What colour nail polish are you wearing?


My name is Emma c:
Mar 19, 2014
New Horizons Token
Pumpkin Cupcake
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
I'm obsessive about my nails about paint them a lot but today they are a pretty bright green :D


Feel free to share pictures of your pretty nails!
None I never wear nailpolish it makes me nails hard and cold and I hate it.
I like nail polish! I especially love doing my toes because the polish stays on them for like, ever. xD

I usually paint my finger nails a sparkily or clear type of polish so when it chips, it's not as noticeable. Mine usually start chipping at like, the next day. :(

My nails are really short right now (like, almost to the nub) and aren't painted at the moment :( It's summer so I really SHOULD paint them!! I'll do it this weekend since I'm going to my cottage and then post a picture c:
I don't like wearing one-colour nails, but I like to design them. I'm a fan of nail art, as some TBTers may already know. I'll try and post some pictures of my latest ones later/tomorrow, but I remember that last week I did angel wing nails for my friend. I probably have a photo of that somewhere on my phone too.

Right now I have music note nails, so just black and white really.
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I'm not wearing any > u < My nails are short and ugly because I'm taking up the violin again.
I love painting my nails, but unfortunately I have nothing on them right now! :( I have a ton of cute essie nail polishes I haven't used yet, and I can't decide between a bright peachy color or a darker teal//aquamarine that I have. Too many choices! Your nails are gorgeous, though!
my signature polish is black with holographic glitter. a base coat with a couple thin layers of nail polish with top coat actually makes your nails stronger
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Not wearin any, I am a dude after all. No offence if you are a guy and wear nail polish btw it just isn't part of my sort of lifestyle ._.
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none. i don't have long nails.

but I want to paint my toenails now.
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