What are some good things that have happened to you in the year of 2020?


Apr 7, 2013
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Orange (Fruit)
2020 has been one heck of a ride for everyone. I'm hoping that once it's the New Year, somehow it'll get better but based on where I live, I highly doubt it will get better. Many people here in NYC are selfish and can't wait any longer staying indoors/quarantining. They really would not have survived during the medieval times, haha. There's always a lot of negative events talked about so I figured why not discuss about the good things that have happened as well, to balance it out.

In the year of 2020, I've slowly changed for the better; as in learning to be an adult.
  • I managed to meet/date someone that isn't a horrible sociopath.
  • I got full time job recently (which is hard to come by because of Covid-19,with the help of a referral through a friend.) My goal is to save money straight for a year because my mom is planning to move down to Jersey and I don't want to move with them. I want to stay in the city whether I have to live in a small room or split the bill with a room mate.
  • I also want to eventually learn to drive and save up for a car if I manage to do so. It feels nice to learn how to do all these things because I want to be able to manage on my own. Most of my life my mom babied me and my younger brother so hard, we were incapable of doing many things on our own.
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-Graduated from university
-Got a part-time job that will help me a lot in the future
-Met someone I like

Err, that’s it. There have been way more negative things that have happened in my life this year, but I won’t list them here out of respect for the thread.
1. Saw the Spongebob musical on January 27th
2. Moved into our new house on June 19th (from June 28th 2019 to June 19th 2020, me, my dad, and my brother had to live with my uncle/my dad's brother).
3. Got back into the Papa Louie games back in July
4. Did some fun things with my family like Jenga with my second-cousins, brunch (YUMMIEST EVER) at my uncle's (the same one we had to live with for a while), my Aunt Arti's 90th birthday party back in September, and my grandma's 70th birthday party last month.
For me (as for many others) 2020 was the worst year ever, but looking at the postives:
  • Saved some money by working
  • Started working out more and eating healthy more
  • Attended the Hatsune Miku concert back in January
  • Was able to safely celebrate my grandpa's 86th birthday yesterday
2020 has definitely been really rough. But there have been a couple of positives and I think this thread is a really nice idea! 🥰

-I came out to both my close friends in real life and it went really well (at least I think I came out to them both this year?? Time is funny haha now I’m starting to think I came out to one friend in 2019 but shhhh I’m gonna count it anyways)

-I met my wonderful girlfriend 🥰

-I’m learning to sew! I’ve finished a handful of skirts, two of which are actually wearable! Still flawed definitely haha but since we are socially distancing anyways I can get away with wearing them.

-I’m getting better at baking! I’ve made a lot of cookies this quarantine (probably too many for just me and my dad 😅) and I’m getting better at it.
I got my doggo!!! he's like the best thing that's happened to me since I lost my cat Daisy and I'm just so grateful for him 😭

I had my 2nd surgery on my hand, and this one was successful (in fact, I just got back from my final visit to the doctor, and I am fully discharged)!

Saved some money, due to not going out anywhere.

My family/close friends have all remained healthy. As we go forward, I'm hoping the circle of friends/acquaintances who stay healthy expands.
I got a great placement in University that I have really enjoyed. It ends soon and I wish it wasn't ending, but at the same time, I'd like to not work for free anymore haha. Aside from that, um, I can't really think about anything good that happened. Except ohhh, I got my autism diagnosis. It's not like YAY I'M AUTISTIC or anything, but receiving the diagnosis provided me with validation and peace of mind. I am hoping that after COVID-19 I will be able to access autism-informed therapy for my severe depression and anxiety. Being autistic shapes my world view and the way I react/interpret things. So I feel like therapists in the past have been dismissive of a lot of things, and now that I officially have my diagnosis, MAYBE just MAYBE in the future my therapy options will be more...effective. I just want to be able to function somewhat normally without wanting to die all the time.
Sadly, there hasn't really been anything good going on in my real life this year. The only thing I can really think of is getting to work from home due to Covid but that has its pros and cons.

This forum has been my saving grace in 2020, though. I've enjoyed participating in so many fun events and I've earned some absolutely amazing collectibles in the process. The highlight of my year so far was winning the haiku contest during the TBT fair. 😂

So thank you TBT for being there and to the whole community for being such a positive experience when things are down.
A few things! I became part of the staff here in April 2020 which I'm thankful for. The team here is an amazing group of talented people and all approachable. They're a lot of fun and easy to work with. 😁

  • Managed to make a couple of great friends this year that I've been able to keep up with without being overly self-conscious/worried
  • Two advancements at work (unheard of where I am), so that has been a welcome change
  • Had a few of my past professors reach out with an appreciation for my work within a student food bank, and introduced me to a few new work/volunteer opportunities (youth groups, learning design for mature students)
  • I have an older brother that I haven't spoken to much for the past six years. We've been repairing/building our relationship more recently
-Got my guitar
-Got out of that terrible elemetary school (where most of my bad memories lie) and started high school
-"Beat" Mario Kart Wii after all these years
-Started to replay video games I haven't played in years/rewatched shows I haven't seen in years, and they make me really happy
-2 of my siblings got their own switch which means more play time for me
-Found my MP3 Player, which means no more ads while listening to music
-ACNH came out and I got early access which was really cool
- My family and I appear to have escaped the COVID; this is the best news of all
- Got a new kitten last month; he's certainly livened up the house :)
- ACNH came out; that's why I'm here!
- No work-related stress this year, unlike last; I'm admittedly happiest at home
- I read a ton of books
- I developed a new hobby: large jigsaw puzzles
- I became a more active participant in husband's board gaming group (I like Fallout a lot)
- I got good at the NBA 2K series, as one of the few females in that gaming community

I think that's about it!
turning 18
becoming a legal adult was (and still is) incredibly surreal for me. i’ve struggled with shortcomings and mental illness for the majority of my life and because of that, i genuinely didn’t think that i’d make it this far. while being an adult has come with its own fair share of challenges and responsibilities, i’m honestly really proud of myself for still being here and how far i’ve come.

online school
this year has been,, a huge disaster one after another lmao. that being said, the one good thing that has come from the pandemic is the opportunity for me to do school online. school has always been an absolute nightmare for me and despite being fairly intelligent academically, the social aspect of school terrifies me and i’m always worrying about people’s perception of me. this probably sounds a bit pathetic but getting to learn from the comfort of my own bedroom without anyone having to see my face has really helped with my anxiety; i wasn’t expecting my last year of high school to be so,, weird, but it’s tolerable and i’m so, so grateful for that.

returning to tbt
after i came to the conclusion that i was, in fact, interested in new horizons, i came back to the forums after going on hiatus back in 2017. i’ve said this a million times but this community is absolutely incredible; i still have a few moments where i feel like i don’t necessarily belong but i’ve made so many friends here and i’m grateful for each and every one of them. this is hella sappy but i’m really glad that i came back :’^)