What Do You Look Like?

thank :')

you know he's playin smash bros with himself :') that my boy :')
you know it boy
i actually probably was playing smash 64
i think this was around the time i played it hours on end
sharpening my jiggles and kirby

that mega knee in the middle/left
What if I told you that's not a knee.
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Don't mind me looking stoned, just had some nail polish lol, joke aside. I usually have a bit darker hair and ignore the background had to use my web cam lol.
Finally, the face behind the username!:)
1. no, i'm not actually 12
2. no, that is not weave.

i should post a more recent pic but i hate my short hair.
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Lol, did I look serious? I pretty much look spaced out on that picture.

Also I hardly smile wide enough on pictures it makes me looks ******
Everyone here is so glorious and majestic and my pics will probably come out upside down as always xD

Edit: Oooh it's sideways :D
Btw this is a wig, my real hair is dyed pink because pink is awesome :3
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So many pretty people these past few pages!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

So I went to the mall today. Like, actually got out of my house. I'm doing things lately. Go me.

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"I finally finished my homework early! Now I can...


I'm bored
