TIP: Iron Wall Lamps are a great way to use light if you don't like the defaults.


Lulu from Koriko
Mar 31, 2020
Had my IRL friends ask me how I got the lighting in my house done and I wanted to share this if anyone else is like me and hates the strength of the two room lights.

When placed at the highest part of the wall the iron lamps are pretty much invisible walking around. You can only see them when you zoom out your views.

Personally I prefer dimmer settings. And depending on if the wall I'm using has windows or not I adjust as night time still gives some amount of light into the room.

Ex. 1 Ivy Wall no windows


I used a lot because I have no windows.

Ex. 2 White Brick Wall w/windows


During the day this is a super well-lit room. So I only chose 2 lamps to emphasize an area and give just enough light to see things comfortably. It also makes it fun when it does turn to night time as it gives you a different look.

Day and Night differences for rooms w/windows



None of the rooms in my house have their default lights turned on. Mwahaha
nice idea! I like the idea of relying on natural light. I sometimes turn off the lights in daytime, at least in my rooms with windows - which come to think of it is just my main room lool.
I love this idea, though I also wish there were more lighting options in the game. I remember setting up studio spotlights to see how bright they would be - they all seem to light one square in front of them only, though in theory they should be really bright :(
unrelated, but iron wall lamps are great for boosting villager friendship, and keep the villager's house intact. Villagers can't display wall items you give them
I do this at Harv's island all the time and definitely recommend it! You can put them very high on the wall and not even see them.
that’s really cool! i actually started tinkering around with lighting because of the wedding event, and tbh all the photos look better with candles on the walls. looks very romantic. there, however, is a pattern as to where it shines for the candles (unlike the iron wall lamp, which sheds light directly below it), but the candles seem to give light diagonally.
THANK YOU FOR THISSSSS!!!!! :cry: i've been going mad trying to find a good lighting for the city scape wall this looks like it'll be perfect and not reflect off my floor!
I really love the iron wall lamps. I never really use the room lighting, I just depend on the windows and random lamps and such around my rooms.
As I decorate more rooms of my house I'll definitely be using more iron wall lamps! I like the softer glow of lamps to the brighter glow of the regular light options.