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Villager Tier List for Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Updated: 5/19)

Nice to see someone take a jab at updating the list! You did a pretty good job putting the villagers into different tiers! Below is my opinion on some villagers. There are a lot that I think can be changed around but these are just a few. This isn't just my opinion, I tried to think about what I have seen around on various online platforms. Feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree!

Apollo - S 🠮 A . . . He's the most popular Cranky but compared to the others in the same rank, he doesn't have the same demand. He fits along better in the A tier.
Vivian - Yeah she's missing here, if she was added I would see her at the B tier.
Sherb - A 🠮 S . . . He definitely has a bigger following now than several weeks ago. Many people have been willing to trade the other new villagers for him.
Ketchup - A 🠮 B . . . I haven't seen her around much in other people's islands. When it comes to dreamies list, I haven't seen her name mentioned as often as the others in A rank. Selling/trade-wise, I don't see much of her either.
June - B 🠮 C . . . June isn't that popular and I hardly see her being traded/sold. She isn't in many dreamies list either.
Beardo - C 🠮 D . . . This guy is not liked. I have not seen people include him at all in dreamies list. He is hardly offered too, people bash on him too much online.
Al - ? . . . I have seen a lot of talk over this guy, especially on here. However, I haven't seen him sold often or highly. Maybe he is better off in the last tier?
Wade - D 🠮 C . . . This guy has gotten a lot of love lately. People are realizing he's cute and endearing. Selling-wise, he's not as offered and doesn't sell as much. But his popularity makes me think he belongs in a higher tier.
Bluebear - B 🠮 C . . . She used to be super popularity in the earlier titles but now she is becoming "forgotten." Older players still love her but new players aren't interested in her. Also, I rarely see her being sold/traded for.
O'Hare - D 🠮 C . . . I have seen him being offered more. People think he's cool and have been interested in getting him, mostly for selling. Dreamies-wise he doesn't seem to be that popular but he is being sold and traded for.
Cube - B 🠮 C . . . I haven't seen this guy around online. Maybe he has a silent following? Many islands I've seen don't have him, dreamies list I don't see his name, selling-wise I haven't seen him either.
Limberg - D 🠮 Untiered . . . This guy is worse than Beardo.
Olive - C 🠮 Untiered . . . I know who this is but man. . . . I haven't heard a peep about her. . .
Genji - A 🠮 B . . . My boy has his following but he is not sold for much. He's a starting villager so he has that basic wood furniture which throws people off.
Muffy - A 🠮 B . . . I don't feel the demand for her is enough to be in A tier. She is either loved or makes people feel creeped out. She isn't offered for trade/sold much compared to the other A tier villagers.
Cookie - A 🠮 B . . . I have seen her on dreamies list, especially on our forum but she is not very popular outside here. Also she is hardly put for sale/traded for.
Apollo isn't the most popular cranky, Wolfgang, and Fang for sure overtake him and maybe even Chief
Nice to see someone take a jab at updating the list! You did a pretty good job putting the villagers into different tiers! Below is my opinion on some villagers. There are a lot that I think can be changed around but these are just a few. This isn't just my opinion, I tried to think about what I have seen around on various online platforms. Feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree!

Apollo - S 🠮 A . . . He's the most popular Cranky but compared to the others in the same rank, he doesn't have the same demand. He fits along better in the A tier.
Vivian - Yeah she's missing here, if she was added I would see her at the B tier.
Sherb - A 🠮 S . . . He definitely has a bigger following now than several weeks ago. Many people have been willing to trade the other new villagers for him.
Ketchup - A 🠮 B . . . I haven't seen her around much in other people's islands. When it comes to dreamies list, I haven't seen her name mentioned as often as the others in A rank. Selling/trade-wise, I don't see much of her either.
June - B 🠮 C . . . June isn't that popular and I hardly see her being traded/sold. She isn't in many dreamies list either.
Beardo - C 🠮 D . . . This guy is not liked. I have not seen people include him at all in dreamies list. He is hardly offered too, people bash on him too much online.
Al - ? . . . I have seen a lot of talk over this guy, especially on here. However, I haven't seen him sold often or highly. Maybe he is better off in the last tier?
Wade - D 🠮 C . . . This guy has gotten a lot of love lately. People are realizing he's cute and endearing. Selling-wise, he's not as offered and doesn't sell as much. But his popularity makes me think he belongs in a higher tier.
Bluebear - B 🠮 C . . . She used to be super popularity in the earlier titles but now she is becoming "forgotten." Older players still love her but new players aren't interested in her. Also, I rarely see her being sold/traded for.
O'Hare - D 🠮 C . . . I have seen him being offered more. People think he's cool and have been interested in getting him, mostly for selling. Dreamies-wise he doesn't seem to be that popular but he is being sold and traded for.
Cube - B 🠮 C . . . I haven't seen this guy around online. Maybe he has a silent following? Many islands I've seen don't have him, dreamies list I don't see his name, selling-wise I haven't seen him either.
Limberg - D 🠮 Untiered . . . This guy is worse than Beardo.
Olive - C 🠮 Untiered . . . I know who this is but man. . . . I haven't heard a peep about her. . .
Genji - A 🠮 B . . . My boy has his following but he is not sold for much. He's a starting villager so he has that basic wood furniture which throws people off.
Muffy - A 🠮 B . . . I don't feel the demand for her is enough to be in A tier. She is either loved or makes people feel creeped out. She isn't offered for trade/sold much compared to the other A tier villagers.
Cookie - A 🠮 B . . . I have seen her on dreamies list, especially on our forum but she is not very popular outside here. Also she is hardly put for sale/traded for.

