What are YOU most thankful for in the update?


Not Junior Member
Jul 19, 2016
In the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving, I'd like to know what everyone is most thankful for as of Welcome Amiibo.

There's plenty of cool stuff added, like ACHHD Furniture, amiibo functionality, allowing my to get a handful more NPC pictures, even little details, like loads more storage, and the fact that you can sit on rocks! Didn't know that was a thing.

But the thing I personally and most thankful for was the tweaking of how the flat screen TVs work.
Now I can put my TVs on a table, and not on the floor like a plebeian (no offense to those who like their flat screen TVs on the ground, it's just been bothering me since the day I first put one in my house). And once I get Resetti's RV, I can get a wall mounted TV if I so choose.

What are you most thankful for, people of the Bell Tree Forums?
touchscreen room decor, villagers not moving on top of patterns, moving in and kicking out via cards
It's really hard to decide on something, as there are so many awesome new features, but I would say the storage room. Even though there is so much sparkling new content, this feature felt like a heavy burden falling from my shoulders (and from my mailbox at the post office).
Things I'm most thankful for / happy about in the update:

- decorating is much easier with the touchscreen interface
- shaking trees while holding the net (so I could easily catch bees if want to)
- more storage!

That you actually have objectives you could do! I love animal crossing, but doing my daily chores just got kinda boring after a while, so I'm happy that you can win tickets by doing daily activities :)
The secret storage and being able to play minigames, as well as not having to do the 16-villager cycle with the Amiibo cards.
What i'm most thankful for is the fact that ACNL was updated at all, it's really brought me back to the game and other players so I can't thank Nintendo enough for that. If it wasn't for the update I wouldn't be nearly as excited to check my town or purchase some amiibo for the new sanrio villagers and welcome amiibo that's coming out. Before I knew amiibo was going to be compatible with animal crossing I didn't really have a reason to purchase it although I found it cute, but I knew it'd be a waste of money. So i'm so glad I have a reason to purchase some now. They've really put a lot of effort into this update and it shows.
Im most excited about the fact that I can now sit on rocks. I love rocks in this game and Im glad to see that they finally serve a purpose
I love the new food and furniture items and the secret storage (I really needed it) but most importantly, the fact that villagers can no longer move on top of paths. It's saves so much time and frustration!
It's hard to pick something, and I'm too tired to write a long post, so I'll just briefly mention two related things:

1. Being able to control who moves into my town.

2. Being able to control where they move in by using paths. EXACTLY where. No plot resetting or anything. I've successfully done this twice. It works. It's so fantastic that I didn't actually believe people when they said it.
The extra storage for me but...... I will need it to store all these unorderables from the camp site ll
the fact nintendo actually bothered to update/revamp a 4 year old game, amiibo compatibility, characters not plotting onto qr paths, new furniture items and better customizability (is that a word?)
since i'm pretty much done with my town apart from home decorating, i have to choose the extra storage and all the new items added! (especially the food items yesss!). i'm cheating when i say this, but i'm also thankful for how easy it is to kick out villagers now if you happen to have an amiibo card of your choice, no plotting on paths, and the addition of the hhd mechanics for moving furniture.

one thing i don't like...having to get MEOW coupons. some of the tasks are a bit too mundane, and some too annoying for the amount they'll fetch. some are actually impossible for me (i think the gem rock stopped spawning in my town, for one, because i don't have the space after all the landscaping), and the money rock one was impossible because literally none of my rocks were giving me any bells. the little push for players to get amiibos/cards to use some of the new updates is also a bit annoying, but i'm not too bitter about it.