Towns without a campsite


Afk at Random
Jun 5, 2016
New Horizons Token
Spring Sakura
Ancient Candle
Purple Bat Potion
White Rose
Blue Hybrid Rose
Blue Candy
Purple Candy
Famous Mushroom
Sakura Easter Egg
I don't think I've seen very many without it, but it doesn't seem like a bad thing. I guess it makes sense if a person has all ten permanent villagers. But at the same time it seems a little off to not have it.
I thought we had to build it before we could unlock any other PWP's.

Otherwise I'd never have built it. ^_^
Geez I wish I'd known that. :(

I guess it's ok.
You can win certain items from the campers that you can't get anywhere else.
You get to have a look at other villagers. ^_^
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True they do give nice gifts sometimes. But my biggest grievance with it is how permanent it's placement is. That's always made it hard for me to plan it. So I'm considering not putting it in my current town.
It's more cosmetic to me, like the police station. You don't have to have it but it doesn't hurt if your town can accommodate a nice little spot.
I've had squirrels in my igloo every day.
I'm having dreams about squirrels! ^_^

Mint is in there now.
I don’t have it, never thought toget it. The only pwp I have gotten, two bridges, so I have all three. The Lol Club, the museum shops and exhibit rooms, and cafe. I want to get the police station. I also don’t landscape, the only planing I did were the banana trees on the beach, and the Apple trees behind the town hall I grew from the apples Isabelle gave me.
I always get it but it's just cause I like it. I like landscaping around it with cedar trees so I always put it in the Northern part of town.
It just looks ugly when it isn't occupied.

Love the tent and igloo though! ^_^
I don't actually have it in my current town because I really recently reset.

I actually love the campsite but I want to make this town perfect and there is a rock where it'd be literally perfect to place a campsite ugh. But anyway, I definitely think it's nice to have even if you have all 10 permanent villagers. It's just nice to see what villagers you might get from random chance.
I've never really thought about not putting it in.
Where to put it tho has had me out with Isabelle many times, trying out spots.
I like to squish it in an out of way space or I place along a path with villager houses so that I don't forget to check whose in there, exactly where depends on the town (have several). Lots of time Isabelle says no, I keep trying by moving a tiny bit - sometimes I change the no to a yes.

I have used the campsite to get villagers into a town - got a few good ones that way, and I play games with them sometimes. I like the sleeping bag & kayak as they are x2 their feng shui colours. Always looking for variety in the feng shui. (otherwise all my houses look the same).
I have mine tucked next to the RV entrance. I have a few camping/outdoorsy PWPs dotted around the area.
As a PP (previous poster) said, I only have my campsite as a “decoration”.. I don’t intend to really bring in villagers through it. It’s like the police office as well and the cafe.. I only have those as “decoration” pieces. Though I do sometimes interact in the Cafe.
that depends on what were talking about here..

i've seen a few towns that just didn't have the campsite ( granted these towns were new )
but i've never seen a town that is like a year ( or older ) that didn't had a campsite.

and i can kinda get why people don't bother with it ( especially if you started with the welcome amiibo update )
cause with the update ( and the cards and scanner if you're playing on the older 2ds/3ds ) you just can get anyone you want.

plus the space it would take up can now be used for something else.

i've been playing since like 2014 ( or maybe it was 2013 ) and i have campsite.
would i remove it if i could ? no, it kinda fits in well in that part of my town, and wouldn't know what to do with it if i got rid of it
All my towns since Milk haven't had a campsite in them tbh. I usually save the campsite for last since it's a permanent PWP and I don't want to mess up and end up building it somewhere that i'm no longer happy with. Or depending on my town's theme, I don't see the need to build one. For example if it was a city themed town, having a campsite in it would look a bit weird tbh. Oh and most of the time I don't even use the campsite for getting villagers, I usually just get my villagers from here so it'd be kind of a waste.
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The campsite is my favorite pwp, I love the villagers I can adopt. My last 3 campers were Julian, Cookie and Ankha! I guess it isn't as exciting if you have villager cards
I have the campsite in two of my four towns, but I don't plan to ever build it in those towns. I've come to really despise permanent PWPs.
I love having campsites, I get so happy when I see a tent or an igloo, at least as long as I only have 9 villagers in my town. It's kind of hard meeting someone I want to invite if I don't have any space left... I like the area that can be created around the campsite as well, since the amiibo update I tend to plance mine by the RV entrance.