I second quite a few of these statements. Also, Fang is also a cranky above Apollo :p
Very surprising to see Apollo up high to be honest!

I’m surprised to see Apollo high up there too. An even bigger coincidence is that he is one of my two villagers I amiibo-invited to my town.

As someone who has collected all of the HHD amiibo cards, I can collect all my dream villagers without any help.
Remember guys this isn't just TBT popularity as the OP has stated, I have a list that is done that I'm posting today that is TBT popularity only and only takes into consideration TBT and the discord.
I'm surprised Dobie is so low, I've seen a lot of demand for him.

Also this site may help you in deciding as well, just in case you haven't seen it yet. It's a popularity list from a different website.
Sherb is definitely higher than Dom and he's becoming increasingly more popular.
Any tier list that calls the bottom tier villagers "worthless" is invalid imo.
Yeah, that is a horrible way to put it but strangely enough there are people who get villagers because they have high value as some sort of very sad and weird status symbol so that’s just how they see it. I don’t remember NL being like this but villager trading has become big business in NH.
I was shocked Limberg isn't in the bottom tier... I have never seen anyone say they like him.
Any tier list that calls the bottom tier villagers "worthless" is invalid imo.
I mean yeah they could've definitely worded that better, but it's still good insight for research
Same. „Worthless“ is kinda cruel, because every Villager might have one Person that cares for them. I have several Villagers from the lowest Tier which I still like and have great Memories from previous Games.

It’s more like how many People request them for their Town/Island. More requests = Higher on the list. Easy as Pie.
Maybe they just meant 'worthless' as in monetary value and not in any other sense. It doesn't need to be that deep. :p
But yeah they could make a better wording.
there are people who get villagers because they have high value as some sort of very sad and weird status symbol so that’s just how they see it. I don’t remember NL being like this but villager trading has become big business in NH.

Not that it really matters or does any harm, but this is why I think the whole tier system is flawed to begin with.

At some point—often very quickly—the list itself starts swaying people’s desire for certain villagers. They begin viewing the high- or low-tiered villager differently, and might decide for or against ones based on the perceived popularity. Even just subconsciously.

I’d love to see an experiment where a lower-tiered but cute villager—say Dotty—is falsely put into the top tier. I’m pretty sure that soon enough actual demand for her would increase significantly.
Thanks every for your feedback. Providing a few updates.

Dom has been removed from B tier. That was just an oversight on my part. He's staying in A tier due to his popularity as a new character and lack of amiibo. He's also quite popular for a jock.

Muffy has been moved from A tier to B tier.

Vivian has been added to C tier.
I know some wanted her in B tier and honestly this was a tough call. I cross referenced her with everyone and she wasn't as popular as B tier but was more popular than everyone in C tier - so she's a weird in between. I'd like to ask everyone this: if a villager falls inbetween tiers (which can happen) are they assigned the tier above or below? I thought below personally but I'd like a consensus.

Al has been added to D tier.

Apollo has been moved from S tier to A tier.
He is by far the most popular eagle and he's really popular outside TBT but not at the level as some of the other S tier villagers.

Sherb has been moved from A tier to S tier. Sherb and Judy kinda suffer the same fate. They aren't nearly as popular as Audie or Raymond - or even as popular as some villagers in their respective tiers but because of the lack of amiibo their popularity is temporarily inflated.

I would love to continue to have more discussions!

It'll take a moment to reflect on the main page as I update the google docs first.
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Thanks every for your feedback. Providing a few updates.
Apollo has been moved from S tier to A tier. He is by far the most popular eagle and he's really popular outside TBT but not at the level as some of the other S tier villagers.
I have to agree with this. Outside this forum, Apollo's popularity is insane. But then I have to ask you, should we take that into count?
The amount someone pays here for a villager would differ a lot from other websites/discord servers.
I think we should only take into count the popularity of villagers within this forum. Otherwise it will have a huge discrepancy of values like that.
Maybe they just meant 'worthless' as in monetary value and not in any other sense. It doesn't need to be that deep. :p
But yeah they could make a better wording.
It’s weird though— they have Vivian in the “worthless” category while her Amiibo card is selling for $80+ on eBay. That makes her objectively not worthless!
I really appreciate the hard work you've put into doing this!

I have to defend IndoX with his placement of Apollo and echo what trickyfox said - Apollo is really, really, really popular everywhere else but here. With that in mind, since it's a list posted here on TBT I agree he should be moved down a tier, which I see he has been now.