What did you name your HHP facilities?

I haven't finished all of them yet but here is what I have so far!

School: Ooshiee Gooshiee School
Cafe: Yum Yum's Cafe
Restaurant: Kawaii's Japanese Sushi
Hospital: Good Smiles Hospital (I can't remember if I didn't or did add Hospital because there might have not been enough room?)

I just named them because Ooshiee Gooshiee is like my catchphrase I say ALL the time in REAL LIFE yes.
I named the Cafe Yum Yum's because I want to open a cafe called Yum Yum's oneday.
I had no creativity for the restaurant because I just used all the Japanese items sooo yeah kawaii sushi anyone????
The Hospital was called Good Smiles because it sounds cute and happy! I made my hospital very welcoming and not scary :D
School: Melursus University
Restaurant: Cats n Bots (two cats and two robot villagers work there. Gonna re-do the whole restaurant sometime though)
Café: Tipper's Tavern (Tipper the cow is working there so I named it after her)
Hospital: Saint Ione's Hospital

haven't gotten around to unlocking the boutique yet as I've been super pacing myself!
I may be a bit on the punny side of things, some are subject to change 😅

School - Wisdom Well
Restaurant - Cawstello
Café - Nice Café (you can get ice cream and coffee there)
Hospital - Best Band-Aids
Boutique - Chique
I gave some of them really dumb names that's embarrassing for me to post and my sibling named most of them, one of them is Cali Noir as a cafe
school - violette public school (will probably redesign/change it eventually)
restaurant - dandelion’s meadow (inspired by one of my favourite fictional characters)

i’ve only designed the school and restaurant so far as i’m taking my time with hhp (and have also been taking a break).
Since the main currency is Poki for HHP, I used different variations of Poki.

Things like "Poki Academy" and "YumPoki" and "Poki Hospital" :)
School: Archer High
Hospital: Animal Medical Center
Restaurant: Hibachi Buffet
Café: Cozy Coffee
Appeal: Zip

Yeah I tried to be original and base them off of the names in real life and some of the stuff in other games and shows.
I think mine's just full of puns and random associations - I will cringe at these names in the future but for now, I like them:

School - Gong Bu (Study in Korean)
Restaurant - Animeal Crossing
Cafe - Mokka Pot
Hospital - Blue Period
Boutique - Unique Low (Uniqlo)
Here's mine....

School: Peachy Education (This is the only one that is named after my island xD)
Restaurant: The Melting Pot
Cafe: Cassablanca Cafe
Hospital: Rainbow Medical Care
Boutique: Pink Icing Boutique

Might end up hating these in the future, but for now I think they are cute :3
School: Uncle Arnie's LSCB (short for Learnin' Shack for Curious Buckaroos; a reference to Sam O'Nella Academy, my favorite YouTuber)
Restaurant: Takoya's (Zucker's Japanese name)
Cafe: Monk's (Seinfeld)
Hospital: Couldn't think of anything
Apparel Shop: Vesta's (Vesta obviously works there)
School: Lunar
Restaurant: Casa Mia
Cafe: Brew and Beach (I blanked out on this one)
Hospital: Eir
Boutique: Dress 4 Less (This one too)
I’ve only done the school so far, but I named my school Milkiss! It’s in remembrance of my old island Milkiss, which had a pretty little high school area. c:
On my island (Adolphus), my cafe is Pto-Mania, my restaurant is Barfoos, my hospital is Enema Healthcare, and my school is The Morningwood Academy.
So, I only got as far as the school.

Since I made it pink-themed and like? Glam-ish? I named it 'Yasssification University' or something like that HAHHA
'Eat Me'🤣

I can't remember all the names, nor did I think I named them all yet. These are the ones I remember:

School: SunShine Schooling
Café: SeaSalt Sweets
Clothing Store: CoolBreeze Clothing

Yeah there's a very obvious theme going on here.