word formation, sentence structure, sounds, really interesting concepts about what it means to know a language.
Taking German last year and being able to understand my Great-Grandmother when she reverts back to her native language is very rewarding and I want to keep learning.
Well, I took German for 6 years during school time but tbh I forgot most, especially speaking.. Need to brush up mang.

Also wish I could take Portuguese, it's a nice language and I listen to lots of music from there, so yeah
With Spanish, I'm at the point where I'm fluent with grammar and know a lot, but I'm still always learning new vocabulary. I started Italian a few weeks ago and I'm hoping to start Arabic next year.
currently i'm taking german, and it does get tough but i enjoy it. i wanted to take something that i'm genuinely interested in learning compared to the subjects i'm forced to take but yeah. i don't know how much i plan on taking it in the coming years since i can only go up to german IV buuut i enjoy it! I've also been always interested in learning Japanese but I don't know if that'd ever become a reality
Since I'm not in high school, I've taken half a semester of French, and 6 years of Spanish in elementary school.
Well, since my budget-less school has only french and Spanish avalible, I made the terrible choice of taking french and now deeply regret that stupid decision, should've just taken Spanish instead. Too late to change now, so I'll probably just hold out until junior year so I can get the required language credits needed for colleges
Well, since my budget-less school has only french and Spanish avalible

Aha my school was so poor they actually dropped french and we only had Spanish to take. It was ridiculous.

I plan on taking German while I'm in college. Hoping I can become fluent in it, but idk. I got alotta physics to work on.
I took Spanish in school because I could either choose that or French and I couldn't spell anything in French with all of its random silent letters. I really want to learn Japanese because I am a big anime fan. I only understand random things they say a lot in anime though like "save me" or "hello" or "mother/ father" and probably a few others.
took french and german, mental health issues and bad stuff irl happened so i didnt go to school for a while and ultimately it was best if i dropped the 2
would like to take korean
i took 4 school years of spanish (really only 3.5 tbh). haven't taken it since i met all my required credits lmao. having a class for a language is just unbearable in my opinion, it was never fun for me. part of it is definitely bc i have social anxiety and i hate speaking in front of others and speaking w/ an accent.
i'd like to be able to know spanish, though. just because it's very common here (fl has like the 3rd largest spanish-speaking population) in the states i think.
but if there's another language i'd like to learn beyond usefulness it'd be japanese.
I don't "take" a class yet, but Dutch. My boyfriend is Dutch and I need to learn it to be able to move permanently where he lives. I will be taking classes when I move there on a visa though.
i've studied Deutsch, Svenska, and Rooskie yazik.

plus picked up some espanolish on the streets...
My parents are from South Korea so they speak half Korean-half English at home. I've never learned it formally though, so I'm not fluent. But it's still nice to kind of know what people are saying in another language.

I'm taking Japanese next semester though. I want to teach English in Japan after I graduate, so I'm trying to get ready. :)
i've been taking latin for 3 years and i hate it so much, i'd love to take Japanese or something more interesting and actually useful.
I'm taking Spanish. Two years are required at my school, but I like it, so I'll probably take 4 years.
I'd love to learn Japanese
i take legal english as of now, not going to call it just english because lets be real, it's nearly a different language lol

i went to a bilingual middle school and was tortured with spanish there. then i escaped that hell and took 3 years of german in high school which, i can say with confidence, were the most miserable three years in my entire education period so far lol
I'm taking Spanish right now. If they offered Japanese or Korean, I'd really like to take those, or even Chinese probably if they offered it. They do offer German classes, which I may learn later since my crush is German.:)